Yes. Doc was so hostile towards the fans. That's just garbage talk and piling on. If Doc had won several championships no one would care.
I couldn't care any less what the HC thinks about me. They're not my friend. I don't worship them. They're employees hired to do a job. Win. Dan doesn't win enough so who cares if he yucks it up with his Danites and wears cool t-shirts under his jacket.
Doc has never been a media guy. He just focused on football and coaching. Of course it made some more hostile towards him because he didn't sugarcoat things.
Dan's always been a media guy, which gave him a hell of a cushion in terms of needing to win (also, family on the MU BoG ensuring his contract would be renewed). Fans gave him a pass...oh and the being a SoM and former player himself helped too.
I have said for a while, Doc and Dan were almost the same kind of person in terms of their coaching starts...Doc made the title game in 2013, won it in 2014 (year 4). He also kept MU competitive after in 2015, just sucks they played the greatest 2 years in wku football history. The disaster of 2016 and foolishness in wanting to fire him without giving him a chance to re-build, and he did and went bowling the following years...and won CoY in 2020.
Dan made the title game in year 3, won it in year 4, kept it up for a year with the CIT, then completely fell off the rails.
Difference is, a single bad year (2016) with Doc, was recovered in the subsequent years...Dan hasn't seemed to do that.
Of course the fools who believe conference titles are the end all be all (lets just not mention how many schools all over the NCAA, moved up who hadn't won a title in the last decade or so) forget its about the consistency of your program and with a program like MU who doesn't enjoy being top dog in their state (Boise) or has insane amounts of money (Cincy) or has a large enrollment (ucf), you have to take what you can get.
Very few G5's can say they'd had the 10 year consistency MU had...lots of money spent and lost with 2 year HC's who barely got 3 wins a season. If mediocrity is finishing 2nd in your division, then I couldn't imagine what you use to describe ODU or Charlotte (who've finished worse than we have and have no conference titles...same with USM, who hadn't won really anything since Fedora left)...but yet are heading to one of the better G5's right now.
Dan's got his work cut out for him and he isn't exactly winning the fans over anymore.
Of course, the fans had such a low bar set for him that they didn't believe they'd ever need to raise it since a literal team with a pulse was more than what we had...and now they're stuck with it.
But hey, the fans on here kept talking about "Oh how fun the b-ball team LOOKS, as opposed to winning games." "By gosh darn that son of a biscuit sure made a ton of 3 pointers against us tonight, but gee golly were they fun to watch!"
Don't kid yourselves, plenty of you wanted to be entertained over a team winning, which shows just how low the bar has been set for basketball, and just how far they are from reaching it.