Why does god hate amputees?


Platinum Buffalo
May 29, 2001
God "heals" cancer and heart disease on the regular, but is conspicuously MIA when it comes to folks with severed limbs. Not once in human history has god returned a lost limb to one of his followers.
I bet somebody's got a story about a shark biting their arm off and God sending waves to carry it back to shore in time to sew it back on.

I particularly enjoy my mom the former drunken whore telling me about how she's going to heaven now for "trying to be decent" and it'll be like she never knew me since I'm going to hell for not believing in the foolishness. Thank goodness. She can bum God for money and leave me the hell alone then.
Originally posted by murox:
God "heals" cancer and heart disease on the regular, but is conspicuously MIA when it comes to folks with severed limbs. Not once in human history has god returned a lost limb to one of his followers.
WOW! Meth is powerful stuff.
Originally posted by banker6796:
No, God gave people the ability to think and overcome such challenges.

this is great:

supposedly, god gave people the ability to "think and overcome such challenges." yet, when people get on the right track with their work in stem cell research, which without a doubt will lead to finding cures for diseases, god's people stand against it.

and another poster wants to use a fable, a single example, from 300 years ago to make his argument? i guess god didnt give that person the "ability to think."
Originally posted by HerdFan73:
If you're going to antagonize at least do a Google search first.....
From your own link:

Author Brian Dunning has done extensive research and notes that "there is no documentation or witness accounts confirming his leg was ever gone." He presents a non-miraculous explanation that Pellicer's leg did not develop gangrene during the five days at the hospital at Valencia. He spent the next 50 days convalescing, during which he was unable to work. He turned to begging, and discovered that having a broken leg was a boon. After his leg had mended, he decided that if a broken leg helped, a missing leg would be better.
supposedly, god gave people the ability to "think and overcome such challenges." yet, when people get on the right track with their work in stem cell research, which without a doubt will lead to finding cures for diseases, god's people stand against it.
Agree 100%!

Had a Research Scientist in my neighborhood move to Thailand in order to continue his DNA/Stem Cell Research a few years ago because the Government (Bush) pulled his funding.
Originally posted by ThunderCat98:
Posted from Rivals Mobile
How so? By pointing out your imaginary god is batting .000 on answered prayers to restore limbs? Don't you find it interesting that cures for cancer are delivered to non-believers and believers at about the same rate? All that prayer for naught.
Originally posted by riflearm2:
Originally posted by banker6796:
No, God gave people the ability to think and overcome such challenges.

this is great:

supposedly, god gave people the ability to "think and overcome such challenges." yet, when people get on the right track with their work in stem cell research, which without a doubt will lead to finding cures for diseases, god's people stand against it.

and another poster wants to use a fable, a single example, from 300 years ago to make his argument? i guess god didnt give that person the "ability to think."
"God's People" aren't against stem cell research.

Just a certain kind (which has been shown to be less effective and unnecessary) of stem cell research.
Originally posted by murox:

Originally posted by HerdFan73:
If you're going to antagonize at least do a Google search first.....
From your own link:

Author Brian Dunning has done extensive research and notes that "there is no documentation or witness accounts confirming his leg was ever gone." He presents a non-miraculous explanation that Pellicer's leg did not develop gangrene during the five days at the hospital at Valencia. He spent the next 50 days convalescing, during which he was unable to work. He turned to begging, and discovered that having a broken leg was a boon. After his leg had mended, he decided that if a broken leg helped, a missing leg would be better.
You stated that not once in history has God miracle'd a limb back onto somebody, so I spent about 7.5 seconds on Google and provided you an alleged example. It's quite a story sure, but i figured you'd believe it since you seem to accept that God can cure cancer or heart disease.

I made no argument as to the story's validity. To be honest I didn't even read the whole thing. I put about as much effort into my response as you did your initial post. It's not like you were trying to solicit actual, reasonable discussion anyway.

