Combined Michigan/extragreen circlejerk thread

Take the bet michiganherd. Harris will lose in a landslide where Biden would have made it a race. I would wait because I still find it hard to believe the dems would run harris. There are hundreds of better democrats they could run. If she pulled an upset then the right should think about her being even a bigger threat to the country than the left feels about Trump and try the same thing they did and hope for a bullseye
Take the bet michiganherd. Harris will lose in a landslide where Biden would have made it a race. I would wait because I still find it hard to believe the dems would run harris. There are hundreds of better democrats they could run. If she pulled an upset then the right should think about her being even a bigger threat to the country than the left feels about Trump and try the same thing they did and hope for a bullseye
I already beat him. Reminds me of the time Trap Hill forfeited to Fayetteville High. TH only had 14 players. I'm not doing a double or nothing bet. Greed lost fair and square.
Take the bet michiganherd. Harris will lose in a landslide where Biden would have made it a race. I would wait because I still find it hard to believe the dems would run harris. There are hundreds of better democrats they could run. If she pulled an upset then the right should think about her being even a bigger threat to the country than the left feels about Trump and try the same thing they did and hope for a bullseye
If Snotlicker will bet that trump beats Harris in a landslide, I'll take that bet. You a coward too?? Why yes, you are.
Calling someone a coward for not betting? Would you call me a coward if I wouldn't sleep with another man's wife? I just see gambling as a sin and avoid gambling just as cheating on my wive would bother me to do that Harris can't win won't win. Everything I have seen says the exact same thing. It's not something I have studied and come up with what is going to happen in the election. I have seen nothing but Trump winning big
I think someone else will run if theythe left want the chance to win. Biden is far more liked than Harris ever will be. This is a nightmare for the Democratic party. I'm sure Biden and the dems would never have picked Harris if they they thought Biden would have to quit the race. A nightmare for The View and people just like them
Biden quit right after he said I'm running and am going to win. Left should shy away from the word coward and concentrate on a better candidate. If they stick with Harris whoever they pick as VP would be more qualified. Unless they picked another woman. Two women ,,,well greed would the democrats actually throw the election? Seal the deal by picking a gay woman as the vp
Rifle how long ago did I make my appearance on this board. Been to many funerals in the last 10yrs and I'm 64 and don't remember when I came on this great board. Help me guys.
Kick his dumbass off for writing the same thing over and over like some kid. He has nothing original to say so repeating himself is all he has. He doesn't believe in meds for depression or any mental disorder and not because like his hero tom cruise he studied meds or mental illness. Some plot by aliens from the planet jackoff to bring all the knowledge they have of psychiatry and using that in a evil plot to control mankind. Trump hopefully will freeze all the assets of the biggest scam in the history of mankind the cult of scientology. Shut that cult down. If it makes libs feel good do it for all gay people that are treated less than dogs by that cult. All the people born into that cult who are forced to belong. They have had all these shows on you tube from people who escaped and got out of that crazy bunch. Their founder Saud if you want to get rich start a religion. Hubbard was a science fiction writer back when he was stealing another man's wive. That bunch pay no taxes by engineering the biggest scam in the history of mankind. Tom Cruise l's wive Katie Holmes hadcto secretly getvtons of help to escape from cruises cult and cruise himself. To the scientologist Tom Cruise and his boss are far greater than Jesus Christ. Forget anything greed says on Pullman It really nothing compared to these cult he believes in. He' doesn't give all his money to them and see his wife and family as nothing compared to the cult of scientology. He just dabbled in it. It's the same as Satanism. I pray he drops them from his life completely. He never talks about them much at all. He can't because it is so unbelievably out of this world crazy. He thinks he is smarter than those free will baptist he goes to church with. Jesus is not enough. to have thre upper hand on those around him. he believes he has this secret knowkedge he has obtained from unknown spirits and practices taught to him by Hubbard. It's witchcraft plain and simple. I'm just blown away by this six week course called "Don't stand by and do nothing but help get as many people out of that cult as possible. Jim Jones and 950 of his followers committed mass suicide and murder before anybody made a move to save those people. Scientology has far more followers than Jones and the terrible things that could happen within that cult could be more death than world War ll. So many innocent children are in grave danger. Everyone is afraid of them. Trump has his people digging deep into everything about them. He must stop them. It is not a church it is the most dangerous cult in the world and time is running out on what they are planning to do to the people of the world Their inspiration comes from Satan. Satan is building a army that's future is already sealed. The antichrist himself might very well have that army of cultists to use in the second half if the tribulation period. Talk about a real bloodbath
Eg has alot bigger problem being part of the biggest scam in the history of mankind. When he follows the teachings of Tom cruise his wife should be like Katie Holmes and hire some people to help her escape eg.and the Church of scientology. It is law of the cult they can never contact the police on any matter. The Good Lord kept the bullets from hitting Trump so he can take and shut down Hubbard's workers for Satan. Trump will indite the leaders of that cult and put a freeze on their assets and use all that stolen money to help build the wall in Mexico Trump will hopefully jail whoopie that black piece of garbage and the person on the viewvthat spews hate. Have Harris put in an iron maiden and then cut on the coacgmh
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Greed it's being told by the cult of scientology that Tom Cruise's words are taken more serious than those of Jesus Christ in the cult of scientology. Saw where another of the young stars of the cult of make believe is going to prison for 50 yrs of rape. Bet greed was screaming he was innocent. Trump is like a Angelvfrom heaven than the devils in the church of scientology They hate America and Jesus and trump and love the view the liberal democrats support hezabollah and hamas and brain dead Harris.
Bobby Kennedy 's son says the Democratic party does not exist any more and his dad and jfk would be ashamed to sayvtheyvwere democrats
Extragreed is scared cause Trump is going to shut down the cult of scientology use their assets to build the wall. Same thing that happened to Trump eillbhappenvto cruise only God put his shield around Trump. Cruise will bite the bulket
I've ruled. Greed had his chance. Mush Brains dropped out. GAME OVER.
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Greed has his chance.
The appeals court observed your use of current tense, showing that Greed still "has" his chance. Therefore, he still is allowed to post here, as shown by HerMan's use of current tense.
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I've ruled. Greed has his chance. Mush Brains dropped out. GAME OVER.
Since Snot can't provide a bet that both Snotlicker and I agreed upon, then Snot should be considered the same as Snotlicker...a lying coward.

Trump in 2024 will be a landslide

sign here, coward >>>> ________________________

extragreen signature>>>> extragreen

landslide definition: 304 electoral votes or better
The appeals court observed your use of current tense, showing that Greed still "has" his change. Therefore, he still is allowed to post here, as shown by HerMan's use of current tense.
typo, i was taking a dump. typo. dumped just like greed is dumped.