2020 Prediction That I’ve Heard Kicked Around

The Dems NEED a minority candidate to run in order to have a chance, IMO.

I think its possible that Dem internal polling sees a growing number of blacks supporting Trump. Thus the need for the ongoing Dem public relations strategy of "Trump and his supporters are white supremacists". Dems need the black vote back on the plantation.
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If it’s someone that’s more moderate to liberal like a Biden I think the situation is reversed and Trump would lose in a landslide.

If Biden ends up on the ticket, he gets crushed. In the deep dark recesses of the Dem party, they hope he goes to sleep one night and doesn't wake up.
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You cons are delusional. cheetos won't win New Hampshire or Minnesota. He also won't win in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.
Biden has polled over cheetos in the last 38 polls by an average of over 8 points.
Sanders has polled over cheetos in 34 of 35 polls by an average of over 5 points.
Those polls cover from March of this year to the 13th of this month.
Yeah, I know your faux disbelief of polls, but your guy is living out his last year and a half of his term, and then he's gone.
You cons are delusional. cheetos won't win New Hampshire or Minnesota. He also won't win in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.
Biden has polled over cheetos in the last 38 polls by an average of over 8 points.
Sanders has polled over cheetos in 34 of 35 polls by an average of over 5 points.
Those polls cover from March of this year to the 13th of this month.
Yeah, I know your faux disbelief of polls, but your guy is living out his last year and a half of his term, and then he's gone.

Shocker you broke your self ban liar.

I hope you aren’t banned in 2020 for the KAGA / MAGA celebration
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You cons are delusional. cheetos won't win New Hampshire or Minnesota. He also won't win in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.
Biden has polled over cheetos in the last 38 polls by an average of over 8 points.
Sanders has polled over cheetos in 34 of 35 polls by an average of over 5 points.
Those polls cover from March of this year to the 13th of this month.
Yeah, I know your faux disbelief of polls, but your guy is living out his last year and a half of his term, and then he's gone.

This all sounds so familiar...when did I hear this before?
You cons are delusional. cheetos won't win New Hampshire or Minnesota. He also won't win in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.
Biden has polled over cheetos in the last 38 polls by an average of over 8 points.
Sanders has polled over cheetos in 34 of 35 polls by an average of over 5 points.
Those polls cover from March of this year to the 13th of this month.
Yeah, I know your faux disbelief of polls, but your guy is living out his last year and a half of his term, and then he's gone.

5 points? 8 Points? Bahahahaha

Yep. Sounds like 2015 polls all over again.
5 points? 8 Points? Bahahahaha

Yep. Sounds like 2015 polls all over again.

To someone like you, yeah, it does. But the difference is that whereas Hillary had something like a -8 favorability, Biden has about a +4 and Bernie is in +double digits.
Bless your heart

More good news for idiots like you. The favorability rating of Cheetos has dropped in every continental state by double digits, except for Hawaii where it dropped by 9 points (only because it was already dismally low). Every single state, some by 20-30 points.
More good news for idiots like you. The favorability rating of Cheetos has dropped in every continental state by double digits, except for Hawaii where it dropped by 9 points (only because it was already dismally low). Every single state, some by 20-30 points.
My Hemmorhoid is flaring up. See above poster.
I think its possible that Dem internal polling sees a growing number of blacks supporting Trump.

If Biden ends up on the ticket, he gets crushed.

God damn! That is two of the stupidest f’ucking posts I have seen in a long time...well, since 1988 posted he thinks trump will win in a landslide.

How do you guys get so stupid? It’s hilarious!
To someone like you, yeah, it does. But the difference is that whereas Hillary had something like a -8 favorability, Biden has about a +4 and Bernie is in +double digits.

Biden??? Pffft. His rally's tell a different story.

Bernie??? Ehhhhhh. He's not the threat he was after Clinton cheated him out of his opportunity.

Here is another example.

"Well, now Trump, of all candidates, has nearly three times as many donations from Washington state as Bernie Sanders does. The Vermont senator has 8,080 itemized donations here, while Trump has the most ever recorded at this point in an election, by any candidate in either party, 21,657."

