Brittney Griner

The parts of the USA I like? Well, I love it here. I don't even really want to visit other countries because there is so much to offer here. Freedom, the open spaces, the opportunites, so much to do. The list goes on and on. But, that is under attack by some and they want to fundamentally change that.

What do I bash? The over reach of govt and the wast of it. Left wingers and commies who want to change it. The Vaginification of America, which some think started as a joke, but is serious. Look where we are now. Look at the control govt took during Covid. That was dangerous. Climate Change Worship which is overblown, hyped, unrealistic, and will lead to more govt control.
Men working on the pipeline= bad. Men pretending to be women in order to beat women=heroic. Gotta love liberal logic.
What’s wrong with making money? Guess we should just keep paying Russia and giving Iran suitcases of cash.
The problem is you and I are not making it. Oil execs are shipping our oil out to the global market and making gobs of money. Then we have to go to the same global market and buy. If we kept US production in the US we wouldn’t have to buy from Iran, Russia, etc. Why do you think that never gets offered as a solution?

Tell you what, drill everything you want. Every last thing you can financially justify. But ban the export of oil. Think any oil hounds are taking that deal? Not a chance.
Is she the chick who smuggled dope into Russia? Why can’t these people exist without weed?
That’s what I don’t get in all this. I truly don’t give a shit what vices people engage in as long as they’re not hurting others. However, how can any professional athlete not understand the ramifications of flying internationally w/contraband? Especially into a communist country.
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The problem is you and I are not making it. Oil execs are shipping our oil out to the global market and making gobs of money. Then we have to go to the same global market and buy. If we kept US production in the US we wouldn’t have to buy from Iran, Russia, etc. Why do you think that never gets offered as a solution?

Tell you what, drill everything you want. Every last thing you can financially justify. But ban the export of oil. Think any oil hounds are taking that deal? Not a chance.
So let's buy batteries from the Chinese. That will show them
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The problem is you and I are not making it. Oil execs are shipping our oil out to the global market and making gobs of money. Then we have to go to the same global market and buy. If we kept US production in the US we wouldn’t have to buy from Iran, Russia, etc. Why do you think that never gets offered as a solution?

Tell you what, drill everything you want. Every last thing you can financially justify. But ban the export of oil. Think any oil hounds are taking that deal? Not a chance.
You don’t believe we should sell oil to our allies around the world? Ban the sale of oil??? Lol. Yeah. That’s the answer.
You don’t believe we should sell oil to our allies around the world? Ban the sale of oil??? Lol. Yeah. That’s the answer.
You abandoning your orange jesus's philosophy?? Even after he told you "I'm the only one who knows how to fix it."
The problem is you and I are not making it. Oil execs are shipping our oil out to the global market and making gobs of money. Then we have to go to the same global market and buy. If we kept US production in the US we wouldn’t have to buy from Iran, Russia, etc. Why do you think that never gets offered as a solution?

Tell you what, drill everything you want. Every last thing you can financially justify. But ban the export of oil. Think any oil hounds are taking that deal? Not a chance.

How about making steel here instead of allowing state-backed imports flood our markets because of dumping?

International trade is nowhere near as simple as you and EG seem to believe...
How about making steel here instead of allowing state-backed imports flood our markets because of dumping?
What? Why, you'd have to pay American workers and the CEOs and shareholders wouldn't get paid as much!!!
International trade is nowhere near as simple as you and EG seem to believe...
Of course it is. See your orange jesus's tariffs as an example. And it's extremely difficult to get other countries to pay for walls.
orange jesus's

But Trump...🥱

Your guy is asleep at the wheel now... keep it current and relevant...

The problem is you and I are not making it. Oil execs are shipping our oil out to the global market and making gobs of money. Then we have to go to the same global market and buy. If we kept US production in the US we wouldn’t have to buy from Iran, Russia, etc. Why do you think that never gets offered as a solution?

