Crap Spell Crap without the AP

English is hard.

What is your specific complaint about this article?
I would blame the misspelling on my phone but I’m the one utilizing swype input - the phone does change my words after input though, something I need to figure out how to prevent.
The AP article is all over the place. They're using terms like "strongest indication" which is completely subjective.

The gist of their tweet is that he did this because of how Casino's weren't treating high rollers like they used to. That he was angry high rollers were getting the shaft while also stating casinos were trying to woo him with comped suites with a private elevator. I only know one or two "high rollers" but the amount of shit they get comped for spending far less than this guy is wild. The AP goes on to mention (it's in the photo caption) he had lost tens of thousands to gambling, implying the debts could have inspired him to do this.

The guy was a multi-millionaire & the FBI has stated he paid off all his debts prior to his actions.

"Kelly McMahill, a former Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department official who headed the agency’s criminal investigation into the shooting, said there was no strong indication that Paddock’s actions were driven by resentment toward the casino industry."
The AP article is all over the place. They're using terms like "strongest indication" which is completely subjective.

The gist of their tweet is that he did this because of how Casino's weren't treating high rollers like they used to. That he was angry high rollers were getting the shaft while also stating casinos were trying to woo him with comped suites with a private elevator. I only know one or two "high rollers" but the amount of shit they get comped for spending far less than this guy is wild. The AP goes on to mention (it's in the photo caption) he had lost tens of thousands to gambling, implying the debts could have inspired him to do this.

The guy was a multi-millionaire & the FBI has stated he paid off all his debts prior to his actions.

"Kelly McMahill, a former Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department official who headed the agency’s criminal investigation into the shooting, said there was no strong indication that Paddock’s actions were driven by resentment toward the casino industry."
Not buying it. If he was mad at the casino, why not shoot up the inside of the casino?.
Maybe he wanted to cause financial damage to the casino by launching the attack from their property.
Maybe but wouldn’t shooting up the casino do that as well?

Also a guy work with had a cousin who got shot at the concert.
Not buying it. If he was mad at the casino, why not shoot up the inside of the casino?.
I’m with you on this. Seems like the common reaction today is that if someone gets his feeling hurt, it is justified to go out and kill innocent people.
Maybe but wouldn’t shooting up the casino do that as well?

Also a guy work with had a cousin who got shot at the concert.
He would have been taken out a lot quicker on the casino floor.

Sorry about your coworker's cousin.
Nobody believes any of that article. We all know that George Soros was poisoning this guy with a virus created in a U.S. funded Chinese lab that allows the government to control the exact actions of a subject as they see fit. The government set up this poor guy to do these shootings just so they could get more public resentment towards guns before the election.
Nobody believes any of that article. We all know that George Soros was poisoning this guy with a virus created in a U.S. funded Chinese lab that allows the government to control the exact actions of a subject as they see fit. The government set up this poor guy to do these shootings just so they could get more public resentment towards guns before the election.
Especially the part where Putin did all the Russiagate stuff install Trump as a Manchurian candidate.