Brittney Griner


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 31, 2020
If nothing else, this experience should serve as a dose of reality to her and her kind. Instead of worrying about make-believe racism in the US, how about focusing on how good you have (had) it here, and how no country on earth even begins to compare to America.
Yep, these social justice warriors lead the charge in bad-mouthing their own country, but yet, when all is said and done, they end up begging for the country they despise to come help them out.

Saw last night where they want to pass out $300 checks to help people pay for gas.

What an ass-hole backwards approach these left wing creeps have for EVERYTHING.
Stupid conservatives ^^^^ whining about how bad America is for over a year. Now turning their backs on a US citizen and siding with Russia. Your orange jesus has trained you well.
Stupid conservatives ^^^^ whining about how bad America is for over a year. Now turning their backs on a US citizen and siding with Russia. Your orange jesus has trained you well.
You take a knee on the red, white, and blue, I don't consider you to be an American, much less a US citizen.

One can only hope kaperdick and LeDumb James make a trip to Moscow in the coming weeks.
You take a knee on the red, white, and blue, I don't consider you to be an American, much less a US citizen.
But it's OK to incite and participate in an insurrection against the United States government in an attempt to overturn a free and fair election. Plus I seem to remember you cons whining about first amendment rights. You're not a patriot. Snotlicker.
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Yep, these social justice warriors lead the charge in bad-mouthing their own country, but yet, when all is said and done, they end up begging for the country they despise to come help them out.

Saw last night where they want to pass out $300 checks to help people pay for gas.

What an ass-hole backwards approach these left wing creeps have for EVERYTHING.
Yeah, that’s typical of the libs. Instead of creating good paying AMERICAN jobs that would lower the price of gas at home, let’s pay whatever the commies and Islamic terrorists charge us for oil and then print more money here to send out to buy expensive gas. Thank god for Biden’s “foreign policy experience”. 😂
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Yeah, that’s typical of the libs. Instead of creating good paying AMERICAN jobs that would lower the price of gas at home, let’s pay whatever the commies and Islamic terrorists charge us for oil and then print more money here to send out to buy expensive gas. Thank god for Biden’s “foreign policy experience”. 😂
^^^^Idio pervard<<<<no T
^^^^Conservatives covering for Putin and Russia. Just like their orange jesus.
If I were in teh State Dept her paperwork would sit in my inbox for awhile and I would go on vacation for a few days. She could think about how good the USA is while she sits in a Russian Gulag for a few extra days. Then, when I got her released she would write a 1,000 word essay on how good the USA is and would be told to post in the New York Times.
If I were in teh State Dept her paperwork would sit in my inbox for awhile and I would go on vacation for a few days. She could think about how good the USA is while she sits in a Russian Gulag for a few extra days. Then, when I got her released she would write a 1,000 word essay on how good the USA is and would be told to post in the New York Times.
Choosing a murderous Putin and Russia over an American citizen^^^^
This question is for herdman more than anybody because I think he’ll give the most interesting reply.

You constantly shit on the US, the government, the president, all sorts of elected and appointed officials, government agencies, etc.

Do you actually see a fundamental difference in the way (not the what) you’re complaining versus someone like Griner?

That’s to say, if she were doing all the exact same things, but her cause aligned with something you liked, would you still be bagging on her? If someone kneeled during the anthem due to being anti-abortion, if the swimmers kneeled to protest swimming against a trans-woman, would that be ok or would you still want her stranded in Russia or whatever?
This question is for herdman more than anybody because I think he’ll give the most interesting reply.

You constantly shit on the US, the government, the president, all sorts of elected and appointed officials, government agencies, etc.

Do you actually see a fundamental difference in the way (not the what) you’re complaining versus someone like Griner?

That’s to say, if she were doing all the exact same things, but her cause aligned with something you liked, would you still be bagging on her? If someone kneeled during the anthem due to being anti-abortion, if the swimmers kneeled to protest swimming against a trans-woman, would that be ok or would you still want her stranded in Russia or whatever?
What a dumb question. Yet it offers an interesting insight into a leftist's warped psyche. The fact that you can't differentiate Herdman's criticisms of individual politicians and the governmental agencies they've warped from a love and respect for the founding principles of this nation - that is, America as an idea - is both telling and sad. You leftists are so fvcked in the head, I don't know how to have a rational conversation with you about anything.
This question is for herdman more than anybody because I think he’ll give the most interesting reply.

