• ThunderCat98
    ffs, he's obviously trolling the lefties.
  • H
    Would you listen to your self?!?!
  • 30CAT
    "That can't be true!" - riflepuss Democrats, their policies and their bleaters are destroying our country...
  • C
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  • H
    herdfan2013 replied to the thread Recruiting questions.
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  • 30CAT
    Democrats cheat. Also, their policies and their bleaters are destroying our country...
  • 30CAT
    May God bless our king
  • H
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  • 30CAT
    This guy will be canceled by the insane left Democrats, their policies and their bleaters are destroying our country...
  • 30CAT
    Democrats, their policies and their bleaters are destroying our country...
  • 30CAT
    No. They just cheat so they don't have to experience it. Was Commie-Toe democratically placed as the Democrat nominee?
  • M
    Just like the Germans did with Hitler.
  • ThunderCat98
    ^^^Forgets Dems are the ones that started the whole "stolen election" and challenging the results bullshit with AlGore and again with...
  • R
    ^^^ "This troll needs to be ignored."-- Sammy and his minions. ^^^
  • R
    And supporting a plagiarist candidate that pretends to be black just so she can use the race card for votes. Absolutely pitiful.
  • M
    Very moving. God bless President Trump. God bless America.
  • i am herdman
    Yes. But this guy said he expects a literal mental health crisis from it.
  • S
    Yes. They actually do. For years.
  • H
    Yeah. Democrats are the ones who throw violent hissy fits when they lose. Right.
  • i am herdman
    Hopefully we get America first soon.
  • Aaron Coleman
    Aaron Coleman replied to the thread Recruiting questions.
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  • P
    PeytonwGill replied to the thread Recruiting questions.
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  • S
    Lmao. Repeating garbage…. He’s turning into greed hahahahaha Bitch
  • J
    Naa... they wont. John Brown Gun Club and Proud Boys already said they will respond if they do.
