F*ck Petrino

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Boo hoo. It was a crap call and the replay clearly showed it. The ACC homer refs screwed the pooch as they did all night on calls against both teams. And stop acting like you guys are freaking 'Bama. Good Lord. You are not even out of September and having a good year but some of you act like you are the ten-time defending champions. You haven't won squat yet in football (ever) so take the foot off the gas with the holier than thou attitude. You guys are the sorest winners I've ever seen.

If you were around the message boards when we played them those two bowl games you shouldn't be surprised. They had the exact same attitude, but crawled back in their holes after they got beat bad both times. They have a very good team right now and they curbed stomped us good, but yet these idiots are crying more than any fan base I've ever seen.
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Louisville has a nice team. Probably in the top 15 in the country.

Alabama would (will ? ) wax them by 30. Typical very good AAC (and these players were recruited to the AAC/"Big" East before Louisville was selected for the ACC) team. Lots of gaps that very good teams will exploit. coaching staff that could not hack it in the big time.

Louisville fans, at least the ones I saw, were polite and reasonable. Not a lot of football knowledge, which is unsurprising considering the 5 minute long history of that basketball school's football team. I suppose if MU suddenly got good at soccer or something, we would be about like that. Probably turn out and cheer, but really it is not our sport.

Every Louisville fan I talked to was obsessed with the UK score. Real bad case of little brother.
Louisville has a nice team. Probably in the top 15 in the country.

Alabama would (will ? ) wax them by 30. Typical very good AAC (and these players were recruited to the AAC/"Big" East before Louisville was selected for the ACC) team. Lots of gaps that very good teams will exploit. coaching staff that could not hack it in the big time.

Louisville fans, at least the ones I saw, were polite and reasonable. Not a lot of football knowledge, which is unsurprising considering the 5 minute long history of that basketball school's football team. I suppose if MU suddenly got good at soccer or something, we would be about like that. Probably turn out and cheer, but really it is not our sport.

Every Louisville fan I talked to was obsessed with the UK score. Real bad case of little brother.

- "Probably top 15? Thanks, that's generous
- Alabama would wax them by 30? Maybe...we might get to find out in January.
- Louisville is in their 3rd full year of ACC play and had the youngest team in the country last year. This roster was not recruited to the AAC and certainly not the Big East.
- Lots of gaps? FSU couldn't exploit them and those same gaps basically held Marshall scoreless the entire first half and this was even considering the fact that Petrino was substituting at will and our full first team defense didn't play as much as they do most games.
- I spoke with 1 group of UL fans all day (I got to the tailgate at 3) and UK was referenced once all day and that was only because there is/was a pretty interesting rumor going around about their head coach.
- Not going to reference the "dumb" fans comment as there are varying levels of football knowledge with every fan base. I spoke to more than a handful of Marshall fans that seemed to know very little about the game and where there more for the tailgate.

Having said all that...I was impressed with Marshall's atmosphere. Even in a game where they were severe underdogs and coming off a hugely disappointing loss the atmosphere was great and the tailgate was fun. I only ran into one rude Marshall fan and everyone seemed to be happy to just be at a football game and were excited to see Lamar play. The game went about like I expected and I was actually impressed that Marshall managed to hold Lamar under 100 rushing yards and never allowed him to break off a huge run like he has in nearly every game the last year and a half. I was a little surprised to see Marshall pass it so little. That seemed a little "defeatist" thinking in my view as they seemed content to run it, shorten the game and get out of there.

I'll root for Marshall in the future and might make my way back for another game in the near future.
What a low class group of people. The banners were pure hillbilly. The players are cheap shot rejects that no one else would let in school. Huntington is dump....the worst college town I've been in over 20 years. The stadium was something out of the 1970's. You can thank the Card fans filled that dump up for you. Never go back. By the way your strip the stadium was a train wreck.
- "Probably top 15? Thanks, that's generous
- Alabama would wax them by 30? Maybe...we might get to find out in January.
- Louisville is in their 3rd full year of ACC play and had the youngest team in the country last year. This roster was not recruited to the AAC and certainly not the Big East.
- Lots of gaps? FSU couldn't exploit them and those same gaps basically held Marshall scoreless the entire first half and this was even considering the fact that Petrino was substituting at will and our full first team defense didn't play as much as they do most games.
- I spoke with 1 group of UL fans all day (I got to the tailgate at 3) and UK was referenced once all day and that was only because there is/was a pretty interesting rumor going around about their head coach.
- Not going to reference the "dumb" fans comment as there are varying levels of football knowledge with every fan base. I spoke to more than a handful of Marshall fans that seemed to know very little about the game and where there more for the tailgate.

