Politicians say crazy shit all the time. Senator Obama lashed out at Bush's AG & when he got in office, used Bush's model for the AG - only his was far worse.
If they actually go the extra step to introduce dogshit legislation like this, which everyone knows is dogshit, then give them the boot. They're wasting everyone's time by even having to acknowledge it.
And Trump was a real estate mogul in NY. Of course he committed crimes. A number of Trump associates are getting hit with charges that have nothing to do with Russian coercion. The boards & groups he would have had to commit those crimes with are most definitely Democrat, given the city's makeup. If none of them get indicted, how thorough is this investigation?
Nah, dogshit gets introduced all the time. It is just never in the news, because rarely are we in a transitional period. They are doing what their little far-left (or far-right) district wants. And that's good! That's how the system is supposed to work.
I still have the feeling Trump, if he goes down, it will be money laundering. That's a partyless crime. It's a crime of the wealthy. No one is getting hit with the typical nickle-and-dime NYC corruption. The truth is, NYC could not run without that kind of corruption. No large city can, the only other options are vast over-regulation or anarchy. Or Japan....but their morals are way different.