The FBI Always Knows

All I am saying is, as Doc did, that the FBI always has these guys on their radar.

Now, I walk into the office this morning and without bringing this up a dude I have never talked politics or anything like this with, tells me we were just talking the other day how there have no school shootings for awhile and now this right before the election.

He brings it up to me.
You're a lying trumptard. You were insinuating the shooting was a conspiracy... that the shooting was done to help the Dems.

La la la la la

You couldn’t run a sharp stick up your ass
Shocker. Another deplorable fantasizing about things going up my ass.

Let’s count how much of a moron you are just from this thread:

1) You posted on the wrong board.
2) It took you three days to realize that.
3) You claimed that I was running this board, then when called out on it, you edited your post to say “ruining” this board.
4) 1988 supported you, which is possibly the biggest kiss of failure on this board.
5) You have thoughts about things going up my ass.

It’s hard to be moronic that many times in one thread, but you pulled it off.

The FBI Always Knows

All I am saying is, as Doc did, that the FBI always has these guys on their radar.

Now, I walk into the office this morning and without bringing this up a dude I have never talked politics or anything like this with, tells me we were just talking the other day how there have no school shootings for awhile and now this right before the election.

He brings it up to me.
Gee I wonder why we hadn’t had school shootings in a while.
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The FBI Always Knows

Don’t be a pussy, spell out the conspiracy theory you’re implying.
All I am saying is, as Doc did, that the FBI always has these guys on their radar.

Now, I walk into the office this morning and without bringing this up a dude I have never talked politics or anything like this with, tells me we were just talking the other day how there have no school shootings for awhile and now this right before the election.

He brings it up to me.

The FBI Always Knows

I do buy that the FBI seems to have a high % chance of having these people "on their radar" though.
I don't know why this would be surprising for anyone.

I'd bet the FBI gets dozens of tips daily about online threats. I'd also bet 99.9% of the threats are just online bullshitting.

FBI did their due diligence and passed it along to the local authorities.

Do we really want all online threats to be prosecuted? I don't. People are stupid and say stupid shit they don't mean a hell of a lot more often than people actually do something violent.
