Brittney Griner

You mean this response?

'Athletes have a platform to influence kids, but they are literally picking money over morals'
-Enes Freedom

I will add this quote from Damian Lillard,

'Pressure, nah. Fam, this is just playing ball. Pressure is the homeless man, who doesn't know where his next meal is coming from. Pressure is the single mom, who is trying to scuffle and pay her rent.
We get paid a lot of money to play a game. Don't get me wrong-there are challenges. But to call it pressure is almost and insult to regular people.'

This, sadly, is not the mindset of the majority of the NBA, but it's a big difference between LeBron and Griner's perspectives and a bit of fresh air.
The "political prisoners" are conservative insurrectionists who attempted to overturn the results of a free and fair election.
The "political prisoners" are conservative insurrectionists who attempted to overturn the results of a free and fair election.

I know the U S Constitution is like kryptonite to commies like you and LeBron James but let's look at Amendment 6.

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.
I know the U S Constitution is like kryptonite to commies like you and LeBron James but let's look at Amendment 6.

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.
Tell your comrades to lawyer up.
For one, there were HUNDREDS if not maybe more than a thousand rioters at the capitol that needed/need to be tried. Who said her trial was fair? Do you really trust everything coming out of Russia? I don't and no one on Earth, especially Russians and Ukranians, should. The Jan. 6th good citizens committed a CRIME, and they are mostly being charged for trespassing, etc. when I sometimes feel the charges/convictions are too lenient. Is saying "hang Mike Pence" a forgivable joke? Are the 6 that DIED on that date deserving of their fate? Come on Trump fans, you are forgetting that people DIED. Isn't one life lost enough to say that what happened was atrocious and easy to see that it was criminal?
For one, there were HUNDREDS if not maybe more than a thousand rioters at the capitol that needed/need to be tried. Who said her trial was fair? Do you really trust everything coming out of Russia? I don't and no one on Earth, especially Russians and Ukranians, should. The Jan. 6th good citizens committed a CRIME, and they are mostly being charged for trespassing, etc. when I sometimes feel the charges/convictions are too lenient. Is saying "hang Mike Pence" a forgivable joke? Are the 6 that DIED on that date deserving of their fate? Come on Trump fans, you are forgetting that people DIED. Isn't one life lost enough to say that what happened was atrocious and easy to see that it was criminal?
get a load of this guy. 😄
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^^^That guy believes trials are fair in Russia but unjust in the U S. He^^is a commie.
I believe Russia has laws and she broke them. Like you she hates the country anyway. She can stay and eventually she will learn to like eating that russian p#ssy and she'll be fine.
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I believe Russia has laws and she broke them. Like you she hates the country anyway. She can stay and eventually she will learn to like eating that russian p#ssy and she'll be fine.
^^^That guy believes trials are fair in Russia but unjust in the U S. He^^is a commie.
^^liar I never opined on fairness you illiterate lying cuck^^
You condemned her under russian law. If you didn't think russian law was fair, why did you condemn her? If you think russian law is fair, you're a commie.
You condemned her under russian law. If you didn't think russian law was fair, why did you condemn her? If you think russian law is fair, you're a commie.
^^idiot said fair trial originally not fair Russian law^^ moron
^^idiot said fair trial originally not fair Russian law^^ moron
You condemned her under russian law. If you didn't think russian law was fair, why did you condemn her? If you think russian law is fair, you're a commie.
So, you trust russian law to never coerce a person. Cool, you're a commie.
I don't trust Russian law. I just know she broke it. Hell it's illegal here in many places.

lastly, Russia is not communist you stupid idiot. here is a list of the remaining communist countries. maybe your dumbass is thinking of the soviet union or something.

now, the Chicoms are a communist country and we all know you love and defend some Chi coms.
For one, there were HUNDREDS if not maybe more than a thousand rioters at the capitol that needed/need to be tried.

For one, there were THOUSANDS if not maybe more than a million mostly peaceful protesters at various cities...

Come on Trump fans, you are forgetting that people DIED. Isn't one life lost enough to say that what happened was atrocious and easy to see that it was criminal?

Come on never Trumpers, you are forgetting that people died at these mostly peaceful protests. Isn't one life lost enough to say that what happened wasn't mostly peaceful but was atrocious and easy to see that it was criminal?

When have I ever or others ever defended the Jan 6 rioters? At most I have said it wasn't an insurrection, armed or otherwise. It was a riot, same as the "mostly peaceful protests" that so many were deflecting from, and are now the loudest voices that Jan 6 was an armed insurrection.

All I ask that you keep both in perspective and apply the same standards.

The point of the meme was that the US has Amendment 6 to its Bill of Rights, Russia doesn't...
For one, there were HUNDREDS if not maybe more than a thousand rioters at the capitol that needed/need to be tried. Who said her trial was fair? Do you really trust everything coming out of Russia? I don't and no one on Earth, especially Russians and Ukranians, should. The Jan. 6th good citizens committed a CRIME, and they are mostly being charged for trespassing, etc. when I sometimes feel the charges/convictions are too lenient. Is saying "hang Mike Pence" a forgivable joke? Are the 6 that DIED on that date deserving of their fate? Come on Trump fans, you are forgetting that people DIED. Isn't one life lost enough to say that what happened was atrocious and easy to see that it was criminal?

i notice this post has been avoided. one person that was shot and killed on that date has turned into 6 people being killed on that date. this is why liberals are mocked for rewriting history.
The Ministry of Truth is real. It takes the form of academia, social media, and the MSM, and it is working day and night to rewrite history, completely reverse and change the meanings of words, and force you to love the party and its "values."
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