What do we do about the existential crisis facing western civilization?


Platinum Buffalo
May 29, 2001
Short of outright violence that no one wants, what can be done about the cultural rot and decline that we have suffered over the last 40 years?

From the mass importation of the 3rd world, to “harm-reduction” policies that have encouraged and enabled the destruction of individuals, to the forgiveness of criminal behavior, to the destruction of the nuclear family, to the empowerment of obesity . . . all of the problems facing humanity stem from leftist policies that grant them more power and money.

When will the civilized world wake up to what is happening around them? Why is civilizational decay tolerated?

Why aren’t homogeneous, high IQ, high-trust locations like Singapore and Japan experiencing the same cultural decline that the west is facing?

Could it be that they invest in their infrastructure instead of giving away their country’s resources and wealth to be money-laundered back into their pockets? Why do western leaders insist on importing tens of millions of sub-100 IQ migrants when the high trust Asian countries forbid them from entering?

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Wasn’t it Singapore that beat the American with a cane for littering or something like that
Wasn’t it Singapore that beat the American with a cane for littering or something like that
Yeah. He deserved it in retrospect. Probably came back to America and became a heroin junkie.
The real opportunity for public corporal punishment for entertainment purposes is tangible.

Could you imagine all the Antifa Bernie Bros getting caned after a protest?

I'd pay UFC PPV prices.
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When the pendulum swings back (and it's going to swing hard), I think we are going to get this type of governance. A right wing populist is going to come to power that makes trump look like Jimmy Carter.
That is why I said it will probably need to crumble.
Greed, unfortunately (or fortunately for you in this case), medium-to-long term time horizons aren't things you should concern yourself with, if you get what I'm saying. Stock up on short term life insurance for your wife and her boyfriend.
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This must be the non-black crime he was referring to that he mysteriously ran away from when challenged.
Ran away from because I didn't study this board and respond within 30 minutes? The best part? Your claim in that thread is entirely inaccurate. How many times are you going to post false information then run from it?

I bet you think your wife didn't get even for your extramarital affair.
Damn! E.T. shutting this board down by speaking the truth that EVERYONE knows about in Huntington!

Oh, and you left an "s" off of "affair."

Short of outright violence that no one wants, what can be done about the cultural rot and decline that we have suffered over the last 40 years?

From the mass importation of the 3rd world, to “harm-reduction” policies that have encouraged and enabled the destruction of individuals, to the forgiveness of criminal behavior, to the destruction of the nuclear family, to the empowerment of obesity . . . all of the problems facing humanity stem from leftist policies that grant them more power and money.
This, coming from the guy who can't find a way out of the state where this has been the norm for 60 years.

Hey, Middle Class: if you could afford it, you'd move to a far better place. California, even with homeless problems in the major cities like what just about every major metro area faces, is still the best state to live in.
California, even with homeless problems in the major cities like what just about every major metro area faces, is still the best state to live in.
so awesome of a state that people are leaving in droves for much worse. what's the daily liberal spin as to why that is occuring?

it's actually a damn shame that liberal policies have turned southern cali into the shithole it has become and, in turn, has affected the rest of the state.
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so awesome of a state that people are leaving in droves for much worse. what's the daily liberal spin as to why that is occuring?

it's actually a damn shame that liberal policies have turned southern cali into the shithole it has become and, in turn, has affected the rest of the state.
I would agree that California is the best state. It has the best climate, the best terrain, it offers mountains and the ocean. The problem is the people who live there are insufferable and have ruined it.

California in the ‘60s and ‘70s was probably the pinnacle of civilization. Before multiculturalism ruined it.
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I would agree that California is the best state. It has the best climate, the best terrain, it offers mountains and the ocean. The problem is the people who live there are insufferable and have ruined it.

