Well it is over. Hillary will take it all

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Cruz is going to win Iowa primary.

Cruz can't beat Hillary nationally. Cruz will go on and win in the South.

He is not electable nationally. The conservatives, which I am one, can't get the clue that you have to have a candidate that can win nationally. Cruz won't be the guy.

Game Over already. The Republicans just don't get it. They haven't learned you have to take the lesser of two evils. You are either about winning or not winning. The morons in my party will bitch like hell about Hillary while putting Cruz up there. Then, wonder why they lost.

Hillary will win it. She will win 38 or 40 states against Cruz.

Game, set, match.
much like happened in iowa, when it comes down to actually voting (or caucusing) all the hype and buzz around trump disappear. the same will be (or would've been) the case had he won the nomination and ran against hillary.

just for the record, i'm not a hillary fan, there is zero chance i vote for her, she's a horrible person and would be a horrible president, but she would've wiped the floor with donald in the general election.
Yep, the game is over.

Even our own people are just too dumb. Should have known. It's really time to stop giving a shit about politics. It's only another piece of pop culture that's all about looking goofy and turning America into a big tattoo covered shit burrito.

West Virginia will get it right, but West Virginia doesn't count.
It's Iowa. Look at the past results. The evangelicals came through for Cruz, barely. Rubio doing well is the surprise.

Trump will win the southern states on Super Tuesday, South Carolina on its day, etc. You SOBs down there will put anger over Jesus, just like you did in 1861.
Even if that happens, he still loses to Hillary in the general. The only chance he had was to come out and steamroll everybody from the get go. He lost the very first game. Already lost.

He really has to be kicking himself for even getting in this thing. What a waste of time. He should have known branding himself with an R was certain defeat anyway.

I wouldn't blame him if he quit now and just let Cruz get slaughtered in November.
Even if that happens, he still loses to Hillary in the general. The only chance he had was to come out and steamroll everybody from the get go. He lost the very first game. Already lost.

He really has to be kicking himself for even getting in this thing. What a waste of time. He should have known branding himself with an R was certain defeat anyway.

I wouldn't blame him if he quit now and just let Cruz get slaughtered in November.

if he quits, rubio would be the nominee most likely and would be more of a battle for hillary.
Why, because it's harder to fight with your own?

Rubio might as well be called El Mitt Romnez. Why vote for him when you can vote for Hillary, get the exact same thing and say you voted for a winner?
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Why, because it's harder to fight with your own?

Rubio might as well be called El Mitt Romnez. Why vote for him when you can vote for Hillary, get the exact same thing and say you voted for a winner?

I'm voting for Sanders in the primary. The D nominee in the general.
I'm voting for Sanders in the primary. The D nominee in the general.

I was really responding to 44's comment.

But it must be nice having the luxury of voting for your dreams, although everyone knows they won't come true, then still getting to vote for the winner in November.

How disappointed will you be that Hillary is only about 86% the socialist that Bernie is? I'd peg it at about two grains of sand.
I was really responding to 44's comment.

But it must be nice having the luxury of voting for your dreams, although everyone knows they won't come true, then still getting to vote for the winner in November.

How disappointed will you be that Hillary is only about 86% the socialist that Bernie is? I'd peg it at about two grains of sand.

Every time I hear someone call Bernie a socialist, I know I'm hearing the bleating of a trickle downer.
Cruz and Rubio's far right positions give them a chance to win the Republican nomination and zero chance of winning the general.
So, he's not a socialist?
Sanders admitted to being a socialist, then tries to distance himself from it while still defending the parts Americans find the least objectionable. Then says he's not afraid of the word.
Sanders admitted to being a socialist, then tries to distance himself from it while still defending the parts Americans find the least objectionable. Then says he's not afraid of the word.

"To me, democratic socialism means democracy. It means creating a government that represents all of us, not just the wealthiest people in the country."
You are intellectually disabled, to use the politically correct term

Well, tell me how Ted Cruz is going to beat Hillary Nationally.

He automatically wil loose Florida, New York, California, the entire Northeast, and outside of the South and Texas he is toast as well.
Yep, the game is over.

Even our own people are just too dumb. Should have known. It's really time to stop giving a shit about politics. It's only another piece of pop culture that's all about looking goofy and turning America into a big tattoo covered shit burrito.

West Virginia will get it right, but West Virginia doesn't count.