Having said all that...I was impressed with Marshall's atmosphere. Even in a game where they were severe underdogs and coming off a hugely disappointing loss the atmosphere was great and the tailgate was fun. I only ran into one rude Marshall fan and everyone seemed to be happy to just be at a football game and were excited to see Lamar play. The game went about like I expected and I was actually impressed that Marshall managed to hold Lamar under 100 rushing yards and never allowed him to break off a huge run like he has in nearly every game the last year and a half. I was a little surprised to see Marshall pass it so little. That seemed a little "defeatist" thinking in my view as they seemed content to run it, shorten the game and get out of there.

I'll root for Marshall in the future and might make my way back for another game in the near future.
The fans were ok outside the stadium I'll give them that. Typical mid major crowd. Inside the stadium was completely different. Fans were drunk and mouthy. Cussing around kids.....sorry I will not be back. No reason to schedule that bunch again. Pure hillbilly. I should have know better than make the trip.
Louisville gets one good team now they're better than Alabama and should win the college football playoff tomorrow. Calling Huntington a dump and trashing our traditions shows the class you represent. Expect a wake up call when you get pounded in the mouth and then crawl back in your hole. Smh at cards fans
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The sign about Teddy Bridgewaters injury is all you need to see to know how low class of a group Marshall fans are. Hope you guys lose every game the rest of the season. Good thing we will never have to endure playing you guys ever again after this debacle.
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You do realize somebody from KY telling somebody from WV they are hillbillies is like a homeless guy telling you your house sucks.

KY is home to some of the biggest hill jacks on the planet. My gosh the hillbillies that inhabit KY rival any hillbilly bastions throughout the US. In California there is a city called Fontana it's full of hillbillies, jacked up trucks rebel flags etc. in California its referred to as Fontucky.
So even in Southern California your hillbilly reputation is well known.

It's interesting Huntington has had write ups in papers about the hospitality of our fans. The mayor has had letters written to him by visiting fans about how well people were treated but Louisville was somehow immune to this and Huntington somehow treated the precious little sweeties from Louisville poorly. I don't buy it.

You have a good team good for you. But thanks to your classless fan base, rather than pull for you the rest of the year I hope you lose out. But no matter what happens I'm sure class act coach will find a coed to give him comfort.
Petrino put the starters back in because Marshall was still playing to win and had scored twice in a very short time to cut the lead to 31 with about 12 minutes still to go in the game.

UofL's first team offense did their job - went down the field taking time off the clock and scored, ending any chance for Marshall to win the game.

Reinserting the starters didn't have anything to do with running up the score. It had everything to do with winning the game against an opponent that was still fighting despite being down 31 points in the fourth quarter. There should be no blame on either side - for Marshall's decision to continue to play hard down 45, and UofLs decision to do what was needed to win.
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You do realize somebody from KY telling somebody from WV they are hillbillies is like a homeless guy telling you your house sucks.

KY is home to some of the biggest hill jacks on the planet. My gosh the hillbillies that inhabit KY rival any hillbilly bastions throughout the US. In California there is a city called Fontana it's full of hillbillies, jacked up trucks rebel flags etc. in California its referred to as Fontucky.
So even in Southern California your hillbilly reputation is well known.

It's interesting Huntington has had write ups in papers about the hospitality of our fans. The mayor has had letters written to him by visiting fans about how well people were treated but Louisville was somehow immune to this and Huntington somehow treated the precious little sweeties from Louisville poorly. I don't buy it.

