When does it stop?


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
Is there a certain age when women stop lying about getting them pregnant just to get you to talk to them?

I dealt with that shit in high school. I dealt with it in college. I dealt with it a handful of times since college. i dealt with it yesterday.

The psycho thief from just one night in March randomly sent me a text saying "we need to talk" two days ago. I didn't respond, so she called a few minutes later. I knew what she was hinting at and avoided dealing with her. I sent her call to voicemail last night. She sent a follow-up text with "we're having a baby! Call me."

I let it go all night. Today, I sent her a text saying:

"That's odd. I had a vasectomy when I was 29 after my ex-wife and I had our second and last child. They did a follow-up test 3 months later. I passed with 100% of no sperm. They did another test after 6 months and I passed at 100% of no sperm. I also pulled out and you said you were on the pill. So, you may want to talk to another guy you have been friendly with."

She then said "you never told me you were once married and had 2 children." I was tempted to respond with "you never told me you were a felon and used a false last name," but I have a heart. So, I waited until she admitted that she was lying and I told her I don't have an ex or children. Her excuse was that she felt guilty for allowing what happened and was just trying to get my attention and get me back.

Regardless of how unlikely it is, that shit isn't fair. Bitches should get sued for that shit. The stress takes days off of my life. I know that at least 50% of all females have the capability of being whacko. Most of them never fulfill that potential, but it is still there. I also know that if you play with 4 girls every month for a year, you will get a few crazies mixed in there.

But, this fabricating pregnancies bullshit has to stop. Im thinking about going back to banging middle school girls because that was the only time I didn't have to deal with a girl pretending I impregnated her.

Let's say one does get knocked up. What's a better move? Paying Sal and Vinny $10,000 to jump her and give her some jabs and kicks to the stomach or paying her off with $25,000 to Hoover that shit?
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ut, this fabricating pregnancies bullshit has to stop. Im thinking about going back to banging middle school girls because that was the only time I didn't have to deal with a girl pretending I impregnated her

So the middle school girl was really pregnant and it wasn't pretend?
You have see the crazy/hot chart deal on YouTube? Also known as the wife zone chart.
Rifle, I am going to be your shrink for free.

Eat McDonalds for a year. Quit working out. Go from looking like Magic Mike to Fat Albert. You will quit attracting the hot shallow skanks. These problems you have will go away. You will be somewhere between Walden and the current RIfle.
Eat McDonalds for a year. Quit working out. Go from looking like Magic Mike to Fat Albert. You will quit attracting the hot shallow skanks. These problems you have will go away. You will be somewhere between Walden and the current RIfle.

Fat, ugly men can still get women. It's all about playing the game. Say the right words, act like you mean it, and they're putty in your hands.

I refuse to be a salesman or an actor so I could never win. And now I don't even want to.
The Dad Body is the new hip. Slight gut and out of shape look.

I am now a DILF
My older brother is safer than the pill and he got his now ex-wife pregnant.
Is there a certain age when women stop lying about getting them pregnant just to get you to talk to them?

I dealt with that shit in high school. I dealt with it in college. I dealt with it a handful of times since college. i dealt with it yesterday.

The psycho thief from just one night in March randomly sent me a text saying "we need to talk" two days ago. I didn't respond, so she called a few minutes later. I knew what she was hinting at and avoided dealing with her. I sent her call to voicemail last night. She sent a follow-up text with "we're having a baby! Call me."

I let it go all night. Today, I sent her a text saying:

"That's odd. I had a vasectomy when I was 29 after my ex-wife and I had our second and last child. They did a follow-up test 3 months later. I passed with 100% of no sperm. They did another test after 6 months and I passed at 100% of no sperm. I also pulled out and you said you were on the pill. So, you may want to talk to another guy you have been friendly with."

She then said "you never told me you were once married and had 2 children." I was tempted to respond with "you never told me you were a felon and used a false last name," but I have a heart. So, I waited until she admitted that she was lying and I told her I don't have an ex or children. Her excuse was that she felt guilty for allowing what happened and was just trying to get my attention and get me back.

Regardless of how unlikely it is, that shit isn't fair. Bitches should get sued for that shit. The stress takes days off of my life. I know that at least 50% of all females have the capability of being whacko. Most of them never fulfill that potential, but it is still there. I also know that if you play with 4 girls every month for a year, you will get a few crazies mixed in there.

But, this fabricating pregnancies bullshit has to stop. Im thinking about going back to banging middle school girls because that was the only time I didn't have to deal with a girl pretending I impregnated her.

Let's say one does get knocked up. What's a better move? Paying Sal and Vinny $10,000 to jump her and give her some jabs and kicks to the stomach or paying her off with $25,000 to Hoover that shit?

Just get freaky with the coat hanger.

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