Why west virginia will always be West Virginia

New York elected this man to office


/argument invalid
I was reading about the culture and attitude of the north and south earlier. Went in with the idea that the south is more about "get 'er done" and the north is more about snobbish classing up of getting nothing done. But I found myself reading about the Northeast as opposed to the south and flyover country in general. Northeast was more about getting it done and the south/flyover was more about "you didn't get it done, but God bless you anyway."

It was interesting. Made me think about the fat man Christie. That's the kind of style I want to see. Brash, blunt, to the point, my way or the highway, shut the hell up and sit down.

The Northeast doesn't even fool with college football. It's all about the pros up there. They probably think college ball is all shit. If it wasn't for their Hollywood cultural ideas, I could see myself becoming a fan of snobby New Englanders. I've been thinking though, that's probably all just a bullshit cover up for money. Still, if you can't admit that right out then I'm not on board.
Keep and michigan are further proof of my argument. They care about things that are meaningless this his job duties: a guy cheats on his wife; a guy makes controversial comments to rile the opposition.

As politicians, we should only care about how well they can perform their duties. Sexting somebody besides your wife has nothing to do with those duties. Rangel is a highly educated and successful politician. The things you oppose that they have done do not reflect their ability to do their job.

But, that 18 year old Wvu student? Yeah, she seems sweet and won't cheat on her boyfriend, so let's vote her in regardless if she can't so shit with her job requirements and has absolutely no experience or education.
Originally posted by riflearm2:

As politicians, we should only care about how well they can perform their duties. Sexting somebody besides your wife has nothing to do with those duties. Rangel is a highly educated and successful politician. The things you oppose that they have done do not reflect their ability to do their job.
Rangel was found guilty of 11 ethics violations & the House voted of 333-79 to censure him. Sure he's a successful politician, but he's corrupt.
Is voting for an 18 year old any worse than voting for a 118 year old (Byrd)?

Seriously, I don't care where they moved here from or how old they are. I care about their ideals and how they will vote on legislation.

Rifle's just mad.
Originally posted by big_country90:
Is voting for an 18 year old any worse than voting for a 118 year old (Byrd)?
Yep, 18 year olds are idiots.

The worst part about it is they think they know stuff. It's the prime of your life. The prime of this kid's life. Somebody should have told her to leave this to people whose lives are already in countdown to the grave mode. 18-22 you get out there and act stupid, enjoy it and live it up because a few years after that, it's all over bigtime.

The more you know, the worse it gets. This girl doesn't know anything. Wasted office at this point.

This post was edited on 11/5 7:48 PM by Walden Pond
I admire her drive, I feel bad for her that she is going to get her soul crushed. The idealism of an 18 year old girl will die quickly when she sees how government actually operates.
Originally posted by big_country90:
Is voting for an 18 year old any worse than voting for a 118 year old (Byrd)?
Yet another example of what I mean.

Regardless of the flaws Byrd had, none of it changed what he was able to do for the state, which was quite a lot. Now, this 18 year old will not be able to bring a single thing to her constituents. She doesn't have the education, life experiences, or needed political connections to help. But, you guys are happy because she won't be banging a bunch of guys and won't use her political influence to get large corporate donations to charities.

Your focus too many times is on things that don't fvcking matter.
Originally posted by riflearm2:

Originally posted by big_country90:
Is voting for an 18 year old any worse than voting for a 118 year old (Byrd)?
Yet another example of what I mean.

Regardless of the flaws Byrd had, none of it changed what he was able to do for the state, which was quite a lot. Now, this 18 year old will not be able to bring a single thing to her constituents. She doesn't have the education, life experiences, or needed political connections to help. But, you guys are happy because she won't be banging a bunch of guys and won't use her political influence to get large corporate donations to charities.

Your focus too many times is on things that don't fvcking matter.
War on women.
Why do you flash your crank at juvenile children in grocery stores?
What a bunch of ideologues. West Virginia has always been West Virginia because of the terrible democratic leadership for the past 80 years. You lefties are blinded by the hate. I'm the proudest I've ever been to be a West Virginian today! It appears the citizens of our state are finally wising up! When we gain Governorship in two years West Virginia will really change. This is the greatest step forward for West Virginia in decades. House of Delegates for the first time in 80 years and today we gained control of the state senate with the Dem switching over. Great things are in store for WV.
"Don't hold your breath"

Don't you worry Kentuck, not much room to fall in national rankings of everything bad. Us West Virginian's will be fine.
Originally posted by riflearm2:

An 18 year old Wvu student elected to the house of delegates.
Here's your chance at fame. You can claim you de-flowered the youngest delegate ever in WV legislative history.
How far back do you have to go to find a President who wasn't a Liar and/or Corrupt and/or Incompetent?

Low bar for 2016........
If it wasn't for I-79 from Charleston to Weston and my nightly dreams of being back up the holler cussing out my relatives, I could live without ever even knowing it existed.

How often do you make it back to WV? I'd go back every week if my nephew hadn't brought that stranger into the house. I can't deal with that.

They think I'm a big Bama fan around here now. I talk them up all the time. Maybe I should get some electroshock therapy then move down to Fort Payne, live in a trailer and bag groceries at Piggly Wiggly.
Would you rather have 18 year old or a career politician?

Give me fresh blood all day and every day regardless of political party affiliation since there truly is no difference between Republicans and Democrats anyways.

18 year old vs person who has been in office for 18 years?

Easy choice for me.

Plus, I love seeing different type of people getting in. I'm tired of always seeing the middle age man, married, Christian, few kids, dog, white collar worker from wealthy family, etc always getting voted in.

I always thought the president of this country should be a guy from a blue collar background, someone who truly represents the people instead of the 1% elitists and yes, even Obama and the Democrats represent the 1% elitists too. Like I said, there's no real difference between Republicans and Democrats unless you examine the petty irrelevant shit that shouldn't even be an issue anyways due to individual rights and liberties.
This post was edited on 11/9 2:10 AM by bEER_Nation13
Originally posted by bEER_Nation13:
Would you rather have 18 year old or a career politician?
Depends on who the career politician is. Having an 18 year old in there means the office is vacant. There's no way somebody that age can even do the work. They would have no idea how to go about doing anything. They've had no career training of any kind.

Nobody will take her seriously. It had to be just a no vote on whoever she was running against. They would rather have nobody. They voted for None of the Above. I would have voted for that over Obama.
I believe West Virginia is making progress. After seeing the girl, at least we didn't elect her on her looks.
What is it you people think she's going to be able to accomplish?

She won't be respected, nobody is going to listen to her. R or D, this is stupid.
Originally posted by herdjohnson:
What is it you people think she's going to be able to accomplish?

She won't be respected, nobody is going to listen to her. R or D, this is stupid.
What does our Government accomplish anyways besides wealth in their pockets?

What bad can it do? I see nothing but positives with 0 negatives.

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