Been Away for a Week, Not Having Life Experiences


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 9, 2007
My wife and I just got back from a cruise, with stops at Cozumel Mexico, Roatan Honduras, Belize City Belize, and Costa Maya Mexico. Didn’t really have any life experiences to speak of. Keep in mind, we were only at each country for roughly 8 hours at a time.

Dining with locals in Cozumel certainly doesn’t count as any type of experience. Every Average Joe in America has done that. Authentic Mexican food in a Mexican city is something everybody has done 8-10 times, at minimum, right?

Another non-experience we had was when we took a 2 1/2 hour river boat ride through a river in Belize. We only got to see manatees, iguanas, monkeys, spider bats, and many other forms of wildlife. No biggie. We’ve all done that.

We then stopped at a local village right off the river and had lunch. I was able to convince a few locals to exchange some of their Belize currency for some American dollars as my children love foreign money.

Then we spent the day at a beautiful (and I mean beautiful) beach in Honduras. Did I mention how beautiful that place was? There were also many rolling hills, very similar to West Virginia, right along the coast line. Gorgeous.

We did a bunch of nothing in Costa Maya, like watching a live wrestling match between two Lucha Libre tag teams.

Overall, very uneventful and certainly nothing worth adding to the experiences in my very sheltered, deplorable life.

Anything of note happen around here last week?
Were you given a private tour of prehistoric ruins and burial grounds by a hot step daughter of a billionaire oil and gold tycoon, after which, she took you to her 25,000 sq ft home for a massage and went skinny dipping because you forgot your swim trunks?
Were you given a private tour of prehistoric ruins and burial grounds by a hot step daughter of a billionaire oil and gold tycoon, after which, she took you to her 25,000 sq ft home for a massage and went skinny dipping because you forgot your swim trunks? could I forget the best part?? We actually visited some Mayan ruins in Belize. Got to climb on top and everything. It was awesome, and something I’ve wanted to do since high school. Extremely cool (non) experience.
BC, I did that same cruise. I did the Mayan site in Belize and the beach in Roatan as well. I agree with you on Roatan...the most beautiful beach I’ve ever been to.
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This thread is directed at one person, who apparently can’t reply for a while.

King Rifle hacked Herdfans in under ninety seconds, let everybody out of banishment jail on there, changed the names/descriptions/moderators of each of their boards, accessed all private messages between users on there, yet you think he can't post on here whenever the fvck he wants to regardless of banned accounts, banned IP addresses, and banned devices? Pfft.

In that case, you're probably stupid enough to think that spending six hours in port in different stops means you're cultured.

This thread is the perfect example King Rifle used in the last discussion about this mocking somebody who thinks stopping in a place for a few hours suddenly gives them insight and knowledge on diverse people/cultures.

Hell, if somebody watches a three hour documentary on the middle east, does that mean they are cultured and have experiences around diverse groups of people? Of course not. If you take a three hour flight and have to sit next to an Indian woman, does that mean you have experience and insight into other cultures? Of course not.

The fact that you're actually trying to argue that spending a quarter of a day somewhere means you are cultured and have experiences around other religious/ethnicities/races/cultures/etc. while having lived in the exact same small region, which is extremely lacking in any diversity of any kind, is making King Rifle's argument more than anything he could type.
BC, I did that same cruise. I did the Mayan site in Belize and the beach in Roatan as well. I agree with you on Roatan...the most beautiful beach I’ve ever been to.

Honduras surprised me. I wasn’t expecting it to be that pretty. Had the best time in Belize, overall. That was the one and only excursion we have ever done. Well worth it to see the Mayan ruins.
By Gawd that’s rifle’s music

BC, I did that same cruise. I did the Mayan site in Belize and the beach in Roatan as well. I agree with you on Roatan...the most beautiful beach I’ve ever been to.
I went to Honduras. It was rough and not so nice. You all.must have went to a different part

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