Tulsi is now a Republican.
- By 30CAT
- Pullman Square - Non Sports Talk
- 24 Replies
In an impeachment trial, it's not a senator's job to vote as his constituenta" wishes. It is a senator's job to vote as the evidence demands.
I could absolutely make an argument the Founding Fathers never intended a senator to vote only for constituents' wishes. And no, that's not some play on pre-17th Amendment choosing of senators. The Senate was designed to not reflect the immediate wishes of the great unwashed masses.
Well, if he'd had done his homework instead of playing party politics, he'd had known (and I believe he did know) the impeachment was bogus. A true conservative and not a Trump hater, he would have voted nay. He's part of the establishment.
He dropped out because he knew he was in trouble with his constituents.
He is part of the commie machine.