I think I may agree with this

I agree in principle. However the correction you mention wasn't absorbed by the investors or the lenders, it was absorbed by the taxpayers, the same ones currently getting priced out of the market. Too big to fail...

Are you familiar with Clinton's and Barney Frank's policies that basically virtually everyone qualified for home ownership?
I'm talking about a correction that will take place in the future. Not the too big to fail situation

US Media: Trump Staged a Photo Op

....who is barred from having a charity because he stole from his old charity to use the money to settle lawsuits against his private businesses. This happened immediately after he was soliciting donations for his charity "for veterans" know, suckers and losers.
I see the parrot still repeats the proven lie ..."suckers and losers"..

What a moron

I think I may agree with this

Which is why “banning sales” to anyone is a horrible idea. At some point, this asset class will fall out of favor for the big boys, as all investments do. The cost of maintaining these properties will result in the sale of the property, and price correction.

But as your article pointed out….once again, another failed big govt policy. This is what the minions crying for fairness and equity ultimately becomes.

I agree in principle. However the correction you mention wasn't absorbed by the investors or the lenders, it was absorbed by the taxpayers, the same ones currently getting priced out of the market. Too big to fail...

Are you familiar with Clinton's and Barney Frank's policies that basically virtually everyone qualified for home ownership?
