What do veggie burgers taste like?

Walden Pond

Platinum Buffalo
Oct 8, 2007
Saw them in the frozen foods at Kroger. They look like real hamburger patties. How do they do that? I wonder if they're any good. They're kind of expensive.

The main reason I didn't try them is I'm worried it would mess a person up, you know, system wise. No meat? Sounds like it's asking for trouble. Person should probably eat some meat. I eat a hamburger every other day. Pink slime from the fast food joints. Probably at least has some actual cow parts in it.
Real meat tastes better but some are pretty decent. Typically you have to like soy meat and i just happen to love it. I still and a huge advocate of PETA> People Eating The Animals.
They don't taste like hamburger at all but the one I had wasn't bad. It had some good flavor in it from the spices they used. That being said I still felt wrong somehow while eating the 'burger' and haven't had one since. Food without meat is fine but food pretending to be meat just grinds on me a little.
Originally posted by HerdandHokies:
They don't taste like hamburger at all
So it's not like turkey or deer burgers? They taste like hamburger.

If it doesn't taste like hamburger, is it pretty much just well-flavored soft bungee cord?
Never had deer burger (although deer spaghetti sauce is really good) but it's closer to turkey than beef, but really tastes like neither. The one I had had a bunch of spices in it that gave the flavor and wasn't soggy at all. I imagine the ones that try to taste like hamburger are the soggy awful ones while the ones that accept that they aren't at least have something going on.
They probably have real good ones somewhere. Rich people stores. I like the idea of being able to eat 3 or 4 patties for the same amount of calories as one little beef patty from McDonald's.

Thing about it is though, I went into one of those health stores once. Not good. The smell was horrendous. $7 for a box of cereal and the place just stunk. Smelled like a combination of out of date raw chicken and a bag of dry dog food.