You constantly shit on the US, the government, the president, all sorts of elected and appointed officials, government agencies, etc.

Do you actually see a fundamental difference in the way (not the what) you’re complaining versus someone like Griner?

That’s to say, if she were doing all the exact same things, but her cause aligned with something you liked, would you still be bagging on her? If someone kneeled during the anthem due to being anti-abortion, if the swimmers kneeled to protest swimming against a trans-woman, would that be ok or would you still want her stranded in Russia or whatever?
Well, thanks for asking. Can you not see the difference between elected officials and lifelong govt beruacrats and ineptness of government and being loyal to the meaning of the flag, the ideals of the country and its founding, and the Constitution? For example, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, George Bush, or whoever are elected officials and the government is not the meaning nor the core of the meaning of this country. Folks, like this woman are blasting the meaning of the country and the founding and the constitution. I am not loyal to a government. I am loyal to the country and the constitution. Many liberals on the left think this countyr is inherintly bad and the center of the universe for them is the government. To me this country is fundamentally good and its people are good and the govt is there to provide basic necessities and be representtative of the people. Our governments at all levels have become bloated, oversized, and full of fraud, waste, and abuse.

This woman thinks the idea of American is fundamentally flawed and bad. She has been taught that. That is far from the case. Kneeling during the anthem is disrespectful not only to the country but, disrespectful to the men and women have fought and bled for it and those that still do so.

Me stating the Department of Education is a wasteful and failing institution is not the same as saying the very idea of America is bad.

I don't want the woman stranded in Russia forever. But, maybe she ought to sit and think about this country while she is over there staring at a cold, wet, block wall.

She kneels for the flag because in her young brainwashed mind she has been taught that this very nation is fundamentally a bad place even though she makes a living as a woman playing a game. One that is probably heavily subsidized and good people lose good money on so they can have a woman's team and she can make some money dribbling a ball. Calling a lifelong politician out for being corrupted or making bad decisions is not the same as slamming America.

I hope you can see and unnerstand the difference. The oath I took years ago was to the Constituion not a government or party or a particular politician. I could say Marshall has a bad football coach or the program is being run but I am still loyal to Herd forever. Same thing with the USA. This woman kneeling for the flag would be akin to turning your back during the Marshall Alm Mater. See the difference?
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Well, thanks for asking. Can you not see the difference between elected officials and lifelong govt beruacrats and ineptness of government and being loyal to the meaning of the flag, the ideals of the country and its founding, and the Constitution? For example, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, George Bush, or whoever are elected officials and the government is not the meaning nor the core of the meaning of this country. Folks, like this woman are blasting the meaning of the country and the founding and the constitution. I am not loyal to a government. I am loyal to the country and the constitution. Many liberals on the left think this countyr is inherintly bad and the center of the universe for them is the government. To me this country is fundamentally good and its people are good and the govt is there to provide basic necessities and be representtative of the people. Our governments at all levels have become bloated, oversized, and full of fraud, waste, and abuse.

This woman thinks the idea of American is fundamentally flawed and bad. She has been taught that. That is far from the case. Kneeling during the anthem is disrespectful not only to the country but, disrespectful to the men and women have fought and bled for it and those that still do so.

Me stating the Department of Education is a wasteful and failing institution is not the same as saying the very idea of America is bad.

I don't want the woman stranded in Russia forever. But, maybe she ought to sit and think about this country while she is over there staring at a cold, wet, block wall.

She kneels for the flag because in her young brainwashed mind she has been taught that this very nation is fundamentally a bad place even though she makes a living as a woman playing a game. One that is probably heavily subsidized and good people lose good money on so they can have a woman's team and she can make some money dribbling a ball. Calling a lifelong politician out for being corrupted or making bad decisions is not the same as slamming America.

