Brittney Griner

She does know that her rights as a United States citizen stop at the border right? Good god our education system sucks if you dont know that
She probably doesn't know that, but it's the mentality of the Left that criminals are entitled to use any loophole in US criminal justice system to be let free when you're a minority.

After all, she dindu nuffin.
I still can’t believe we offered up an arms dealer back to a country we’re opposing in a proxy war. And it was our idea apparently. I’m all for helping Americans in legal trouble in other countries, but this is just bizarre.
If we’ll give up an arms dealer for a WNBA player, I’d hate to think what we’re giving up in negotiations when the stakes actually matter
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I still can’t believe we offered up an arms dealer back to a country we’re opposing in a proxy war. And it was our idea apparently. I’m all for helping Americans in legal trouble in other countries, but this is just bizarre.
If we’ll give up an arms dealer for a WNBA player, I’d hate to think what we’re giving up in negotiations when the stakes actually matter
Surely to God we could have made a better trade than this. Who even watches the WNBA?

Lord knows it’s easy to poke at Griner because of her past comments, but if my child was in a foreign prison, I’d give back Putin himself in order to get them back. Everybody on this board would as well.

Like the grammar cop you are attempting to replace, I had to correct his misuse and errors pertaining to the English language on a regular basis.

Child is singular. Children are plural.

Which of the following is correct?

The child is sick.
The child are sick.

Likewise which of the following is correct?

The children is sick.
The children are sick.

So let's move beyond the present tense to past tense and apply the same exercise.

The child was sick.
The child were sick.

The children was sick.
The children were sick.

Bonus to @big_country90 for getting it right the first time.
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“Were” is technically not wrong because it’s a past subjunctive. But neither is “was” wrong. Since Griner actually is in jail and it’s not entirely hypothetical, my statement was more indicative, making “was” the right word because “child” is singular.
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