Advice on out of country cell service


Aug 5, 2001
I'm thinking about getting the unlimited International texting ($30 monthly cheapest tier) on my service before I cruise. If I understand this correctly I'll be able to text once I hit land in Mexico, Belize, and Honduras. I'm told going through the ship's service is expensive and limited. I'd like to be able to have contact with my adult children while I'm gone but don't want to accidentally rack up a huge bill by mistake. I read a story about a Chicago Bears fan racking up a $28,000 bill by streaming a Bear's playoff game.

Am I on the right track? I don't have to have Internet access (although it would be nice) but would like a line open to communicate with my kids. Any advice?

And sorry that I keep coming back for advice, but you all have given me some great information.
who is your cell phone provider?

I use AT&T, and they offer what they call a 'World Traveler' deal, where I think it was around $5.99 per month for texting. I'm sure some of the other carriers probably provide a similar service, but I'm not sure. I had looked into it last year, when I spent some time in Canada.
I travel outside the country 2-3 times a year and never buy an international texting plan. If you have access to wifi and you have an iPhone, you can iMessage over wifi for free. If you don't have iMessage, you can download a texting app (like what's app or text now) and text with that.

When in Europe I usually rent a pocket wifi, but I doubt you'd be able to do that on a cruise. If you're not going to have wifi access you may have to give in an buy the international texting plan from your provider. I just hate giving those SOBs any more money.
I haven't been on a cruise in a long they have wi-fi?

I would think you are on the right track if you're ok with just texting. I wouldn't think international calling from those places would be much more.

You're not wanting service to use in the country are you? Just wanting to communicate with home?
Originally posted by murox:
I travel outside the country 2-3 times a year and never buy an international texting plan. If you have access to wifi and you have an iPhone, you can iMessage over wifi for free. If you don't have iMessage, you can download a texting app (like what's app or text now) and text with that.

When in Europe I usually rent a pocket wifi, but I doubt you'd be able to do that on a cruise. If you're not going to have wifi access you may have to give in an buy the international texting plan from your provider. I just hate giving those SOBs any more money.
This. When I travel I normally need to be able to make local calls so I'll get a prepaid plan and swap out a local sim card for my own. If there is WiFi on the ship or where you're going you can just use WhatsApp or Viber. I use those two apps to communicate with people all over Europe and the Caribbean.

If you think WiFi is going to be sketchy your texting plan is probably best.
I'm thinking the $30 is the way to go. A one time fee and cancel when I return. It pretty much looks unlimited texting and sending pictures. Data and phone calls are per minute or mb. I don't mind paying but I hate surprises.
Life used to be so much more simple. Remember when we could go on vacation and not to have all this communication? I remember going to the beach as a kid or Florida and my parents would tell someone(usually a grandparent) that we were leaving and we would see them in a week. There were not cell phones, text messages, email, etc.

How did we ever make it? You just told them where were going and maybe a hotel phone number to the front desk. Many times we were in a beach house or rental place with no phone. Went camping some. No communication.

I want to retire and the day I do I am going to smash or shoot my cell phone.

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