• greengeezer
    It rained for all of 30 seconds here last night. How is that going to help anything? Most of the trees still have their leaves and they...
  • extragreen
    You're a lying trumptard coward.
  • R
    This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.
  • S
    What a complete dip shit. Sadly this is all pandering and what’s even more sad is that people will buy it…several on this message...
  • 30CAT
    The destruction of our country, right before your eyes. God forbid people are hired based on talent. Pathetic. Democrats, their...
  • mlblack16.
    All Greed sees is a fun evening with his pals.
  • mlblack16.
    "Awh shucks, I'm just a knucklehead when I lie about EVERYTHING." Only person who lies as much as Timpon is that welching summabitch...
  • mlblack16.
    mlblack16. replied to the thread Just a Reminder.
    Is that someone else who's supposedly rich (like you)? Because it sure as fvck ain't the famous singer.
  • mlblack16.
    Did he happen to discuss the thetans?
  • R
    riflearm2 replied to the thread MLB playoffs.
    I used to think that somebody like Fever was the dumbest person on this board. But over the last couple of years, there have been a few...
  • extragreen
    extragreen replied to the thread MLB playoffs.
    I just noticed only 1 of the top 5 highest MLB payrolls made the final 4 last year. Philadelphia 4* Arizona 21 Houston 10 Texas 9
  • R
    That’s why you need leadership that can get guys to buy in, now more than ever. Have to be able to sell “something bigger than yourself”.
  • extragreen
    You're a stupid lying MAGAT.
  • extragreen
    Must have been difficult for a God hater like you to watch and listen.
  • H
    Except you'll be paid a good amount to do so.
  • H
    Herdcyclones replied to the thread FIRE HUFF! What a FU.
    As time marches on, and my roots sink deeper in Iowa after my time in WV, I really have grown in my affinity for Iowa State. But I try...
  • R
    It’s a paper snowflake. You see Klan hood because you were told to see Klan hood.
  • R
    Just noticed that of the 4 teams left playing, three are in the top 5 in terms of payroll. It’s strange because an expert once told me...
  • extragreen
    extragreen replied to the thread I took greed off ignore.
    It's used by stupid lying cowards. So there's that.
  • extragreen
    ^^^2 Thicket of Idiots hall of famers
  • M
    It's like they are trying to lose the election now.
  • extragreen
    There are Thicket of Idiots cult members all over the place...