This post was edited on 11/4 6:01 PM by HerdFan73
Originally posted by HerdFan73:

Originally posted by murox:

Originally posted by HerdFan73:
If you're going to antagonize at least do a Google search first.....
From your own link:

Author Brian Dunning has done extensive research and notes that "there is no documentation or witness accounts confirming his leg was ever gone." He presents a non-miraculous explanation that Pellicer's leg did not develop gangrene during the five days at the hospital at Valencia. He spent the next 50 days convalescing, during which he was unable to work. He turned to begging, and discovered that having a broken leg was a boon. After his leg had mended, he decided that if a broken leg helped, a missing leg would be better.
You stated that not once in history has God miracle'd a limb back onto somebody, so I spent about 7.5 seconds on Google and provided you an alleged example. It's quite a story sure, but i figured you'd believe it since you seem to accept that God can cure cancer or heart disease.

I made no argument as to the story's validity. To be honest I didn't even read the whole thing. I put about as much effort into my response as you did your initial post. It's not like you were trying to solicit actual, reasonable discussion anyway.
Wait, what? You don't actually believe that guy's limb grew back, do you? You spent 7.5 seconds googling an "alleged example" of a hoax. That does nothing to bolster your argument.

And no, I don't believe god can cure cancer and heart disease, either, considering god is an imaginary being.

I am trying to solicit a reasonable discussion. Why to believers give god credit for the invisible curing of disease, but there's not a single example of him healing things we can observe?
It's similar to an example I have given frequently over the years:

A kid gets hits by a car. People urge friends and family to pray for the child to pull through. If he makes it, it is a miracle due to God hearing and answering the prayers. If the kid dies, God ignored the prayers and had a better plan for the kid.

It is the ultimate catch-22.
You believe in a superhero whose final argument of existence relies solely on just needing to have faith, and you want to criticize a lack of deep thinking? That's neat.
I like the basic premise - that Christians think God is like a genie that goes around granting wishes when he feels like it. I know that's what I believe [eyes rolling].
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by ThunderCat98:
I like the basic premise - that Christians think God is like a genie that goes around granting wishes when he feels like it. I know that's what I believe [eyes rolling].
Posted from Rivals Mobile
That's exactly what god is to people of all faiths. The only reason you worship him is because he's promised you pain and misery for eternity if you don't. If you do worship him, you get presents: eternal life in paradise, streets of gold, mansions, answered prayers, etc.

Of course, that's the best a bunch of primitive goat-hearders could come up with at the time god was imagined.
Originally posted by murox:

Originally posted by ThunderCat98:
I like the basic premise - that Christians think God is like a genie that goes around granting wishes when he feels like it. I know that's what I believe [eyes rolling].

Posted from Rivals Mobile
That's exactly what god is to people of all faiths. The only reason you worship him is because he's promised you pain and misery for eternity if you don't. If you do worship him, you get presents: eternal life in paradise, streets of gold, mansions, answered prayers, etc.

Of course, that's the best a bunch of primitive goat-hearders could come up with at the time god was imagined.
Carefully Rox... You are starting to sound like a Marxist... LOL...
My faith in Christ is not based on a desire to avoid damnation. If you claim to be a Christian and that is the basis for your alleged faith, then you have completely misinterpreted Christ's teachings, and I would have serious doubts about your "salvation."
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I am a Christian but I also believe he is mostly hands off...he gave us brains and we have freewill...he cant and doesn't answer every prayer...thats just not how it works..humans and the galaxy are too complex to ve a coincidence imo....I cant prove GOD exists anymore than rifle can prove he doesnt. I feel sorry for atheists though. Its not a mindset I can comprehend. Us believers should say a prayer for those like murox. Your point is taken but dont confuse some Christian ffolks that believe God intervenes in every step.....I do believehe has moreimpt things to do
Originally posted by huntersdl2007:
I feel sorry for atheists though. Its not a mindset I can comprehend.
Well, I hope you enjoy eternity on a cloud. I can't comprehend wanting to live more years after dying. Life is so boring and pointless that the best thing we can find to do is gather around a TV and watch other people play a game.

That's the best distraction we have. Billions of dollars go into it. We live way too long as it is.
I guess my initial thoughts to those of you who profess to be "non-believers" is.....
why do you even care or try to bring up a discussion on this subject?
My question to you would be this......deep down are you wanting to become
a beleiver in Jesus? If you are then why not just admit that you are and then
ask for discussion on the subject.
I don't like to see the human mind be so easily duped into fairy tales.

