The M14 is the worse service rifle ever’s-worst-service-rifle-ever-59272
You do realize the EBR is not the original M14, right?
The M14 is the worse service rifle ever’s-worst-service-rifle-ever-59272
Love how we turn a discussion concerning assault weapons to all guns.Still, nobody wants to address the real underlying issue. Doesn't fit the narrative. Orange man bad! Guns bad!
Love how we turn a discussion concerning assault weapons to all guns.
You do realize the EBR is not the original M14, right?
Even if we had a corrupt government (some would say we do), do gun rights activists believe they can organize in such a way to defeat our existing military. Seems delusional and naïve.
BTW, our guys in this scenario, as in Nam, were thousands of miles from home, in a foreign country - without full public support.And we killed a lot of VC too.
Do you not want to admit the lesson?
China has rounded up over a million ethnic minority Muslims and placed them in "reeducation camps". I wonder how that would have went if those folks were armed.
My bad....thought this was about the AR-15 and similar weapons with 20+ round magazines. Wasn't aware that included my lovely Beretta 12 gauge semi-automatic.That's because there's no such thing as an assault weapon. It's a made up term to make things sounds scary. The newest is "military style weapons."
And, yes, it is all guns. Morons want to ban 223 because of its muzzle velocity. If that happens it's a downward spiral until every type of round is banned. It's not hard to see the strategy in play.
Tell that to a Sandy Hook parentAlso "kevlar backpacks" are capitalism taking advantage of morons.
What a country!
I do but it doesn’t really change the fact
My bad....thought this was about the AR-15 and similar weapons with 20+ round magazines. Wasn't aware that included my lovely Beretta 12 gauge semi-automatic.
Tell that to a Sandy Hook parent
I did not know that and I qualified with the M16 every year I was in the military. It was my understanding the amount of fire power laid down in a minimal period was the issue. In the words of Bart Simpson, "now I know better."Do you know originally an AR was considered a standard rifle but if you add a forward grip or a bayonet attachment it was then considered an assault weapon? Take the pistol grip off and it's not a weapon of war anymore. Get it?
Plus, assault weapons were outlawed before '05
Based on what? The extremely slim chance that a child will be a school shooting victim?
Anyone want to still claim that velocity doesn't result in more damage/likelihood of fatality?
Tell that to a Parkland HS parent"Hi. A dumb backpack you paid $80 for is useless in a fire fight."
Tell that to a Parkland HS parent
Same with Columbine I'm sure"Hi. Sorry the sheriff's department is filled with cowards."
Tell that to a Parkland HS parent
No matter how many of your multi-personalities says that will change the fact it is wrong.
Let me have you stand there with a kevlar backpack while I fire a .556 round, and then a 30-06 round.
We'll see how that works out.
Strange, I thought those coal miners lost that bout with local lawmen and company hired hands.The idea of a very strong deterrent is one hopes it was designed well enough to not be tested. Don't believe that? Consider our nuclear triad.
The Founding Fathers were wary of a standing army, and for good reason. I think we have the right balance with an all-volunteer force, none of whom signed up to kill scores of fellow Americans, and only a few of which would chose to do (and more in likely get smoked by the others). Consider that in the Civil War, the first volunteers actually did sign up to kill fellow Americans (that's a hell of a thing to sell, ain't it?), and many them promptly deserted when faced with that reality. Because war sucks bad enough you better have something worth fighting for (a fact proved by troop morale in Vietnam).
Anyway, the idea is not to take up arms against a corrupt government. All governments have corruption, and have since the first son of bitch in charge of the grain pyramid grabbed some extra for his friends and family. It is to protect against a tyrannical government. Big difference.
I wonder how that round-up of Japanese Americans would have went over if they all lived in Logan County WV, owned rifles, and had been through the mine wars....
Same with Columbine I'm sure
Would you put one on your baby girl?I certainly do not volunteer to cover myself with a $100 "bulletproof backpack" and let you shoot me even with a .380 handgun. Nope.
Are you aware how condescending you sound?You aware of the situation at Parkland?
Are you aware how condescending you sound?
And those concert-goers in Vegas.... were the cops "weenies" there too,?Do you know that the situation at Parkland was due to weenies too scared to do their jobs?
And those concert-goers in Vegas.... were the cops "weenies" there too,?
You are aware the cops got to the shooter in Dayton in a reported minute. How many died in that time?Do you know that the situation at Parkland was due to weenies too scared to do their jobs?
Strange, I thought those coal miners lost that bout with local lawmen and company hired hands.
Especially since they weren't for sale at that time.I guess the backpack was not much use there.
Wow..Did they? The UMW was suddenly pretty strong until the 1970s.
Would you put one on your baby girl?
I concede there...I won't challenge her to a contest in either even though I'm more than a fair shot hunting birds.A cheap piece of shit that gives a sense of false security, fvck no. I wonder why cops don't buy $100 vests.
And she's not a baby now. And probably a better shot than you. Definitely a better fisherman (fisherwomen? fisherperson?) than both of us.
I don't deny the power of a possible armed uprising as a means to give policy maker's pause - that is real. But US armed rebellions, outside of the Civil War, have been "busts" for the most part.
Ok...I agree. They were nutjobs ..... except for the whiskey rebellionSorry to come back to this so late....
Except for a very small number of absolute nutjobs, no one is calling for an armed rebellion against the US government. I've met one person in my life that actively thought that way...and I am 99% sure he was in the Klan as well.
Actually, I did know that. I was referring to the lives lost in that battle.