Went to the bait shop

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Went to get a couple bags of shrimp and some cut mullet. One bag of ice.

The guy that owns the bait shop shoots the shit as usual. Ends up telling me he did porn at one point when he was younger.

rifle, since you are around the stars, do you know Flounder Pounder from South Carolina?
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While I was at Marshall, one of the fraternities had a porn night open to anyone who wanted to pay a couple bucks. Some old little guy arrived at the house with a small projector and some reels of film tucked under his arm.

Some of the crowd must have known the guy because they kept yelling for “the donkey film.” The guy said he forgot to bring it.
You had three posts in this thread and they were all creepy. Yore dementedly fuktup.
The first one is no different than what every other married man has to abide by, and the second one is of a flounder pounder.
While I was at Marshall, one of the fraternities had a porn night open to anyone who wanted to pay a couple bucks. Some old little guy arrived at the house with a small projector and some reels of film tucked under his arm.

Some of the crowd must have known the guy because they kept yelling for “the donkey film.” The guy said he forgot to bring it.
I got my ass in trouble at my place of employment once because of watching a few porn flicks. :cool: It was 1977 so getting to watch porn was still not an easy thing to do. I worked midnight shift in the lab of a local company. One of the guys got ahold of a projector and a bunch of 8mm porn movies. I thought it was harmless to let him set up the projector and a couple of us watch a few movies. When my boss got wind of it a week or so later, he didn’t see it as harmless as I. lol

With limited porn access, you did what you had to do! Some of y’all don’t understand the struggles we boomers had to endure and how we helped pave the way for you!! Haha

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