Today, I got my second ticket and it was for speeding. 61 mph in a 35mph construction zone. The speed limit on the road is typically 55 mph, but they're putting in a new bridge.
The police officer was awesome. Before he got to my window, I told him I had a loaded weapon in the car. He was very happy i told him that. I told him where it was located before I took my hands off the wheel. We talked for a bit. He reduced my citation to 9 mph over without the construction zone.
He said if it weren't for it being a construction zone, he would have given me a warning.
I honestly spaced out. Still can't believe I didn't slow down to 35.
Oh well. It could have been a lot worse.
After he gave me a ticket, I drove another block and paid my fine.
Going to go in Monday morning and bring them coffee and some donuts.
I appreciate our law enforcement officers.