Old? You made yet another math mistake within the last month on the main board. It's a recurring issue you have.
Why lie? See, this is some Murox the Moron type shit. What I say about you is true - you've made countless, simply math errors on here. What you say about me isn't true.
I'm leaving for South Padre Island and Grand Beach, Texas in a couple of hours to continue my beach property shopping. From there (Houston), I am flying out tomorrow to look at other beach properties in Florida (again). From there, on Friday or Saturday, I'm flying to NY for a couple of weeks. Those damn "petty" residuals (oh, and they are referred to as "royalties").
When's the last time you were able to do whatever you wanted for the last three weeks? Have you accrued enough vacation days or does the head teller limit how many days you can use in a row?