Why you can’t be a Christian and a Scientologist

This is a very good article which lays out detailed, factual reasons why one cannot be both a Christian and a Scientologist.


This is a very good article which lays out detailed, factual reasons why one cannot be both a Christian and a Scientologist.

This is a very good article which lays out detailed, factual reasons why one cannot be both a Christian and a Republican.
10 reasons you can’t be a Christian and vote for Donald Trump

Honestly, I don’t see how you can be a Scientologist and be a Christian. I also don’t see how you can be a Christian and support Trump either. I also question the validity of some Democrats and their so called “Faith” as well.
This is a very good article which lays out detailed, factual reasons why one cannot be both a Christian and a Republican.
how can anybody be a christian and a democrat? serious question. abortion shits directly in the face of christianity. homosexuality? ask any christian about that. people identifying as whatever sex? lmfao. all of these issues are supported by dems and the left.

now i see why you needed a 2nd religion. the christian religion entails too many beliefs that you don't agree with.
All of these issues are practiced by pubs and the right.
you just solidified this is either a troll account or you have the IQ of below freezing fahrenheit temps or yore a liar. i'm going with a combination of the latter two.
break it down for us, greed. tell us how the dems don't support abortion, how the left isn't all about anybody identifying as whatever sex they want, how dems aren't okay with homosexuality. tell us how many of the beliefs from the left doesn't fly right in the face of christianity. c'mon, lie to us some more.
break it down for us, greed. tell us how the dems don't support abortion, how the left isn't all about anybody identifying as whatever sex they want, how dems aren't okay with homosexuality. tell us how many of the beliefs from the left doesn't fly right in the face of christianity. c'mon, lie to us some more.

Well you idiot, there's a huge difference in giving someone equal rights and agreeing with their choices. See if you can figure that out.
how can anybody be a christian and a democrat? serious question. abortion shits directly in the face of christianity. homosexuality? ask any christian about that. people identifying as whatever sex? lmfao. all of these issues are supported by dems and the left.

now i see why you needed a 2nd religion. the christian religion entails too many beliefs that you don't agree with.
Are you referring to those Republican appointed Judges that legalized same sex marriage across the United States prior to the Supreme Court making it official?
Primarily because extragreed simply is not smart enough to understand what he supposedly believes.

Then maybe you can show us where the New Testament says it's ok for you to care more for dogs than humans....c'mon show us how you understand the Bible so well. Waiting on you to lie once again and say I've got the wrong guy.
Well you idiot, there's a huge difference in giving someone equal rights and agreeing with their choices. See if you can figure that out.

So, everyone should have the right to murder?

Now start a thread explaining why you can't be a Christian and a trump supporter (which is obvious).

Try and stay on topic. If you'd like to debate that, first debate the topic posted by the OP.
So, everyone should have the right to murder?

I don't like abortion either, but you don't get to blame me or every other Democrat when we all know the republican appointed supreme Court justices made abortion legal. Your gotcha moment is gone.

I don't know what it is that makes fvcking with Greed so fun? I guess it's the Satan in me.

That and your stupidity.
Yeah I read it, moron.


I know you didn't, because if you did read it you would have followed the link to what your Dark Lord Hubbard said about Jesus Christ. The shit he said was so terrible it even angered me, a follower of Beelzebub. You, the board bestest Christian, would have blown a gasket.

But I was stoked to learn Lucifer has something to do with the Galactic Confederacy, and am hyped about the X-Wing fighter I will get in Hell.

I know you didn't, because if you did read it you would have followed the link to what your Dark Lord Hubbard said about Jesus Christ. The shit he said was so terrible it even angered me, a follower of Beelzebub. You, the board bestest Christian, would have blown a gasket.

But I was stoked to learn Lucifer has something to do with the Galactic Confederacy, and am hyped about the X-Wing fighter I will get in Hell.

Of course, you're still an idiot since you can't get it through your pill head that I don't have to agree with any of what LRH or the field of Scientology says in order to use it. Don't feel too bad, this board is full of idiots like you who can't fathom that fact either.
Of course, you're still an idiot since you can't get it through your pill head that I don't have to agree with any of what LRH or the field of Scientology says in order to use it. Don't feel too bad, this board is full of idiots like you who can't fathom that fact either.

You send your money to an organization based on the hatred of Christ. Like literally.

This is like if Herdman sent money to ISIS and tried to tell us he really doesn't hate America.