If we all knew this was the only life we've got and it sucks bigtime,
we would either put more effort into making it worthwhile or better yet,
conclude that it's a lost cause and opt for mass euthanasia.
I would enjoy an open discussion.......How about some serious questions?

1) Do you accept the Bible as a factual history of the Christian religion? 100%? 80%? 50%?

Based on your answer above, if not 100%:

2) Which stories do you accept as factual? Creation? Moses? Joshua? David & Goliath? Jonah? Noah? Birth & Life of Christ?

3) How do you choose?

4) There was quite a bit of miraculous activity prior to 33 AD, what about since?
1) 100%

4) Miracles (real miracles) served their purpose (to authenticate the verbal message of the Apostles) and ceased with the death of the last Apostle as was intended.
wvkeeper(HN)......I agree with your response to #1 but disagree with #4. Miracles are still happening today.
Originally posted by wvkeeper(HN):
1) 100%

4) Miracles (real miracles) served their purpose (to authenticate the verbal message of the Apostles) and ceased with the death of the last Apostle as was intended.
Where does it say miracles were intended for that period and not for after the death of the Apostles? I've never heard that before.
This book is the best intro work to the position:

O. Palmer Robertson "The Final Word"

Folks in WV need to remember the kind pentecostal and neo-pentecostal religion you have mostly been exposed to is not the "norm" in Christian History.

The wiki article is pretty fair:

So if you believe the Bible to be 100% factual, do you believe that the earth is only just over 4000 years old?
The Young Earth position would have it be between 6,000 and 24,000 years old.

Of course if you believe in a God who can create ex nihilo it is not hard to see how He could create everything as is. If Adam was created as an adult, why not the natural world itself? (The Young Earth position does not deny micro-evolution either).

But again YEC ≠ Christianity nor does it mean that YEC is the only way to read Genesis 1 and 2. There are legitimate arguments for an old-earth cosmology, using the Bible as the starting point.

When your entire religion is based on God becoming Man, living a perfect life, and then being bodily raised from the dead whether or not the Earth is 6,000 or 6 Billion years old is kind of besides the point when it comes to "scientific inquiries" (and from "scientific inquires" I am not positing any disunity between science and faith, because that is a false dichotomy perpetuated both by secular humanists and ignorant Christians).

(though again there are real questions that need to be answered for either an YEC or an OEC proponent within the context of Christianity).
Good answer......And good read on Cessationism. Certainly throws a wrench into Benny Hinn's gig!

By saying that you believe in the Bible 100%.....Does that mean the teachings and the historical writings? Certainly not some of the accepted brutality...Particularly in Deuteronomy?

Do you believe that it is open to interpretation?

Is the only way to Heaven through Christ? Meaning that people practicing other religions are cursed to Hell?
I believe that the judgment of the Canaanites (and all the other -ites) for their iniquity was justified in and through God's instrumental use of the Israelites to accomplish that work.

I believe that the Scriptures plainly teach that the entire Mosaic administration (the ceremonial and judicial laws) were understood before, during, and after as temporary and time-specific and that this period was ended with the beginning of the new testament era as is specifically noted by the Second Person of the Trinity.

I believe the Bible is neither a "choose-your-own adventure" novel nor a book of pithy sayings to glean your own meanings from.

I believe that using 21st Century moral norms to critique the events in the Bible to be both anachronistic and chronological snobbery.

I believe that John 14:6 is fairly clear and that any attempt to wiggle around it is disingenuous.
Is the only way to Heaven through Christ? Meaning that people practicing other religions are cursed to Hell?

I believe that John 14:6 is fairly clear and that any attempt to wiggle around it is disingenuous.

So, that's a yes..........
The little pygmy on an island out in the south Pacific is paying for the sins of his ancestors who failed to pass down the given revelation of God as the nations scattered from their ancestral Eden.
Originally posted by CockyHerd:
Is the only way to Heaven through Christ? Meaning that people practicing other religions are cursed to Hell?

I believe that John 14:6 is fairly clear and that any attempt to wiggle around it is disingenuous.

So, that's a yes..........
If other religions have other Gods, then yes. People that deny Christ, deny the True Lord, and will be left out of the Kingdom of Heaven according to God's word, not mine.

Read about Saul and his conversion!

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