California Says Quit Buying Gas Cars, But You Can't Charge Your Car Either

This will be a serious case of we screwed up in America.

We will become so beholden to China it is not even funny.

They will control our daily lives and restrict freedom of movement

Oh, well, learn the hard way.
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The most expensive cost of buying an EV in California will be the extension cord you have to get that will reach to Nevada where they actually have some electricity.
EVs aren’t really a problem as they can be set to charge at night when the load is the lowest.
EVs aren’t really a problem as they can be set to charge at night when the load is the lowest.
Yehhh so don't go anwhere in the evening or at night. Only charge at night.

Not a problem at all. Oh, and not a problem when there are 40 million of them either.
Never going to actually happen. Gas companies are already starting to revolt. Citizens are starting
to revolt. The Supreme court will get involved. The infrastructure will never be in place. They are gripping about the coming heat wave this weekend on the electric grid. Imagine if cars were already taking the load?

Typical, liberal pipe dream.
EVs aren’t really a problem as they can be set to charge at night when the load is the lowest.

Typical Lib, thinking everyone is like them and has their schedule. Some will need to charge during the day, then what? Too much on the load? Can people only charge on even or odd days in order to relieve the load? Lets say you have to be somewhere and it's not your day to charge then what? Don't go!

Typical liberal unicorn chaser. Bright ideas and not thinking things through.
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Typical Lib, thinking everyone is like them and has their schedule. Some will need to charge during the day, then what? Too much on the load? Can people only charge on even or odd days in order to relieve the load? Lets say you have to be somewhere and it's not your day to charge then what? Don't go!

Typical liberal unicorn chaser. Bright ideas and not thinking things through.
Some will need to charge during the day, the majority can charge at night which will balance the overall load.

So when everyone is charging at night is the load going to stay low?
The load will be more even then. Yes we need to make more electricity, but with the load balancing inherent in EV charging it isn’t peak plus new load, it’s less than that.
Some will need to charge during the day, the majority can charge at night which will balance the overall load.

The load will be more even then. Yes we need to make more electricity, but with the load balancing inherent in EV charging it isn’t peak plus new load, it’s less than that.
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Thanks for proving our point on wind energy
The Texas disaster was primarily due to lost capacity from natural gas generators, partially due to the cold making the wells freeze over, and partially due to Kinder Morgan banking a billion with a b dollars by voluntarily holding back energy and waiting till it was a disaster, then selling it at a much higher emergency rate.

but yeah windmills.
The Texas disaster was primarily due to lost capacity from natural gas generators, partially due to the cold making the wells freeze over, and partially due to Kinder Morgan banking a billion with a b dollars by voluntarily holding back energy and waiting till it was a disaster, then selling it at a much higher emergency rate.

but yeah windmills.

Windmills have so many issues they shouldn't even be a talking point for anyone, much less environmentalists...

You bring up an interesting point about natural gas that I have often wanted to bring up but, as a reformed coal guy, never had the real opportunity to.

Years ago someone on the National Coal Council told me that northern utilities needed coal because natural gas freezes in winter and is therefore not a reliable fuel source for those regions' power generation. Guess you just proved their point as an anti-coal person.

BTW one of the big advantages of coal in the past is its relative price stability to hedge against the Kinder Morgan scenario you just described.

I'm not familiar with the background of that situation but I'm going out on a limb and say those in rural areas were disproportionately affected by the higher emergency energy rate. Can you confirm?
EVs aren’t really a problem as they can be set to charge at night when the load is the lowest.

If you only drive 250 miles a day(3-4 hours), and don't want to travel during the day on a trip and get where you are going by noon, or you get halfway there in 4 hours and gotta charge to get the rest of the way(BTW that takes a while1). Instead of taking 15 minutes to get gas, a drink, a snack or 2, and take a piss.
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The Texas disaster was primarily due to lost capacity from natural gas generators, partially due to the cold making the wells freeze over, and partially due to Kinder Morgan banking a billion with a b dollars by voluntarily holding back energy and waiting till it was a disaster, then selling it at a much higher emergency rate.

but yeah windmills.
Yes but not just Natural gas issues, was as much green energy wind turbines. Both had extreme issues.