You have a good team good for you. But thanks to your classless fan base, rather than pull for you the rest of the year I hope you lose out. But no matter what happens I'm sure class act coach will find a coed to give him comfort.
You have to bring up letters to the Mayor on how nice fans have been treated. LOL. My god how pathetic. Should the mayor have a ordnance on banners? UL did you a favor by showing up. Adding about 8,000 fans to the stadium. Your overall athletic department is a G5 bottom feeder. More of a Sunbelt program on the $$$$ side of the equation. Enjoy being able to have the Cards at will never happen again.
The sign about Teddy Bridgewaters injury is all you need to see to know how low class of a group Marshall fans are. Hope you guys lose every game the rest of the season. Good thing we will never have to endure playing you guys ever again after this debacle.

Thank goodness every single one of your fans are perfect angels /s. One idiot with a sign does not an entire fan base make. It would be like me assuming every Louisville fan is a whiny sensitive jackwad as the group of you on this thread have proven. While I have anecdotal evidence to prove my point, the reality is most are probably good folks.
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You have to bring up letters to the Mayor on how nice fans have been treated. LOL. My god how pathetic. Should the mayor have a ordnance on banners? UL did you a favor by showing up. Adding about 8,000 fans to the stadium. Your overall athletic department is a G5 bottom feeder. More of a Sunbelt program on the $$$$ side of the equation. Enjoy being able to have the Cards at will never happen again.

Boy, you Louisville folks just ooze class........... Your program has no history, but keep thinking you're Ohio State.
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Your tears are salty, Louisville fans. I have never seen a program with so many female posters on message boards. Has your athletic department invested in some program to get women involved in sports social media? Don't take that the wrong way, I think it's a great outreach for inclusion, but they should let you ladies know that football is a contact sport and your players don't get a pass because you like them and think it's mean.

They should also give you more training on officiating and how to interpret calls. See, the ACC crew calling the game (that's your conference) called your players for more personal fouls because your players were the ones taking a disproportionate number of the illegal shots. That's how that works.
You do realize somebody from KY telling somebody from WV they are hillbillies is like a homeless guy telling you your house sucks.

KY is home to some of the biggest hill jacks on the planet. My gosh the hillbillies that inhabit KY rival any hillbilly bastions throughout the US. In California there is a city called Fontana it's full of hillbillies, jacked up trucks rebel flags etc. in California its referred to as Fontucky.
So even in Southern California your hillbilly reputation is well known.

It's interesting Huntington has had write ups in papers about the hospitality of our fans. The mayor has had letters written to him by visiting fans about how well people were treated but Louisville was somehow immune to this and Huntington somehow treated the precious little sweeties from Louisville poorly. I don't buy it.

You have a good team good for you. But thanks to your classless fan base, rather than pull for you the rest of the year I hope you lose out. But no matter what happens I'm sure class act coach will find a coed to give him comfort.

It's funny you say this, when I lived in Detroit back in the later 80's - early 90's there was the suburb town of Taylor know as Taylortucky. Even the gangs from the roughest parts of Detroit stayed out of Taylortucky.
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Boy, you Louisville folks just ooze class........... Your program has no history, but keep thinking you're Ohio State.
Well, what ever ranking UL has in the world of college athletics Marshall is so far below us you would need sonar to find you. Good luck to you in the remake of the Sunbelt conference. Some stellar programs and schools that work well for MU.
You have to bring up letters to the Mayor on how nice fans have been treated. LOL. My god how pathetic. Should the mayor have a ordnance on banners? UL did you a favor by showing up. Adding about 8,000 fans to the stadium. Your overall athletic department is a G5 bottom feeder. More of a Sunbelt program on the $$$$ side of the equation. Enjoy being able to have the Cards at will never happen again.

Time to get off the computer and do your middle school homework.

The fact the UL employs a win at all cost attitude by employing Petirno and his heavy baggage and Pitino and the hookers, tells me all I need to know about the school.

You are an immature idiot. Later!
You have to bring up letters to the Mayor on how nice fans have been treated. LOL. My god how pathetic. Should the mayor have a ordnance on banners? UL did you a favor by showing up. Adding about 8,000 fans to the stadium. Your overall athletic department is a G5 bottom feeder. More of a Sunbelt program on the $$$$ side of the equation. Enjoy being able to have the Cards at will never happen again.

My gosh you really are a special kind of stupid. If you represent the majority of Louisville fans I'm glad you will never be back. Huntington has enough dumb asses without you littering the streets with your imbecilic attitude.

Oh FYI you aren't an AD you have absolutely zero say as to when and where Marshall and Louisville ever play again.

