who cares about the lion?
we had 2 soldiers killed in Afghanistan yesterday. If Americans cared about things that matter this country might become great again.
Jimmy Kimmel is on tv crying about a stupid lion. Vaginification of America.
Not too many people want to see the lion killed but c'mon. Get a hold of yourself.
who cares about the lion?
we had 2 soldiers killed in Afghanistan yesterday. If Americans cared about things that matter this country might become great again.
Jimmy Kimmel is on tv crying about a stupid lion. Vaginification of America.
Not too many people want to see the lion killed but c'mon. Get a hold of yourself.
People are outraged about a damn lion but completely ignore the organ harvesting goin on at planned parenthood
People killing other people
People killing animals for pleasure
Sex trafficking
We are being very lenient when we call ourselves civilized.
Where's the proof that the dentist isn't telling the truth about being misled while on a legal lion hunt? All this for outrage over line and no one even knew existed as of Monday is ridiculous And my appointment. Planned Parenthood it just goes to show the hypocrisy of the abortion crowd that all it's just a pile of goo but we will harvest the arms the brain the liver kidneys and make some money off of it. You can't have it both waysWhere is the proof?? Because I don't believe this is even true, and if it is maybe its the government telling Planned Parenthood to harvest the baby tissue. But I guess we should just trash the abortions instead of seeing what we can do with the tissue instead of wasting it. But honestly I feel this is just another attempt by the anti-abortion crowd to stir some shit up
The Minnesota dentist is a pvssy and a total douche bag, as are the rest of these 'big game hunters'. You want to hunt big game? Fine. Go to Africa and hunt through the bush. How much enjoyment can you really get by tricking a lion into following a dangling piece of meat into a secluded area to just to shoot him with a bow?
How about we discuss all of the children that are killed by the Obama drone strikes all over the middle east
Why do we even need to bring up Soldiers who are at war and know the risks of war??
You should thank them. They do that so you can be a dumb ass in freedom.
My freedom?? What freedom?? They fight to save the financial agendas of the Government......NOT my freedom. I hate when people say that shit. Until countries start bombing America and sending troops onto our soil, only then will I say they are saving my freedom
Is that a serious question?? Our freedoms wasn't in jeopardy then and isn't now. Lets not act like the Military Industrial Complex doesn't use wars and human lives to make billions of dollars
Look organ harvesting has been going on in this country for decades now
yes, it was serious. Were the Germans a threat to our freedoms then?
What freedom??
Really? Is this for real?
The freedom for you to be a moron. The freedom to live with your mommy until you are 30 years old. The freedom that allowed your mother to leave a shithole like Jamaica, come here with nothing and still succeed. The freedom that would allow you to move back to Jamaica and experience the prosperity of a 3rd world existence because no one in that country seemed to give a shit to defend their financial agendas.
You have no idea WTF you are even talking about as it relates to planned parenthood? "harvesting" organs and reselling them for a profit has not been going on for decades. You are a moron.
healthcare.findlaw.com › ... › Health Care Law › Patient Rights
Thus, the high demand for organs creates an opportunity for those willing to sell a spare kidney, the lobe of a lung, or even the organs of the deceased. However, it is strictly illegal to sell an organ, in accordance with federal law
Never moved from Jamaica, born in Evanston Illinois St. Francis Hospital and lived in this country all my life. Sorry if I don't feel my freedoms is protected by Soldiers fighting some government war in some foreign land. Sorry if I feel like my life can end at any moment living in America and no soldier is going to help that. I'm more worried about dickhead cops and violent no ****s to give American. So while soldiers are out killing and raping Innocent Muslims, I will wonder as a black man in America if I can make it home safe at night
Never moved from Jamaica, born in Evanston Illinois St. Francis Hospital and lived in this country all my life. Sorry if I don't feel my freedoms is protected by Soldiers fighting some government war in some foreign land. Sorry if I feel like my life can end at any moment living in America and no soldier is going to help that. I'm more worried about dickhead cops and violent no ****s to give American. So while soldiers are out killing and raping Innocent Muslims, I will wonder as a black man in America if I can make it home safe at night