I hope you can see and unnerstand the difference. The oath I took years ago was to the Constituion not a government or party or a particular politician. I could say Marshall has a bad football coach or the program is being run but I am still loyal to Herd forever. Same thing with the USA. This woman kneeling for the flag would be akin to turning your back during the Marshall Alm Mater. See the difference?
I appreciated the answer. I had an idea in my head about what the difference is but wanted to see how different our ideas are.

I guess what I struggle with is seeing what parts of the modern USA you like. Not because there are none I like, but because I only ever see you (and not just you by any stretch) talking about everything going on you don’t like.
I appreciated the answer. I had an idea in my head about what the difference is but wanted to see how different our ideas are.

I guess what I struggle with is seeing what parts of the modern USA you like. Not because there are none I like, but because I only ever see you (and not just you by any stretch) talking about everything going on you don’t like.
Curious as to why you didn’t feel the same when Trump was President?
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Do you actually see a fundamental difference in the way (not the what) you’re complaining versus someone like Griner?

There is a longstanding tradition in US politics called the loyal opposition. Much of what it posted is along those lines. However our nation has become more fragmented and divided, with politics being the devisive factor. In my lifetime Aids activists vehemently hated Ronald Reagan. I saw a similar vitriol with Donald Trump from more sides.

You infer this is unique to the current administration. You should have seen the posts here when DJT was president, that continue through today. But Trump...

That’s to say, if she were doing all the exact same things, but her cause aligned with something you liked, would you still be bagging on her? If someone kneeled during the anthem due to being anti-abortion, if the swimmers kneeled to protest swimming against a trans-woman, would that be ok or would you still want her stranded in Russia or whatever?

There is a certain decorum that seems to be ascribed to conservatives as a general rule. One needs to only look at how liberal speakers are treated by conservative audiences versus how conservatives are treated, particularly on college campuses.

If someone was disrespecting the flag, their teams, the president, their sports, their fans, their teammates you wouldn't necessarily be seeing conservatives championing them. Conservatives tend to believe in individuals whereas liberals seem to believe in collectivism - you're either with us or not. Think cancel culture.

Do we actually want her stranded in a Russian jail? That's quite a stretch on your part. However what was she doing there as war drums were sounding? Why does she feel the need to take her brand of anti-Americanism on the road? And to a foreign country?

Most of us have seen the offshoring of jobs and the assault of the US middle-class over the last 40 years. We have seen the emergence of the Chinese economy to the detriment of ours. We have seen a total breakdown of societal norms and values. We have seen unfettered illegal immigration and its negative effects, both economically and socially. So yeah, we can be passionate. I'm passionate about the greatest country to ever exist and against those that seem to hate it, like Griner and many politicians, and want to continue to destroy its foundations.
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Curious as to why you didn’t feel the same when Trump was President?
Even when Trump was president there were many aspects of the US that I appreciated and liked. But fair point that it’s a lot easier to stress on the negatives, especially when “your side” isn’t in power.
There is a longstanding tradition in US politics called the loyal opposition. Much of what it posted is along those lines. However our nation has become more fragmented and divided, with politics being the devisive factor. In my lifetime Aids activists vehemently hated Ronald Reagan. I saw a similar vitriol with Donald Trump from more sides.

You infer this is unique to the current administration. You should have seen the posts here when DJT was president, that continue through today. But Trump...
I didn’t mean to imply that it was limited to conservatives or limited to now. I actually think the weakest part of the left is that they’ve completely ceded the narrative of what America is and has been to the right. Instead of saying “hey, we do a lot of things right, here are some things we have done better or could do better” they act like we have to tear the whole thing down to fix anything. Which elicits an understandably severe reaction from the right.
Defending the oath breaker and telling us he's a supporter of the United States and it's Constitution is the stupidest thing I've seen on this board. He supports and defends those who were part of and the inciter of an insurrection against the United States government in an effort to overturn a free and fair election. Additionally, in this thread he, and other conservatives have clearly stated they want a US citizen to stay in a Russian jail for a while due to her engagement in her first amendment rights.
Yeah, that’s typical of the libs. Instead of creating good paying AMERICAN jobs that would lower the price of gas at home, let’s pay whatever the commies and Islamic terrorists charge us for oil and then print more money here to send out to buy expensive gas. Thank god for Biden’s “foreign policy experience”. 😂
In 2021 , the USA was a net exporter of oil. You tell me what you think that means.
Griner is a racist and a threat to our democracy. And she is a Russian propagandist.
I don't know about all of that, but she'd definitely dumber than shit.
Is she the chick who smuggled dope into Russia? Why can’t these people exist without weed?

