Attacks against churches doubled in 2023, report warns: 'Growing disdain for Christianity'

  • Overall, we rate the Family Research Council (FRC) Questionable based on the promotion of far-right conspiracy and propaganda, a lack of transparency with funding, poor sourcing, numerous failed fact checks, and 3rd party designation as a hate group.
  • Overall, we rate the Family Research Council (FRC) Questionable based on the promotion of far-right conspiracy and propaganda, a lack of transparency with funding, poor sourcing, numerous failed fact checks, and 3rd party designation as a hate group.

Overall, we rate you as a dumbass....Just below an idiot.
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Overall, we rate you as a dumbass....Just below an idiot.
You're a lying idiot.

  • Overall, we rate the Family Research Council (FRC) Questionable based on the promotion of far-right conspiracy and propaganda, a lack of transparency with funding, poor sourcing, numerous failed fact checks, and 3rd party designation as a hate group.
You're a lying idiot.

  • Overall, we rate the Family Research Council (FRC) Questionable based on the promotion of far-right conspiracy and propaganda, a lack of transparency with funding, poor sourcing, numerous failed fact checks, and 3rd party designation as a hate group.
You lead a sheltered life or something. Many churches have armed men protecting them now. The bigger churches are hiring security experts to come in and talk to them about how to protect their congregations. They are hiring ex military and law enforcement to come in and do site assessments.

What planet do you live on?
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This is the next big frontier for leftists. Churches used to be sacred, but they will become increasingly larger targets as time goes by.
I agree and I have told people this for sometime. They are going to go against the Churches and Christians. The country was founded on Christian beliefs and they don't like it. Also, if people have faith then they don't worship at the alter of government and being controlled. Look up Communism. Take away people's belief system.
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You lead a sheltered life or something. Many churches have armed men protecting them now. The bigger churches are hiring security experts to come in and talk to them about how to protect their congregations. They are hiring ex military and law enforcement to come in and do site assessments.

What planet do you live on?
This is what happens when you have 400 million guns in the country.

Also, that proto-mega church I grew up in had armed security in the 1980's. I figured this out as a kid because the ushers near the entrances were cops that were members. That place really was a harbinger of things to come.
I read the article, and it states that vandalism was most of the incidents.

Are churches vandalized because they are churches? Or because people generally know there are only certain times anyone will be there, so it's an easy target for punks that want to vandalize stuff? I'm going with the latter, which also explains why churches are easy targets for break-ins, which are also somewhat frequent.

Schools are also targets for vandals for the same reason.
This is what happens when you have 400 million guns in the country.

The anti-gunner chimes in with his hate of our right to own firearms. Our right to bear arms is our right. It's one of our freedoms. How is that a problem?
I read the article, and it states that vandalism was most of the incidents.

Are churches vandalized because they are churches? Or because people generally know there are only certain times anyone will be there, so it's an easy target for punks that want to vandalize stuff? I'm going with the latter, which also explains why churches are easy targets for break-ins, which are also somewhat frequent.

Schools are also targets for vandals for the same reason.

So, pretty much like our borders. Since Pedo-Joe took control, criminals know they are easy targets for punks that want to kill Americans, rape our children, deliver their drugs, sex-trafficking...etc. Americans are dying left and right because of it. Why do you suppose Pedo-Joe opened the borders up to the world?
This is the next big frontier for leftists. Churches used to be sacred, but they will become increasingly larger targets as time goes by.
The churches are being treated less sacred because too many of the "members" prefer dogs, the rich, and haters. Example: you.
This is what happens when you have 400 million guns in the country.

Also, that proto-mega church I grew up in had armed security in the 1980's. I figured this out as a kid because the ushers near the entrances were cops that were members. That place really was a harbinger of things to come.
Churches are soft targets(if not armed and secured).

It makes sense for a large church to have armed people protecting them.
The anti-gunner chimes in with his hate of our right to own firearms. Our right to bear arms is our right. It's one of our freedoms. How is that a problem?
Me, an "anti-gunner"? LMFAO BAHAHAHAHA!

You really are an actual moron. Are you more scared to go to church, or to live in Colorado Springs?

This is simple stuff. If there are shitloads of cars on a road, you are more likely to be in an accident with another car, verses on an empty road. If there are more guns out there, you are more likely to be in an incident with someone with a gun. This is not rocket science.

Modern, high performance guns too. For my car analogy , it's like I-75 in Atlanta, but everyone has a Cup stock car....and most of them are not licensed Cup drivers.

It is thus prudent for churches (and businesses too!) to consider security, including armed security.

I don't blame people for supporting gun control. It is rational for people to ask themselves what level of gun violence is acceptable in exchange for the freedom to own firearms, because sometimes people do get shot for no good reason. For some, it's zero. Others, less violence but not zero. As for me, well that horse done left the barn, 400 million guns man, so I'll gladly turn in my long as I am guaranteed to be the very last person to do so, and that includes the cops and military....and I'd still bury a couple in the back yard, just in case. Otherwise, fvck off.
criminals know they are easy targets for punks that want to kill Americans
The criminals are easy targets for punks?

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You lecture people on churches and yet you paid money to a cult. Hypocrite.
All churches are a cult, along with political parties, sport fan bases, Elk Club, Masonic Lodge, ad infinitum. You Godless lying oath breaker and oath breaker supporter.
I'll bet Conservatives aren't doing this.

Nobody should be committing vandalism, arson, assault, etc. Against churches or anywhere.

But let’s keep it in perspective. The article says 436 events in 2023. Synagogues had 312. In 3 weeks. There are a lot more churches than synagogues. I can’t find the numbers for Mosques, but in 2015 there were 63. There are about 125x more churches than Mosques.

If you feel that Christians are being persecuted in America, you must think Muslims have it especially bad, huh?
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If you feel that Christians are being persecuted in America, you must think Muslims have it especially bad, huh?
I think people of faith are being persecuted. People of faith, include Muslims. Nice try with the bait.

Not really.
Don't be a dumbass
Says the guy with six grade writing skills.
The issue isn’t guns. It’s the people and how they use them.
Oh, the issue is definitely both. No or far fewer guns would definitely equal less gun violence.

Thinking there is some magical way to get rid of all the bad people, crazy people, pissed off people, etc. is incredibly stupid, that's just how humanity is. And thinking these people are as capable of rational thought as you are is even more stupid; criminals do not think like you or I, and they never will.

I'm cool with 10-15k gun killings a year so I can own guns, because self-defense of life and liberty is a natural right, and fvck you if you don't like it. Are you?
wait, which is it? you've all but stated he's not capable of rational thought and now say he is. both ways and shit . . .
Well, I don't think he has murdered anyone, so there's a tiny bit of rational thought in his noggin.

But here's the point: you can't prosecute your way to a crime free society, because some people are just stupid, evil, whatever....and there's more of them being born every day.

I once saw this video from Saudi Arabia where they took a sword and cut off this guy's dick because he raped a woman. Now, I would definitely not even consider doing ANYTHING that could get my dick cut off, but here this guy was. For whatever reason, plenty of people don't give a damn about punishment.