^^^^still running^^^^It's not surprising your dumbass would expect a bet without even knowing who each of us are betting on. you are the ultimate moron.
Other than the fact America doesn’t want him to do it, Joe’s running again.
I have no idea what the right's platform is right now. It’s not for lack of trying, either. It just feels like they’re hoping things stay bad enough over the next three months that they don’t have to propose any solutions. If they would be clear about their proposals on energy & infrastructure (if they actually have any) they would have much better chances at the Senate.The red wave that could have been will fail to materialize. That doesn’t mean the gop won’t retake the house, but the senate won’t flip and the margins in the house will be much smaller
Even though I didn't vote for him, I still think dems being hyper-obsessed with Trump to the point it prevented them from "legislating" was actually a blessing.Gridlock in congress= a good thing.
the damage has been done
Man can you imagine his numbers with an honest media and no corrupt DOJ/FBI
I wonder if oldie was one of the 17%I’m shocked Biden’s approval isn’t in the 20’s even with the assists. However, 17% thought Fetterman won his debate - maybe I’m expecting too much from democrat voters.
I'll give credit where it's due. Biden's biggest accomplishment was staying alive four years - which prevented the situation everyone thought was likely to happen...
Carter had decades to try & reform his image after his failed term. Biden has neither the time or the inclination.
Hold that thought, they may release a final poll tomorrow.Oh damn they bottomed out finally