Don’t talk to me, don’t look me, don’t come near me

That wouldn't be so bad, but the govt contract is for $500 for the smart phone when really the smart phone is only $100 but some middle man rent seeker takes a cut too. Then the director of the program (probably a Jesuit aid organization) has a $400K salary and lives in NOVA with his wife who runs another NGO at a similar salary, they need the money too.
And the director is likely the brother, son, or cousin of someone in Congress.

Don’t talk to me, don’t look me, don’t come near me

CH, several hundred undocumented Americans thank you for their new smart phones.

That wouldn't be so bad, but the govt contract is for $500 for the smart phone when really the smart phone is only $100 but some middle man rent seeker takes a cut too. Then the director of the program (probably a Jesuit aid organization) has a $400K salary and lives in NOVA with his wife who runs another NGO at a similar salary, they need the money too.
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Don’t talk to me, don’t look me, don’t come near me

For the people out there that actually pay taxes...the last few weeks have been a roller coaster. Hard to stomach paying 6 figures plus to the feds when they blow it on (often foreign) pet projects, slush funds, and NGO's with mission statements of corporate speak with zero endpoint metrics for success so you can't trace the money/effectiveness.
CH, several hundred undocumented Americans thank you for their new smart phones.

Fentanyl's financial grip on US skyrocketed to $2.7T at height of P admin: study

Pedo-Joe’s and Democrats' polices killed 100s of 1,000s of people and the entire left couldn't care less.

Now they're trying to pretend they care about illegal aliens. Bullshit. They don't even care about fellow Americans.

Democrat policies SUCK.