Already Trump has surpassed his total 2016 pool of donors from Washington state, by 31%.

So what, you may be saying, Trump’s not going to win out here anyway. True. But when your fundraising is breaking records, it indicates an intense passion for the candidate, as it did for Bernie Sanders. That counts for a ton in politics — and likely means Trump is stronger right now than his dismal polls indicate.

You guys keep saying his "unfavorable" numbers are higher. I'll just look where the money is going.
the question at this point is not if they'll take 2020's defeat as hard as 2016's, but will we witness mass mentally deranged liberal suicide?
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the question at this point is not if they'll take 2020's defeat as hard as 2016's, but will we witness mass mentally deranged liberal suicide?

I'm going to enjoy you delusional cons when the blue wall gets re-built and it crushes cheetos under it.
I'm going to enjoy you delusional cons when the blue wall gets re-built and it crushes cheetos under it.

I'm going to enjoy seeing Trump lose the popular vote by an even larger margin, but kill it in the electoral college.

Maybe it's because Greed has never been to any college that he doesn't understand how any of this works?
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I'm going to enjoy you delusional cons when the blue wall gets re-built and it crushes cheetos under it.

Somebody needs to save this one. It's almost as good as libs saying, "Mueller knows", or "Impeachment is inevitable"

What's inevitable, is that Greed will deny he ever made such a claim.

Speaking of "delusion"...

Don't you libs remember just how bad Hillary was going to wipe out DT just 12 days before the election according to the polls?
I'm going to enjoy seeing Trump lose the popular vote by an even larger margin, but kill it in the electoral college.

Maybe it's because Greed has never been to any college that he doesn't understand how any of this works?

It's likely that the dem nominee holds those states won by hillary. Taking back Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania is all that's needed. And the dems are up in all 3 states, Biden by a considerable margin of 8, 10, and 10.5 respectively. ^^^That's the electoral college type stuff that I don't understand.
And you're simply choosing to ignore polling. Fine.

I'm not ignoring them at all. I fully expect polls conducted in high democrat population centers to have a high "dislike" for a republican president. I fully understand these polls are designed to drive a narrative of trying to keep the liberal base from totally melting down in sheer desperation.

Look at this way, these polls are doing for the liberal base what the "cans" did for you...
Yep. Polls are rigged. Election is rigged. Unemployment number are rigged.

The polls aren't rigged at all. I'm not making that claim.
Employment numbers are good...never suggested otherwise.
Election rigged? I'm not the one claiming Russian collusion.
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Pfft.....The state where his approval rating is negative 27 points.

Yeah, you go ahead and believe that.
It's likely that the dem nominee holds those states won by hillary. Taking back Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania is all that's needed. And the dems are up in all 3 states, Biden by a considerable margin of 8, 10, and 10.5 respectively. ^^^That's the electoral college type stuff that I don't understand.

in before the latest urban poll showing every. single. dem. candidate. would beat trump in a landslide is posted.

they're not fake polls. they're real. no shit. i posted in another thread that polls are skewed because they're mostly polling urban areas which mainly consists of dems. i've never received a call nor do i know anybody in rural bumfvck WV who's received a call. i'm certain the same could be said by residents in rural areas in other states, other states with large population centers (take texas, for example) with residents more apt to vote dem, but a pile more residents spread out in rural communities across the state that are more apt to vote conservative. thus, you can probably find polls of texas showing that it's likely to vote dem in the 2020 election. won't happen. those cons out in the rural areas who aren't included in the poll will overshadow the dems in the urban population centers and texas will be red.

just my opine, anyhoo.
is your stupid @ss suggesting that one of the four candidates on the left side listed above will actually be President in 2020? Damn!! you are proud of your stupidity. you seem as confident as you were in 2016.

LOL! Exactly the reaction I expected. Interested in that wager? Care to put your money where your worthless pie hole is?
I am going to enjoy being a wise, smart, good looking, and damn well liked guy in the best country on Earth, regardless of who is President.
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