Biden's Poll Numbers Have To Bottom Out Sometime

In a highly populated areas dead bodies were being stacked into refrigerator trucks....kind of changes one's perspective on the virus.

Guess it's hard to say what the death toll would be if nothing was done....and i would admit some areas went too far with their shutdowns.

However, regardless of one's stance on how to address the virus.... we needed leadership to be upfront...not this "it's like the flu" or "it's going to disappear".
In places like New York because of that idiot governor.

I said it at the time, shutting down the country was stupid. And, it has proven to have been stupid and gave immense power to the federals and other governments. Stupid!
And you turned around and posted an article stating what his 4 year low avg was..... LOL.
I guess if ignoring facts was an admirable trait, you'd be the most admired man on Pullman.

My comment stated Trump's approval that first year attained lows of 35%...with an imbedded chart validating that fact.

Still laughing at your claim it took Trump four years to hit a low approval rating... were there folks who "liked" that nonsense? LMAO.

And, yes, at the end of my post, I included the fact Trump's polling avg is the lowest in history - again, supported by a link to the data.
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In a highly populated areas, dead bodies were being stacked into refrigerator trucks..

It's a tough deal, but I'm not in too good a shape either and it won't help me if you all quit what you're doing and push me around in a wheelchair.

What this has to do with a made up illness is beyond me. Yeah, there were a bunch of old people real bad off who died of a flu. That's terrible. The worst thing about it was those people being used as an excuse for everyone to dress up in snorkels and quit everything.
^^^walks around with a tin foil hat on and breaks oaths

Walks around with a blank look on and breaks wind...

Saw somebody today still driving around with a mask on. Apparently afraid they're going to inhale some dust off their dashboard or something.

Just another reminder that I got way too old and lived way too long. This is stupidity beyond anything I ever saw, but I bet they can walk so they're probably not even as dumb as I am.
You made the point by supporting and defending an insurrection against the United States government and it's Constitution that you swore to uphold, oath breaker
as i told you if i am ever part of an insurrection you would know about it, dipstick

your opinion is worthless
Saw somebody today still driving around with a mask on. Apparently afraid they're going to inhale some dust off their dashboard or something.

Just another reminder that I got way too old and lived way too long. This is stupidity beyond anything I ever saw, but I bet they can walk so they're probably not even as dumb as I am.
I agree. Covid has brought out the stupid in people.

I saw a kid ride his bike home from school today and he had a damn mask on. RIding a bike down the street and has his band instrument strapped on his bike wearing a mask.

What does the dumb mush brain do when he plays his trumpet? Wear the mask? He is stupid and his parents are stupid.
I bet there are a lot of untold stories about kids who do real well in school getting kicked out or afraid to go to school over the masks.

Lives being ruined with this all in a futile attempt to save people who already had everything three lifetimes ago.
I agree. Covid has brought out the stupid in people.

I saw a kid ride his bike home from school today and he had a damn mask on. RIding a bike down the street and has his band instrument strapped on his bike wearing a mask.

What does the dumb mush brain do when he plays his trumpet? Wear the mask? He is stupid and his parents are stupid.
Don't be jealous. The kid is more responsible than you are.
no, that is just plain being stupid and someone above him scaring and fear mongering his brain of mush.

Adults should be ashamed of doing this.
You should be ashamed you have less sense of responsibility than a kid riding home from school on a bike. Oath breaker.
well, i never really thought your were as your age doesn't likely match up. But, hey you go down that road maybe it is fair game breaker. It's a fact.

You have supported and defended an insurrection against the United States and its Constitution in an attempt to overturn a free and fair election. You continue to support and defend the liar and con man who incited that insurrection. You also continue to support and defend the republican party while more than half of its total membership in House and Senate voted to overturn that same free and fair election. breaker. breaker. It's a fact.

You have supported and defended an insurrection against the United States and its Constitution in an attempt to overturn a free and fair election. You continue to support and defend the liar and con man who incited that insurrection. You also continue to support and defend the republican party while more than half of its total membership in House and Senate voted to overturn that same free and fair election. breaker.
From that poll:
  • Nearly half of those surveyed, 46%, say Biden has done a worse job as president than they expected, including 16% of those who voted for him. Independents, by 7-1 (44%-6%), say he's done worse, not better, than they expected.
  • Nearly two-thirds of Americans, 64%, say they don't want Biden to run for a second term in 2024. That includes 28% of Democrats. Opposition to Trump running for another term in 2024 stands at 58%, including 24% of Republicans.
  • Vice President Kamala Harris' approval rating is 28% – even worse than Biden's. The poll shows that 51% disapprove of the job she's doing. One in 5, 21%, are undecided.
From that poll:
  • Nearly half of those surveyed, 46%, say Biden has done a worse job as president than they expected, including 16% of those who voted for him. Independents, by 7-1 (44%-6%), say he's done worse, not better, than they expected.
  • Nearly two-thirds of Americans, 64%, say they don't want Biden to run for a second term in 2024. That includes 28% of Democrats. Opposition to Trump running for another term in 2024 stands at 58%, including 24% of Republicans.
  • Vice President Kamala Harris' approval rating is 28% – even worse than Biden's. The poll shows that 51% disapprove of the job she's doing. One in 5, 21%, are undecided.
How does a VP who has done really nothing at all have a approval rating that low? I know she is worthless but how is that possible.

I mean these folks got 82 million votes.
It's either gonna be Pete or Kamala, pick your poison. But better do it soon, inflation is driving the price of poison through the roof.
It's either gonna be Pete or Kamala, pick your poison.

They won't win an election. They may get in there if Biden dies or becomes fully demented or something.

But you can't win with these. Even Trump would beat them easy. People will not elect someone named Butt gegg to be president. And Kamala Harris could have been president if she would have never spoken. She decided to say words and people all knew at that point she was way too dumb. That's why Biden's the president and she's just there smiling and waving behind him.

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