Also congratulations on your victory in the budget wars over Marshall. Wow what a victory. You have convinced me you are on the same level as Alabama and Ohio State. I mean last night the list of Heisman finalists you have had were outstanding and all of those national championships in football. It's mind blowing. I certainly understand how you puff up your chest for that one team out of 100 years that may actually contend for a championship. The key word is may. So I certainly understand your condescending attitude.
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Considering UL is one of a handful of schools never to have a Heisman candidate, I don't think they need to be on such a high horse.

We've had 3.
Well, what ever ranking UL has in the world of college athletics Marshall is so far below us you would need sonar to find you. Good luck to you in the remake of the Sunbelt conference. Some stellar programs and schools that work well for MU.

Keep proving my point, no history, no class. I'm done trolling you all. But, feel free to keep posting. I'm enjoying watching you guys lose your minds over a win. Shows what a big group of insecure wannabes you all really are.
Considering UL is one of a handful of schools never to have a Heisman candidate, I don't think they need to be on such a high horse.

We've had 3.
OK, but major college athletic programs are not defined by one sport but many. There is a game called basketball that UL has had some level of success. There is though, a measuring stick called the Directors Cup that defines a ranking. You may want to check out where Marshall is ranked. It's been fun today. Pitt is a ACC brother and I hope they take you to the wood shed. Remember nothing personal...its just business.
Sounds like somebody mad they didn't put up 100 like ESPN told them they would be able to...

To the reasonable guy above questioning our color by numbers play calling, we lost our starting QB last week. He got hit so hard he thinks he's Katlyn Jenner right now. We started a true freshman backed up by another true freshman. Most of us agree we still should have chucked it like an 8 year old on PlayStation...

And yes, we have the 3rd smallest budget in the 3rd poorest conference in the country. We play in a state that has practically no FBS talent on a yearly basis. WV has a population of 1.8 million. Louisville metro has over a million. Your athletic department has 10 times the resources as ours. Despite all of that, we still have a national name. We still beat you 4 out of the last 5 times we played. We still pack our stadium win or lose better than all but a few G5 schools and several P5's. It's funny how a couple of years in the ACC have erased playing in CUSA just a few years ago...
Your team is full of thugs whose sole purpose last night was to injure as many Louisville players as possible, they deserved a lot worse than to have the score run up on them.

Go ahead and ban me, I don't give a ****. I never want to see Marshall on our schedule ever again. Your coaches are classless. Your players are classless. Your fans are classless. I hope your program rots in CUSA forever after what I saw last night. I'm truly disgusted.

Good grief, someone please post one of those baby crying memes.
4 of the last 5, and 5 of the last 14. LMAO. The score was 52-7 before we sub'd our scrubs in on defense and you started scoring. Are you guys even second fiddle after WVU? Or is there another shithole that we don't know about? Nobody said we were Ohio State, but at least we are here. As in arrived. You can't turn on ESPN without hearing about us. But hey, good effort. I wish we would have punched in that last TD instead of showing mercy on you bitches. Enjoy the rest of our season from the land of misfits. You should be thanking us that you got to be in our spotlight for a few hours. Ungrateful turds. Nobody outside of hilljack, WV will see another one of your mid major games the rest of the year
Uofldynasty? When exactly has UofL had a dynasty in anything? You've had an above solid BB program for a number of years, but nothing to be considered a dynasty. You have had sporadic good results in football, but that would be better described by the name UofLoccasionally. Okay baseball, okay women's sports, just no dynasty I can find.

Now, UK basketball, there's a dynasty if you're looking for one.
OK, but major college athletic programs are not defined by one sport but many. There is a game called basketball that UL has had some level of success. There is though, a measuring stick called the Directors Cup that defines a ranking. You may want to check out where Marshall is ranked. It's been fun today. Pitt is a ACC brother and I hope they take you to the wood shed. Remember nothing personal...its just business.

The moment you think of Pitt as a brother you should chop down your family tree.
Uofldynasty? When exactly has UofL had a dynasty in anything? You've had an above solid BB program for a number of years, but nothing to be considered a dynasty. You have had sporadic good results in football, but that would be better described by the name UofLoccasionally. Okay baseball, okay women's sports, just no dynasty I can find.