California in the ‘60s and ‘70s was probably the pinnacle of civilization. Before multiculturalism ruined it.
it's almost as if there's a bunch of have's, a bunch more of have not's, and a pile of those who have a little, are jealous of the have's yearning for their status. and, everybody wants to look over the problems liberal policies have caused.
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I would agree that California is the best state. It has the best climate, the best terrain, it offers mountains and the ocean. The problem is the people who live there are insufferable and have ruined it.
Orange County, which is the mecca of what you just listed (the best weather in the state, the best beaches in the state, mountains, safety, great schools) has a Republican majority. You don't think Republicans are insufferable, so why wouldn't you move here since you 1) have said for years that you want out of WV and are planning it and 2) just admitted that it is the best state other than the [non-Republican] people?

We both know the real reason, Middle-Class.
Orange County, which is the mecca of what you just listed (the best weather in the state, the best beaches in the state, mountains, safety, great schools) has a Republican majority. You don't think Republicans are insufferable, so why wouldn't you move here since you 1) have said for years that you want out of WV and are planning it and 2) just admitted that it is the best state other than the [non-Republican] people?

We both know the real reason, Middle-Class.
What's the real reason?
Orange County, which is the mecca of what you just listed (the best weather in the state, the best beaches in the state, mountains, safety, great schools) has a Republican majority. You don't think Republicans are insufferable, so why wouldn't you move here since you 1) have said for years that you want out of WV and are planning it and 2) just admitted that it is the best state other than the [non-Republican] people?

We both know the real reason, Middle-Class.
That is a dumb post.

Hey man what's the real reason you don't pack up and move across a continent?
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That is a dumb post.

Hey man what's the real reason you don't pack up and move across a continent?
What's the real reason you don't move across the continent to a place people with the means to move are fleeing by the millions? You don't want to pay 60% of your income in taxes? You don't want to show a vaccine certificate to enter a restaurant? You don't want to be forced to wear a mask to enter the grocery store?
What's the real reason you don't move across the continent to a place people with the means to move are fleeing by the millions? You don't want to pay 60% of your income in taxes? You don't want to show a vaccine certificate to enter a restaurant? You don't want to be forced to wear a mask to enter the grocery store?
Exactly, you had just stated the people there are insufferable and have ruined the state. Plus it is 3500 miles from where you live now. Yehh, let me pack up and move 3,500 miles to a place that I just mentioned has been ruined?

Speaking of that have you seen that new tax proposal by their Good Dick Governor? Taxing people who leave and their properties and things they own?
That is a dumb post.

Hey man what's the real reason you don't pack up and move across a continent?
No, it's not. He has made many posts over the last 10 years talking about how he is going to move out of WV, can't wait to get out of there, etc.

He is now on record saying that California is the best state for a lot of things, but that the people ruin it. By people, he means Democrats/liberals. However, the mecca of the state - Orange County (with apologies to some other places including Beverly Hills) - is majority Republicans. So he'd get the best of the best of the state and the people he wants to be around.

So it only makes sense he'd move here, if ya' know, he could afford it. But he can't. Why don't you ask him why he hasn't move to any of the other 47 states that far and away better than the state he despised so much that he kept talking about how he was going to move from there in a few years?
No, it's not. He has made many posts over the last 10 years talking about how he is going to move out of WV, can't wait to get out of there, etc.

He is now on record saying that California is the best state for a lot of things, but that the people ruin it. By people, he means Democrats/liberals. However, the mecca of the state - Orange County (with apologies to some other places including Beverly Hills) - is majority Republicans. So he'd get the best of the best of the state and the people he wants to be around.

So it only makes sense he'd move here, if ya' know, he could afford it. But he can't. Why don't you ask him why he hasn't move to any of the other 47 states that far and away better than the state he despised so much that he kept talking about how he was going to move from there in a few years?
Serous question. I typed 20 words on a phone.

Why do you respond with a term paper?
Serous question. I typed 20 words on a phone.

Why do you respond with a term paper?
Serious question. I typed nine sentences. Your previous post was five sentences. Is the difference between nine sentences and five sentences that extreme for your feeble mind?
Serious question. I typed nine sentences. Your previous post was five sentences. Is the difference between nine sentences and five sentences that extreme for your feeble mind?
If your post doesn't include a lie in the first sentence or 2, herdman can't focus and loses interest.