Also , this from a weather condition would be equivalent of significant tropical event along the coast. This is a personal opinion after living through the winter event in Dallas and living though 2 tropical storms and 3 hurricanes in Houston(the ship channel area - my house was 17 feet above sea level and about 5 miles from the water. 3 of the 5 water got within a foot or 2 of being in my house. 2 of the 5 had no electric for over 2 weeks, 1 for 3 days. the other 2 off and on for the length of the event. The winter storm had no electric for 2 days and off and on for 3 more, then back to normal.
KyMUFan, none of the electrical generation systems in TX were designed to be exposed to that amount of freezing weather, both the temps and length of time. If it had been something really short on the temps 1 night and move on, we would have been fine. But the several days of the extreme cold was the problem due to not designed to be exposed that way. With the exception of the nuclear(and I think only 1 or 2 are left) all other forms of electrical generation here in TX had issues, fossil fuels and green. There have been many advances regarding hardening against another event like the one from 2021. Still ongoing for all utilities, since the electrical issues caused issues in many places with water, waste water and other utilities. Texas put requirements to utilities and other required infrastructure to put plans and equipment (generators and such) to be able to continue to operate in similar conditions.

since this is important to me, I have been keeping up with this and most of the utilities in my area are about 90% percent ready should a similar condition occur. Cost a bunch of money and has to a degree raised my utility costs ( for all utilities about 25 bucks a month). I am fine with paying more money when there is a reason for it. Going green and paying way too freakin much for gas, food, and all the other items needed and having to be delivered by trucks is not something I am fine with. breakfast sausage 1 lb has gone from 1.99 to 5.39, 2% milk(gallon) from 1.89 to 3.29, hamburger (93-7) a pound from 2.39 to 5.99. all of these were my purchases yesterday at the store.

My bourbon went in the last year from 42 bucks a 1.75 liter to 72. BTW that is including tax both ends.
KyMUFan, none of the electrical generation systems in TX were designed to be exposed to that amount of freezing weather, both the temps and length of time. If it had been something really short on the temps 1 night and move on, we would have been fine. But the several days of the extreme cold was the problem due to not designed to be exposed that way. With the exception of the nuclear(and I think only 1 or 2 are left) all other forms of electrical generation here in TX had issues, fossil fuels and green. There have been many advances regarding hardening against another event like the one from 2021. Still ongoing for all utilities, since the electrical issues caused issues in many places with water, waste water and other utilities. Texas put requirements to utilities and other required infrastructure to put plans and equipment (generators and such) to be able to continue to operate in similar conditions.

since this is important to me, I have been keeping up with this and most of the utilities in my area are about 90% percent ready should a similar condition occur. Cost a bunch of money and has to a degree raised my utility costs ( for all utilities about 25 bucks a month). I am fine with paying more money when there is a reason for it. Going green and paying way too freakin much for gas, food, and all the other items needed and having to be delivered by trucks is not something I am fine with. breakfast sausage 1 lb has gone from 1.99 to 5.39, 2% milk(gallon) from 1.89 to 3.29, hamburger (93-7) a pound from 2.39 to 5.99. all of these were my purchases yesterday at the store.

My bourbon went in the last year from 42 bucks a 1.75 liter to 72. BTW that is including tax both ends.

I did know about the inherent weaknesses in the TX power grid against freezing temperatures. The mention of it reminded me of the conversation I had several years ago about natural gas fuel supply issues into northern generating plants and just wondered if it was indeed a problem, albeit one that no one seems to mention.

We've had coal freeze in stockpiles, trucks, railcars, barges, etc. but as long as it was on the ground it could generally be broken up and fed into the unit.
EVs aren’t really a problem as they can be set to charge at night when the load is the lowest.
They want you to set your thermostat to "hell" and not turn the fvcking lights on, and at the same time force you to use an ev? And you're cool with this? What the fvck is wrong with you people?
Quote of the day from the CA Supreme court :

On the topic of mandatory Electric cars...

"We need to stop taking orders from angry adolescents and the folks who think the sky is falling."
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