The Sun Belt Cheats

Last week, Arkansas State was losing to FCS Central Arkansas with less than 10 seconds to play. On 3rd down from the seven yard line, Arkansas State attempted a pass in the end zone. As the official right next to the play ruled, it was an incomplete pass . . . and it wasn't even close to being complete.

But, the call was reviewed. The Sun Belt review committee ruled it a touchdown, giving Arkansas State the win.

Judge for yourself. Is this a completed pass for a TD when the receiver didn't even catch the ball?

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Then, yesterday, the Sun Belt came out with a statement admitting they messed up. They claimed that they were only looking at the receiver's foot being inbounds and didn't see that the receiver didn't even catch the ball.
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More Money

There used to be a poster on here who repeatedly and vehement argued that I don’t have a single credit in music, no matter how much proof I offered otherwise.

Today, yet another quarterly royalty check arrived. This is one of many different royalties I receive for music. That former poster claimed to rent “luxury” apartments for $800/month. He could rent a little over 11 of those for a month, and he still wouldn’t make as much as I earn quarterly from just this one PRO.

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Need an update

Did raoul or other moderators get around to banning greed yet? Expecting HQ to get involved tomorrow once the three day weekend has passed. I'm told he still hasn't honored the bet, which is really no surprise since he has no pride. I'm also told he's polluting the forum with garbage.

If true, hard to figure why local moderators would allow such a thing. I get it that greed is piggy backing off of rifles mini meltdown, but that makes it even worse in my opinion.

Kudos From Aaron - Stoney Brook

Just a list of what i thought was good this past weekend.

I was pleasantly surprised with the crowd at the beginning of the game. There was a lot more in attendance than what I feared. Leading into the season there was so much unknown, it didnt seem like the excitement was around, etc. But the crowd to start the game was really good, considering.

The band. This group may deserve the biggest kudos of any. At one point last year, I counted around 70 t0 75 members and that included everyone. Saturday I counted 112 actual band members, and that number increased to 148 when I included all of the majorettes and flag corp.

In addition to the band there was a large dance team, and an addition 30 cheerleaders.

I felt the intro for the team onto the field was the best in the Huff era, and maybe one of the best ever. They finally nailed it.

The music throughout the game, and the overall game day production was fantastic. They nailed it on all level. Nothing looked bad, nothing sounded bad, nothing seemed mistimed, or out of place.

Getting into the stadium was flawless. I entered on the side of Gate A, coming off of third avenue. I was surprised to see that entrance there and it really made things easy. I went in around 430 and it took maybe 5 total minutes from getting in line to getting to my seat.

I love the new concourse areas. So easy to do, long overdue, and just made it feel really nice and open once we got into the stadium

I couldnt have been more impressed with everything about the game day.

Now onto the actual game.

We did what we were suppose to do. Why? I dont know. Some say that was the worse team to play there since WV State. I am not sure I agree with that, but some love to look at ways to downplay any success.

The quarterbacks. All three played well.

- Stone, I was shocked he started. I thought for sure it would be Braxton. Stone, in my opinion looked good, not as good a thrower as Cole, not as good of a runner as Braxton, but overall better at both when combined. I was really impressed with his decision making. One play we were moving from North to South away from the Shewey. It was a quick out pass to the left. He went to throw it and immediately realized the route had been jumped. Nearly every other qb on the planet would have thrown it anyway. But he pulled the ball in and ran for about 12 yards up the middle.

- Braxton, he just floats when he runs with the ball, and he has a good arm too. Our offensive seemed to flow a little bit more openly with him in the game.

- Cole, played well late. I still think he throws a better ball than any other qb on the team. He has a much higher release point as well, at least it seems that way. The touchdown pass to Bralon Brown was a dime.

The rest of the offense was fun to watch. Loved the pace of play. AJ Turner has another gear i didnt realize he had.

I loved the defense, especially the front four. We had two and a half sets of defensive lineman and they all looked big. Big fan of Watson at linebacker as well.

Defensive backfield is solid, I dont think we have any drop off there at all.

Totten is an absolute weapon kicking off the football. He was putting them into the endzone with the wind, and into the wind.

I thought the offensive line did a solid job, I know, it was against Stony Brook, but still, they have players as well.

The student turnout was much better than I was expecting, and the production staff did a great job keeping them engaged in the game on the video board.

I was happy with the amount of fans, both regular, and students that came back in after the delay, and stayed until the end.

All in all, I dont think the game could have went much better!

Now, I am going to go over and read everyone else's opinions! Should be fun. I am sure someone has to be mad that we didnt score early enough, and didnt throw to a tight end.

GO HERD!!!! Time to go Beat VT again!!!

The Arlington Attackers: Until they are identified and fired, there can be no debate.

Trump Suggests Gold Star Families to Blame for Arlington Cemetery Controversy

