Biden's Poll Numbers Have To Bottom Out Sometime

It's not surprising your dumbass would expect a bet without even knowing who each of us are betting on. you are the ultimate moron.
FiveThirtyEight has Joe’s approval back to 39%. Trump has yet to announce his candidacy, which will bring an instant 2 to 5 percent bump to Biden.

GOP takes the House, the left keeps the Senate. Congress is going to be an absolute shit show.
After what the press is calling a "single good week" in Biden's presidency, his numbers have gone up above 40% (according to FiveThirtyEight's aggregate polling.)
The red wave that could have been will fail to materialize. That doesn’t mean the gop won’t retake the house, but the senate won’t flip and the margins in the house will be much smaller
The red wave that could have been will fail to materialize. That doesn’t mean the gop won’t retake the house, but the senate won’t flip and the margins in the house will be much smaller
I have no idea what the right's platform is right now. It’s not for lack of trying, either. It just feels like they’re hoping things stay bad enough over the next three months that they don’t have to propose any solutions. If they would be clear about their proposals on energy & infrastructure (if they actually have any) they would have much better chances at the Senate.
The next two years are going to be an absolute shit show in gubment regardless of the Senate outcome.
Biden & Trump are polling even at this point in their presidency. Both will likely lose the House in the mid-term & keep the Senate.

If Biden dies & (God help us) Kamala becomes POTUS, is the speaker automatically her VP or does she get to install a VP before that would happen?
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Biden is out making campaign appearances for dems who aren't fearful of being seen with him. And the more the public sees him, his numbers drop. He's still above 40% (somehow) but he's still 1.5+ points under Trump at this point in their presidencies heading into a midterm.
I'll give credit where it's due. Biden's biggest accomplishment was staying alive four years - which prevented the situation everyone thought was likely to happen...

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I'll give credit where it's due. Biden's biggest accomplishment was staying alive four years - which prevented the situation everyone thought was likely to happen...



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