I'll say this: cannabis is absolutely helpful for the kind of pain and inflammation an athlete might have. But anyone taking drugs into another nation, especially one that is known to be particularly harsh on drug offenses, deserves what they get....and was probably high as fvck when they made that decision.
I actually think the weakest part of the left is that they’ve completely ceded the narrative of what America is and has been to the right. Instead of saying “hey, we do a lot of things right, here are some things we have done better or could do better” they act like we have to tear the whole thing down to fix anything.

I don't think they've necessarily ceded anything to the right. On the contrary I believe they have been winning the cultural war. The left has controlled the news media, schools, universities, the entertainment industry, etc. for some time.

For whatever reason - arrogance, impatience, TDS, etc. - I believe the left has become somewhat unhinged over the last few years. Though far from being perfect, I think history will be kind to Trump's legacy because so much of the Left's agenda became exposed during and after his term.

And I do not think that it is an act that they feel the need to tear everything down to build it back better. I truly believe the left thinks so little of the right and so much of themselves that it is not an act, but an eventuality for them. Theirs is the only way. I think the two belief systems have become incompatible and we are at a crossroads for the heart and soul of our nation.

My passion is to see that the good guys win. I won't back down from my principles and believe I am on the side of Truth. I probably hurt some feelings along the way but just wish people would actually stop, survey the playing field and really look at the information and data available to them instead of blindly accepting the prevailing media narrative or conventional wisdom of the day.
I appreciated the answer. I had an idea in my head about what the difference is but wanted to see how different our ideas are.

I guess what I struggle with is seeing what parts of the modern USA you like. Not because there are none I like, but because I only ever see you (and not just you by any stretch) talking about everything going on you don’t like.
The parts of the USA I like? Well, I love it here. I don't even really want to visit other countries because there is so much to offer here. Freedom, the open spaces, the opportunites, so much to do. The list goes on and on. But, that is under attack by some and they want to fundamentally change that.

What do I bash? The over reach of govt and the wast of it. Left wingers and commies who want to change it. The Vaginification of America, which some think started as a joke, but is serious. Look where we are now. Look at the control govt took during Covid. That was dangerous. Climate Change Worship which is overblown, hyped, unrealistic, and will lead to more govt control.
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Look it's a visual who's who of the worst Presidents in US history, posted by the resident CCP apologist...
You're a blind idiot. Your orange jesus and reagan are not posted. But reagan would have laughed at your orange idiot president also.
In 2021 , the USA was a net exporter of oil. You tell me what you think that means.

The data says the US became a net exporter during 2020, Trump's watch, and will become a net importer in 2022, Biden's watch. What do you think it means???

"Following its historic shift to being a net exporter of petroleum in 2020, the United States continued to export more petroleum (which includes crude oil, refined petroleum products, and other liquids) than it imported in 2021. According to our February 2022 Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), we expect net crude oil imports to increase, making the United States a net importer of petroleum in 2022."
The data says the US became a net exporter during 2020, Trump's watch, and will become a net importer in 2022, Biden's watch. What do you think it means???
Will? Maybe? Either way, why didn't you quote this?

However, we expect net imports to fall to 3.4 million b/d in 2023 as domestic crude oil production increases to an all-time high of 12.6 million b/d.

So headed to all time tops production. I'd say under Biden's watch, but that would just me being a dick, and also me knowing better than to think it is really about politics.

I'm going to try to tell you why it's not quite enough. Biden is an enviro-weenie? We are using too goddamn much oil per capita? The EIA thinks the economy will go gangbusters next year?