Actually it is classic namecalling and off-topicing, which are childish behaviors.
Fact is CH MUST be fired. Fact is CS MUST be fired.
The various posters, some of them non-Marshall affiliated trolls, have NO response to this inevitable conclusion.
So, rather than simply admit this is right, or, better yet, just be quiet, we get this baseball park stuff.
Yes, I was only right about the baseball park for 50 years. I failed to anticipate that a global pandemic would cause the federal government to flood the states with cash they could spend on anything, and that WV would have its first MU affiliated governor in a century at exactly the same time. Woe is me. All of these trolls clearly saw that coming. Except none posted about it at the time, just robotically pronouncing the latest baseball announcement as a "done deal", just like the previous 50.
CH MUST be fired.
Argue about that, if you can.
But you cannot, because there is no contrary opinion possible.
Fire CH.