Tell you what, drill everything you want. Every last thing you can financially justify. But ban the export of oil. Think any oil hounds are taking that deal? Not a chance.
This is a fundamental misunderstanding of how markets work.
Oil execs are shipping our oil out to the global market and making gobs of money.
This is the best thing in your comment. National security has long been sold out for profit.
You don’t believe we should sell oil to our allies around the world?
Allies, sure. After we allocate all we need to ourselves, or us and our allies come up with a plan for total allocations amongst ourselves.
How about making steel here
We should. Or from our allies. I really don't care if we have Canadian steel. The same goes for Japan, South Korea, Germany, etc.

Like my favorite local train car has been spray painted by one of the workers at Mill Steel, FVCK CHINESE STEEL. Fvck India too, 50/50 they are headed into authoritarianism.
International trade is nowhere near as simple as you and EG seem to believe...
It's not, true. None of this can happen overnight.
This is a fundamental misunderstanding of how markets work.
Free markets, yes. I'm pretty sure what Hokies is describing is government intervention into markets. The free market is great until it harms national security, then it's not so great anymore. Or when it really isn't free to begin with, as has been the case with oil and the OPEC cartel...much of our lives have been lived watching the whims of those bastards ebb and flow.
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This is the best thing in your comment. National security has long been sold out for profit.

Big difference with you and him and some of the rest of us. He is projecting this upon the oil company execs and you seem to be agreeing. No mention of politicians selling us out for profit by either of you... Government good??? Business bad???
This is the best thing in your comment. National security has long been sold out for profit.

Allies, sure. After we allocate all we need to ourselves, or us and our allies come up with a plan for total allocations amongst ourselves.

We should. Or from our allies. I really don't care if we have Canadian steel. The same goes for Japan, South Korea, Germany, etc.

Like my favorite local train car has been spray painted by one of the workers at Mill Steel, FVCK CHINESE STEEL. Fvck India too, 50/50 they are headed into authoritarianism.

It's not, true. None of this can happen overnight.

Free markets, yes. I'm pretty sure what Hokies is describing is government intervention into markets. The free market is great until it harms national security, then it's not so great anymore. Or when it really isn't free to begin with, as has been the case with oil and the OPEC cartel...much of our lives has been lived watching the whims of those bastards ebb and flow.
Now you misunderstand. Forget free markets or any other type of market. This is how oil markets in which we currently trade oil work.
He is projecting this upon the oil company execs and you seem to be agreeing.
Well that would be why I selected part for a response, to show what part I agreed with....
No mention of politicians selling us out for profit by either of you... Government good??? Business bad???
...Business IS government. We are in the Second Age of American Plutocracy. Of course the majority of federal politicians are sell outs.
I still remember Griner when she was a freshman at Baylor. She punched a Texas Tech player in the face and sent her to the floor. Never had any use for her since and I believe Russia is as good a place as any to keep her.
Then it would also be a good place for the likes of you.
Then it would also be a good place for the likes of you.
Maybe when I start sucker punching defenseless woman in the face and transporting illegal drugs into other countries, Russia will send me an invitation.
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Maybe when I start sucker punching defenseless woman in the face and transporting illegal drugs into other countries, Russia will send me an invitation.
It's exactly the place for you. You've thrown an American under the bus and taking the word of an enemy to do so.
Bottom line - you have to be an absolute fvcking moron to travel to a foreign country with a controlled substance. When you reach that level of stupid, you deserve whatever you get. BTW, Enes (Kanter) Freedom's response to Lebron's dumbass commentary on the situation was outstanding.
greed is akin to a deadbeat parent whose child never does any wrong. entitled bastard child.
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She committed a crime in that country plain and simple. Despite the war in Ukraine, Griner broke a law in that autocratic country and has to unfortunately face the consequences of her actions. It doesn’t matter if Tom Brady or Michael Jordan committed it, if you do the crime, then you have to do the time if you’re caught. I agree that we should not swap her for the Merchant of Death.