• BleedsGreen33
    BleedsGreen33 replied to the thread Does Carl Lee.
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  • extragreen
    extragreen replied to the thread The FBI Always Knows.
    You're a lying trumptard. You were insinuating the shooting was a conspiracy... that the shooting was done to help the Dems.
  • extragreen
    extragreen replied to the thread The FBI Always Knows.
    _____stupid lying trumptard^^
  • BleedsGreen33
    BleedsGreen33 replied to the thread Just going to say it.
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  • mlblack16.
    mlblack16. replied to the thread Just going to say it.
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  • extragreen
    extragreen replied to the thread La la la la la.
    ^^^ SNOWFLAKE is melting.
  • BleedsGreen33
    BleedsGreen33 replied to the thread Just going to say it.
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  • extragreen
    extragreen replied to the thread La la la la la.
    sign here, coward >>>> ________________________ extragreen signature>>>> extragreen
  • extragreen
    ^^^coward is really sure of himself until offered a perma ban bet.
  • BleedsGreen33
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  • jeremycriss
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  • R
    riflearm2 replied to the thread La la la la la.
    Shocker. Another deplorable fantasizing about things going up my ass. Let’s count how much of a moron you are just from this thread...
  • H
    HerdandHokies replied to the thread The FBI Always Knows.
    Gee I wonder why we hadn’t had school shootings in a while.
  • MUMAN3419
    MUMAN3419 replied to the thread Just going to say it.
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  • i am herdman
    i am herdman replied to the thread The FBI Always Knows.
    Some of you guys have no idea what our govt or certain people/organizations are capable of.
  • i am herdman
    i am herdman replied to the thread The FBI Always Knows.
    All I am saying is, as Doc did, that the FBI always has these guys on their radar. Now, I walk into the office this morning and...
  • big_country90
    big_country90 replied to the thread The FBI Always Knows.
    Thank you for the admission. Stop visiting left-wing websites and you’ll get the truth more often.
  • M
    Continued desperation.
  • S
    SBAP74 replied to the thread La la la la la.
    You couldn’t run a sharp stick up your ass
  • Raoul Duke MU
    Raoul Duke MU replied to the thread The FBI Always Knows.
    I don't know why this would be surprising for anyone. I'd bet the FBI gets dozens of tips daily about online threats. I'd also bet...
  • Treadmill MUsic
    Treadmill MUsic replied to the thread Does Carl Lee.
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  • 1
    19MU88 replied to the thread The FBI Always Knows.
    Another liberal confident in their stupidity.
  • R
    riflearm2 replied to the thread La la la la la.
    I agree. I am running this place, because I’m The Architect and on top of the marquee. Glad you can acknowledge that I run this place...
  • Aaron Perkins
    Aaron Perkins replied to the thread Just going to say it.
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  • S
    SBAP74 replied to the thread La la la la la.
    I figured the good folks on that board needed to know that you and your butt buddy Greed are bitches and are ruining Pullman. I’m sure...