Now, UK basketball, there's a dynasty if you're looking for one
Do your homework junior. Louisville basketball is the #6 All Time program on anybody's list. Team of the 80's. We have matched UK in final fours and titles in my 4 decades of living. We have more Final Four trips than all your pathetic sports combined. Lemme know when you make a tournament or a relevant bowl game. You see only at Louisville can you win a national title in basketball, then turn around and curb stomp #3 Florida in the Sugar Bowl. Something you will never experience in your entire pathetic meaningless life
Cal is what 7-1 against Pitino? Ky is the roman empire. You are kinda like the hillbilly part of egypt. Now with all the comebacks I have seen after only 3 weeks I understand why he put the starters back in. Boom just like that we scored twice. We were going to leave our starters in and try to win. Why should the better team give you a better chance? Louisville put the great Jackson back in and he masterfully drove you down the field like a hot knife through butter. They scored and then they backed off. Hell why didnt we play another qb last night?lol is litton doc's nephew?
Wait I just realized I'm sitting here smacking around a bunch of nobody's when CGD is about to put our game in the national spotlight for the second time in 3 weeks. Lemme know when they put Marsha on the list of towns.
CGD stands for College Game Day. Sorry we're so accustomed to these things that we just abbreviate all of them. CWS stands for College World Series btw. Yeah we're top 5 in that sport too. Do you guys even have a baseball team?
Well first of Ky has 5 since I moved to ky in 73. I believe Louisville has 4. My favorite being the team jeff hall was on and darrell griffith. Im a fan of the cardinal program and I do see it as a dynasty. They have been good going on 40 years from my seat. I actually watched marshall lose a 10 point led and lost to griffith and the boys. I have a license plate i use when louisville wins a title abd it says,,Louisville #1 in the nation #2 in Kentucky. Cal has run a squealy clean program and wiped out the 2 horrible years of gillispie why pitino is up to his neck in crap. His son cant coach either by the way. Pitino is a hall of famer. His best job was what he did with KY. Mashburn and little white guys from eastern ky.
check and see who holds the most recent title. Cal? Or Pitino. I'll wait right here
This is hilarious.....Marshall talking basketball smack with Card fans. I have to clue other UL fans into this site. Honest to god it's unreal. When was the last they were in the tournament. I mean I can'even find it. This is like shooting fish in a barrel. LOL at least WVU fans have some punch power.
Well first of Ky has 5 since I moved to ky in 73. I believe Louisville has 4. My favorite being the team jeff hall was on and darrell griffith. Im a fan of the cardinal program and I do see it as a dynasty. They have been good going on 40 years from my seat. I actually watched marshall lose a 10 point led and lost to griffith and the boys. I have a license plate i use when louisville wins a title abd it says,,Louisville #1 in the nation #2 in Kentucky. Cal has run a squealy clean program and wiped out the 2 horrible years of gillispie why pitino is up to his neck in crap. His son cant coach either by the way. Pitino is a hall of famer. His best job was what he did with KY. Mashburn and little white guys from eastern ky.
By the way if louisville has 4 titles then thats 9 titles since 78. Pretty good for a little old state like ky. If we could get the right coach the herd could go to the big dance but we have no clue because most folks from 71 who do know are gone. Well except for coach dan and his brother. Dan is going to win with wv talent. Wish marshall had that plan in place when mayo and patterson and walker were all around. I cant argue herd basketball. I have nary a leg to stand on. My dozen or so trips to rupp are awesome
CGD stands for College Game Day. Sorry we're so accustomed to these things that we just abbreviate all of them. CWS stands for College World Series btw. Yeah we're top 5 in that sport too. Do you guys even have a baseball team?

It's a shame Sports Illustrated had to go and place it's magazine cover jinx on your QB.

It's only a matter of time now...
Your team is full of thugs whose sole purpose last night was to injure as many Louisville players as possible, they deserved a lot worse than to have the score run up on them.

Go ahead and ban me, I don't give a ****. I never want to see Marshall on our schedule ever again. Your coaches are classless. Your players are classless. Your fans are classless. I hope your program rots in CUSA forever after what I saw last night. I'm truly disgusted.

LOL you sound like a Kentucky fan.
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