Possible Ukraine Deal

NATO membership was never gonna happen. There are numerous reasons why - with a major one being corruption. Which has actually gotten worse from the previous year according to the Corruption Perceptions Index
And you idiots are siding with putin who ranks 49 further down the list and has moved 4 points lower compared to ukraine that dropped 1 point. Idiots.

Hogsteth Wants $50,000 for 'Emergency' Paint Job to Move into Military Family Housing, Lawmakers Say

Rumor has it that the magats want to cut spending. Just not theirs.

"We have a revenue problem"

That's right. The U.S. federal receipts as a percentage of GDP was on an upward trend starting in 1950 at 13.15% and peaked in 1981 at 18.68% (thanks to Carter). Reagan's tax cuts quickly cut the 18.68% down to 16.52 3 years later and he left office at 17.56%. Reagans tax cuts continued to cut into Federal revenue during Bush 1 and the percentage went down to 16.83. Then under Clinton the % climbed to 19.75% in his last year in office at the second highest % just below the record of 19.80 in 1945 under Truman. Bush 2 then installed his tax cuts and the % dove in his first 4 years to 15.38 and ended his presidency at 17.08 at the beginning of the Great Recession when it plunged to 14.53 the first year into the recession. Obama left office at 17.37. The orange jesus took the reins and the percentage dove to 16.02. It came back up under Biden to 16.85.
The 3 bright spots for federal revenue have been Carter 18.09, Clinton 19.75, and Biden 18.83. No others have come close. Since the downward trend started with Reagan, 30 of the 43 years until 2024 have been UNDER 17.5%. 19 of those 30 under 17.5% have been under republican presidents. The tax cuts have cost the federal revenue $20 TRILLION. Yes, WE HAVE A REVENUE PROBLEM. Republicans are planning on adding another $4 TRILLION TO THEIR MESSES.


Created over 16 million jobs in 4 years. More than reagan in 8 years. He created 34x more jobs than all republican presidents since reagan COMBINED.

Biden more than doubled the orange jesus in percentage increase of GDP.

Biden is leaving office having lowered the UE rate by 2.1% while your orange jesus left office with a 2.1% increase in the UE rate.

All of that^^^ while the Fed was attempting to slow the economy.

Got the U.S. out of Afghanistan, something your orange jesus and 2 other presidents could not.

Domestic oil production at all time HIGH.

Biden is not a convicted felon.

Your orange jesus is a convicted felon.


The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said Tuesday that in the first two weeks of President Donald Trump's second term, nearly 5,700 illegal immigrants had been deported.

If the new administration continues at that clip, one expert told Newsweek, then it would be on track to deport half the number of migrants removed during former President Joe Biden's last full fiscal year in 2024.

Possible Ukraine Deal

If the war continues Russia will move to the river cutting Ukraine nearly in two. Ukraine should have negotiated earlier when the Russians were floundering. Instead some morons in DC told them to this summer offensive and go against Russian defenses. They lost thousands doing so with no strategic gains.

It is over for Ukraine..Russia is stronger unlike what Mush Brain and the ilk told us.

They helped cause Ukraine to be torn and tattered.
You're a Godless lying wretched magat oath breaking coward and idiot. You're a filthy bag of dead men's bones.
