Why do the fear Trump so much?

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
One man in the course of history. Why is he feared so much? I will tell you why. Not because he is loud(he is) or says mean things(he can do that for sure). Why? Because he is a threat to the system. They know he he speaks for millions of people out there that feel the same. Both sides fear him becaue of that.

What do they fear more than Trump the first term? Trump a second term because he can expose more of it. The federal system hates him. He is threat to the big machine. The money being spent in the big machine. Agencies like the IRS and FBI being exposed. CDC being exposed. Congress beign exposed. The deals with foreign entities being exposed. Politicial generals being exposed. Senators being exposed.

They fear a second term. They will do anything to stop him. FBI raid included. He can't win if he can't run.

They fear the giant monstronsity of the federal govt being exposed. That is what they fear. I think there are some Americans that don't want to believe or hear it either. How corrupt and big and bloated it is.

They fear the 2nd term where it will be brought to light even more. He is an outsider from Day 1. They went after him. Not because he is different. But, because he is a threat to their machine, power, and corruption. The average govt worker is a good person. The beuracracy as a whole is broken.
Well spoke, pastor.

Franklin Graham​

The swamp in Washington is getting bigger, and it will take God to drain it! Politics in this country has become so corrupt and partisan. Former President Trump has called for the immediate release of the unredacted federal warrant related to the FBI’s search of his Mar-a-Lago home. I agree, why not release it and let the American people decide? Then, if it reveals that former President Trump has done something wrong, he will have to answer for it. On the other hand, if the Department of Justice has done something wrong, they will have to answer to the American people for it. Our country is in trouble. We need God’s help, and we need to pray.
Trump was President for 4 years. What draining of the swamp or whatever do you think he did then?
Trump was President for 4 years. What draining of the swamp or whatever do you think he did then?
not nearly as much as he could have if he didn't spend most of his time fighting off bullshit thrown at him. whatever happened to taking the L and moving on? liberals, self proclaimed libertarians who are obviously full fledge libs, and new-age dems are the epitome of the everybody gets a trophy generation . . . when things don't go their way, cry foul and make up fake stories to tear the other side down.

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not nearly as much as he could have if he didn't spend most of his time fighting off bullshit thrown at him. whatever happened to taking the L and moving on? liberals, self proclaimed libertarians who are obviously full fledge libs, and new-age dems are the epitome of the everybody gets a trophy generation . . . when things don't go their way, cry foul and make up fake stories to tear the other side down.

You’re literally saying this in support of a guy who can’t accept that he lost an election.
You’re literally saying this in support of a guy who can’t accept that he lost an election.
ever hear the old saying turnabout is fair play? well, here's a classic example. your ilk started this bullshit, now deal with it.

that's not the point behind the post, though. i'd say you knew that, but likely not.
ever hear the old saying turnabout is fair play? well, here's a classic example. your ilk started this bullshit, now deal with it.

that's not the point behind the post, though. i'd say you knew that, but likely not.
You are right on one thing. I cannot figure out the point of your post.
You are right on one thing. I cannot figure out the point of your post.
not surprised. try going back and reading your post that i replied to, then read my reply, maybe sticking with just the first sentence, that extra information was likely a bit too much for you to process. you might get it, wouldn't be surprised if you don't, though.
How didn’t Democrats take the L and move on? Most Democrats accepted that Trump was President. We didn’t like that, and we didn’t help enact whatever agenda he had that week, but you didn’t have a whole party of election deniers and conspiracy theorists out there.
How didn’t Democrats take the L and move on? Most Democrats accepted that Trump was President. We didn’t like that, and we didn’t help enact whatever agenda he had that week, but you didn’t have a whole party of election deniers and conspiracy theorists out there.

judas priest, your ilk impeached him over it.

How didn’t Democrats take the L and move on? Most Democrats accepted that Trump was President. We didn’t like that, and we didn’t help enact whatever agenda he had that week, but you didn’t have a whole party of election deniers and conspiracy theorists out there.
They went after him from day 1. Bugging his office in NY, Russia hoax, fake impeachment. He looks into Ukraine and he get impeached for what Joe Mush Biden did. Talk about a deflection. BIden was doing it and Trump gets impeached for it. They blocked him at every turn.
They know it, Trump is the front runner to win the whole damn thing again. They know it and don't like it.

Ole Liz Chaney not going to like it when her dad gets exposed in Trump term 2.
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They went after him from day 1. Bugging his office in NY, Russia hoax, fake impeachment. He looks into Ukraine and he get impeached for what Joe Mush Biden did. Talk about a deflection. BIden was doing it and Trump gets impeached for it. They blocked him at every turn.
i also believe it was proven the hillary campaign spyed on his campaign and continued to spy on him after being elected. imagine that, spying on the president of the United State of America and not a gotdamn thing was done.
Trump was President for 4 years. What draining of the swamp or whatever do you think he did then?

Ummm, how long has the current POTUS been in Washington??? Rome wasn't built in a day and it isn't going to go away without a fight...
Ummm, how long has the current POTUS been in Washington??? Rome wasn't built in a day and it isn't going to go away without a fight...
A real fight perhaps. Like a real fight. They will come at the American people first and hard. They are about to be exposed.
A real fight perhaps. Like a real fight. They will come at the American people first and hard. They are about to be exposed.

I hope they are exposed but so many are distracted, so many aren't educated voters and so many just don't care...
liberals, self proclaimed libertarians who are obviously full fledge libs, and new-age dems are the epitome of the everybody gets a trophy generation . . . when things don't go their way, cry foul and make up fake stories to tear the other side down.

Exactly, Dems realized the products of no child left behind generation are easy to fool and trick. Manipulating them in order to keep voting the old D guards like Pelosi back in the office. They realize that only goes so far, so now they are letting in as many migrants as possible to fill the rest of the voting block.

D's, you are not hard to figure out! Not as mysterious as you think.

Exactly, Dems realized the products of no child left behind generation are easy to fool and trick. Manipulating them in order to keep voting the old D guards like Pelosi back in the office. They realize that only goes so far, so now they are letting in as many migrants as possible to fill the rest of the voting block.

D's, you are not hard to figure out! Not as mysterious as you think.
they might just get more than they bargained for one of these days!
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as long as they get their hand out they don't care.

To add to this, Dems love using the "Perception is Reality" (actually created by GOP strategist Lee Atwater) method.

Label someone a racist if they don't agree, or accuse them of some horrible crime/label. The media uses this until it is ultimately proven false. The left says, "What? Oh, yeah...forgot about that."
Their goal was never to debate or objectively contend opponents, its to smear them in a way that regardless of the truth, if it looks like it could match, they rely on the public to run with it.
It often does for a bit, then the public forgets either because its proven false or they just stopped caring.
Thing is, people are tired of it and it's likely to show real soon.
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