Can i get official documentation here?


Platinum Buffalo
Aug 17, 2011
Brewpub w/coeds
Perhaps by the official forum moderator?

I've signed this wager a couple dozen times now.

Trump wins in a landslide. Can this be placed within the forum archives?

Greed is a slippery human being whose entire life is based on getting an out. We cannot allow this cat to weasel out.

Is random Herd still alive? He used to bookmark these things but I'm not sure if he/she/her is still alive.
You are talking about the same guy who weaseled out of the Vietnam Draft.

He calls Vets "suckers and losers." This claim comes from one person and others who despise GREED have confirmed it was never said, but in honor of his Dementia Jesus I will fully endorse the claim.
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his definition of landslide and everybody else's is likely akin to the difference between pavement and jelly; you've already provided him an out.

^^^^^says the guy that didn't honor his bet.
You're a liar. Want proof?? You're here.
It is noted and documented. He is not getting out of it.
But you had nothing to say when 2 out of 4 conservatives didn't honor their bet when your orange jesus lost the last election. You have NOTHING to do with whether I honor the bet or not. You lying scumbag Godless trumpchum oath breaker.
But you had nothing to say when 2 out of 4 conservatives didn't honor their bet when your orange jesus lost the last election. You have NOTHING to do with whether I honor the bet or not. You lying scumbag Godless trumpchum oath breaker.
^lying again^^
Watch me swallow some trumpchum...
Win the bet lose the bet it means nothing after the dems lose this election by a record landslide and you will see most people on the left will be put in their place as the true deployable's Most Americans are not like the view or greed or transgender folk who suffer from mental illness or the Kardashians or tom cruise and the church of scientology who is not a church at all. Most people are more like herdman or 30 cat or michiganherd or big country and myself. The left might snap out if this ungodly way of thinking when Trump doesn't turn out to be this evil Hitler like leader. He simply represents most of Americans. It's funny that women even black women are for Trump. IF a woman can get it right the men need to grow some balls not cut them off and replace them with a vagina and call that normal. Leave the private parts of our children alone. Drop the crap a child shouldn't be called a boy or a girl until around the age of four. Grown men dressed up pissing in front of little girls and say that's just fine. Our colleges teaching their is no God or college kid protesting for the rights of hamas. This totally screwed up way of thinking is why Trump has the support of most Americans.

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