Points in time...in year 5 for Doc and year 5 for Dan...they are about the same.
You're comparing a single year in time, one which was many years ago for football, to make your analysis? And you claim Cali's post was grasping?
Tell me how looking at where football was four to five years ago, just for one year, supports your statement that the two programs are about the same right now? Not only does looking at where the football program was for one year (four to five years ago) have absolutely no logic, but it has absolutely nothing to do with looking at where the two programs are today.
How many conferences are there in basketball? 32 conferences.
There are 5 in the "Group of 5" because the G5 hardly ever eclipses the P5.
I have no idea what your point is. Marshall competes against both G5 and P5 teams. When looking at all of FBS, C-USA was dead last. When looking at just the G5s, C-USA was dead last. Regardless of how you want to look at it, C-USA basketball fares far, far better than C-USA football.
That means winning C-USA basketball is a harder/better accomplishment than winning C-USA football. That holds more true when you consider Marshall's resources give it a far better advantage in football than in basketball compared with their conference peers.
Finishing wherever doesn't and shouldn't matter.
It absolutely does matter, especially when the question is which of the two programs is better.
Your claim that the only thing that matters is winning the conference is foolish when answering the question posed. Which program would be better:
Marshall basketball: wins the conference for one season then finishes dead last for the next decade.
Marshall football: wins the conference for one season then loses in the conference championship (means finishing 2nd in the conference) for the next decade.
Clearly, Marshall football would be a much better program than Marshall basketball. But according to your claim that the only thing that matters is winning the conference, you'd have to argue that both programs were the same. Absurdly stupid.
People disparage Marshall football by saying "one championship in nine years" because the football program was in much better shape than the basketball program. The football program routinely won championships before Doc. The basketball program hadn't won a conference championship in decades before D'Antoni. Had Marshall basketball consistently won the conference before D'Antoni, he would be catching some heat for having won it just once in five years. But that isn't the case.
There are higher expectations for Marshall football because that program has far more advantages to winning the conference than Marshall basketball does and because other coaches (that's plural) have shown that it can be done. That isn't the case with Marshall basketball.
Dan has as many titles and title game appearances as Doc.
. . . Dan has as many titles and title game appearances as Doc while coaching about half the amount of time and while having far less advantages than Doc has within the conference.
To claim that football is equal in success to basketball recently or that they are about equal in success is absurd. Simply look at the results of the last four years.