We will be a third world country in 50-75 years.
"To me, democratic socialism means democracy. It means creating a government that represents all of us, not just the wealthiest people in the country."
Yup, that's just one of the many positions he's taken on it. We have this dance we're doing now where when someone is asked to define a term they have been self-identifying with, they spin the shit out of it & completely ignore reality. Like, when I hear a liberal explain what it means to be a feminist. Give them any more than two sentences & feminism will quickly go from empowerment to environmentalism, to global reach, & future generations, etc...
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It's Iowa. Look at the past results. The evangelicals came through for Cruz, barely. Rubio doing well is the surprise.

Trump will win the southern states on Super Tuesday, South Carolina on its day, etc. You SOBs down there will put anger over Jesus, just like you did in 1861.

I am not sure about that. I think Cruz might take South Carolina.

The morons in my party can't figure out we are trying to elect a President, the lesser evil than the other guy, and not a tent revival preacher.
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It's Iowa. Look at the past results. The evangelicals came through for Cruz, barely. Rubio doing well is the surprise.

Trump will win the southern states on Super Tuesday, South Carolina on its day, etc. You SOBs down there will put anger over Jesus, just like you did in 1861.
Lets wait and see how it plays out first. I'll bet Cruz or Rubio win a majority of the southern states just as Billary Will.
"To me, democratic socialism means democracy. It means creating a government that represents all of us, not just the wealthiest people in the country."

He wants to equalize the wages.

If everybody was like me, it would work. But they're not. Most people want more money to buy more shiny things and fur coats for their wives. All I want is cheap slop and a floor to sleep on. Us hillbillies might as well be Mexicans.

But you won't motivate any kind of greatness in society with this. If I knew when I was 16 what I know now, I would have quit school and bagged groceries. Somebody else would have to do what I do, and from what I've seen they likely wouldn't be very good at it.
Lets wait and see how it plays out first. I'll bet Cruz or Rubio win a majority of the southern states just as Billary Will.

They're Romney and McCain clones. Hell, I'd have rather watched Jeb Bush play kiss ass with Hillary than these Cruz and Rubios. They don't have a chance in hell.

Wait until she and Katy Tur pounce all over Cruz about shutting the government down. He will have a weak or no response. Get killed on that. And Rubio is a total kiss ass. He'll be a punching bag just like Romney and McCain.

Losers all over again. Even the people in our own party are just too damn stupid to pick a fighter. Cruz is a fake Christian probably selling snake oil. Gonna get roasted. I can't believe how shitty all of this is.
They're Romney and McCain clones. Hell, I'd have rather watched Jeb Bush play kiss ass with Hillary than these Cruz and Rubios. They don't have a chance in hell.

Wait until she and Katy Tur pounce all over Cruz about shutting the government down. He will have a weak or no response. Get killed on that. And Rubio is a total kiss ass. He'll be a punching bag just like Romney and McCain.

Losers all over again. Even the people in our own party are just too damn stupid to pick a fighter. Cruz is a fake Christian probably selling snake oil. Gonna get roasted. I can't believe how shitty all of this is.

That's thing...our side can't even pick a fighter.

I think Hillary might actually kill Sanders if she has to. She might do that in order to win this time. If not, the Democrats will destroy him behind the scenes in order to move him out of the way.

Our side, we pick guys who will go pillow fight with the devil.
This will be interesting when we go to to the polls:
Republican Date
Saturday, February 20
Democratic Date
Saturday, February 27

Don't ask me why this is accomplished on two separate days but it works well as does the Saturday voting. Nice to be in the mix vs voting when things are pretty well decided , at least this way there is the potential to have a possible influence other primaries.

Look for Sanders to do very well in New Hampshire , not sure about here in South Carolina then again with the makeup of the Democratic party as it is here and Sanders with his socialist ideology ( basically giving away the farm) he could very well win South Carolina , depends on the turnout totally.

Clinton is pulling out the stops as 42 will be here in Columbia tomorrow , followed by a visit by Chelsea at some point in time prior to the February 27th primary and the candidate will obviously make numerous visits to the state once New Hampshire votes.

Trump has a lot of support throughout the state especially in the more populated areas , Cruz will pull the bible thumpers for sure , Rubio..he is going to be interesting to watch , a lot riding on New Hampshire after his stronger than expected finish in Iowa.

Nothing will surprise me , here or in New Hampshire.
I see more trump and Rubio signs I. Greenville than I do Cruz it will be interesting the next couple weeks for sure
"Sanders with his socialist ideology ( basically giving away the farm)"

Nope. Taking the farm back from the squatters.
429 - same here in Columbia , seriously have only seen about 4 Cruz signs , one large one that must be 10x6 or so and a few yard signs ( counting one guy with two )

Trump signs bumper stickers etc are all over the place and Rubio signs and stickers are popping up as well.

Wek, wek, wek, wek, wek!