Try to use some common sense. Do you think anything beneficial to society will come from suits against individual junkies? More, individual junkies aren't responsible for the epidemic. An individual junkie isn't hooking tens of thousands of people and producing/sending millions of pills under illegal actions. Big Pharma is responsible for doing that stuff, hence why they are footing the billions if penalties.Then, please name the dope fiends named in this case. Basic reading skills will reveal that only legal companies are named. No dope fiends.
They made over $30 billion from Oxy alone. Based on any comparison, that's "big."BIG pharma. Anyone who use "Big" are a public policy reason is disqualified. And, BTW, Purdue really wasn't that big.
No, Samantha. I've already gone over this. Creating a public health hazard is a public nuisance by any definition. With numerous illegal marketing tactics, big pharma was guilty. With purposely misleading doctors about their products, big pharma was guilty. These illegal tactics created a public health hazard, which is a public nuisance, and is why they are paying tens of billions in fines.Nope. Look up what a "public nuisance" is.
an act, condition, or thing that is illegal because it interferes with the rights of the public generally.
This doesn't affect the public generally. An open sewer would, water pollution, air pollution, slaughter houses, etc. are public nuisances. This is just a business that POSs figured out how to game.
Your claim that their illegal tactics didn't "affect the public generally" shows how simple-minded you are and how jaded your reality is based on trying to toe a political position.