Democrat Senator Calls For Revolution if Roe V Wade is overturned

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Wow, calling for a revolution over that. That is a dangerous message and is she inciting violence and an insurrection against the US govt? Weird comments from her over this subject.

Wow, calling for a revolution over that. That is a dangerous message and is she inciting violence and an insurrection against the US govt? Weird comments from her over this subject.

What kind of “Revolution” can one expect from people that can’t figure out that if you spread your legs and have unprotected sex you get pregnant?
This isn’t the first Senate Democrat to threaten the bench. Hell, Schumer did it last year which drew a rare condemnation from sitting a Chief Justice.
Need to give this one up. If people want abortions, they'll get them.

This is just like guns, God, gays, probably even masks. If people want the stuff, they're having the stuff. Nothing you can do to stop it. If people want abortions bad enough, they'll just punch themselves in the stomach real hard or swallow some poison or something to get it.
Need to give this one up. If people want abortions, they'll get them.

This is just like guns, God, gays, probably even masks. If people want the stuff, they're having the stuff. Nothing you can do to stop it. If people want abortions bad enough, they'll just punch themselves in the stomach real hard or swallow some poison or something to get it.
Apparently they aren’t swallowing anything, creating part of the problem.
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I bet they did though. Because I have figured out that it's very likely now that I'm swallowing approximately 25% of everything I try to spit out.

That's awful. Embarrassing. I'm hoping it just depends on what it is. I still can't believe 25%, but that's what the evidence is suggesting. Just an embarrassing failure that I can't spit it all out or at least 98%.
I bet they did though. Because I have figured out that it's very likely now that I'm swallowing approximately 25% of everything I try to spit out.

That's awful. Embarrassing. I'm hoping it just depends on what it is. I still can't believe 25%, but that's what the evidence is suggesting. Just an embarrassing failure that I can't spit it all out or at least 98%.

Just now I had to stop after chewing and spitting a piddly 12 iced oatmeal cookies. I'm scared that I'm swallowing 25% of this shit, but I spit it all out in this Wendy's cup.

I could have easily done 2 or 3 whole packages, but stopped after just 12 damn cookies. Pathetic. Whatever else I can do sucks since I can't do this correctly. Terrible loser.
Wow, calling for a revolution over that. That is a dangerous message and is she inciting violence and an insurrection against the US govt? Weird comments from her over this subject.

but it would be a peaceful non insurrection - insurrection.
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The libs can’t even call it a women’s rights issue now because their crazy asses have redefined the genders. Has any “woman” that’s not a woman ever had an abortion? Maybe the fetus identifies as having been born already?
Are there any documented cases of the parts actually working in gender reassignment?

The parts don't work do they? If they did, that would be a true miracle of modern science. But there's no way they actually work. For pissing, yeah, but not know. Just no way it can work for that.
A political "revolution" in which younger voters forever write off one party? Likely. This does not mean they will support the other party. Young voters continue to be less likely to vote...unless you piss them off (check out their increase in voting participation in 2020 vs 2016). Enough to change the midterm outcomes? Quite possibly.

A violent revolution? Unlikely.

Republicans would be wise to instead continue their past practice of saying they are pro-choice but doing nothing to end abortion rights. It keeps the Bible Thumpers voting but lets others figure out a reason to vote for them. Take that away and there will be electoral repercussions.
A political "revolution" in which younger voters forever write off one party? Likely. This does not mean they will support the other party. Young voters continue to be less likely to vote...unless you piss them off (check out their increase in voting participation in 2020 vs 2016). Enough to change the midterm outcomes? Quite possibly.

A violent revolution? Unlikely.

Republicans would be wise to instead continue their past practice of saying they are pro-choice but doing nothing to end abortion rights. It keeps the Bible Thumpers voting but lets others figure out a reason to vote for them. Take that away and there will be electoral repercussions.
The issue is will it kick back to the states.

I was hoping for them to start a real revolution. We haven't played Cowboys and liberals yet.
It's pretty much over. The forced birthers are going to get a win here.

It's not about being pro-life, because if that was the case they wouldn't be fighting universal healthcare, vilifying welfare recipients and those who need food stamps, fighting the vaccine, or doing nothing about school shootings other than offering "thoughts and prayers".

I'm always reminded of this political cartoon, which perfectly sums them up:

It's pretty much over. The forced birthers are going to get a win here.

It's not about being pro-life, because if that was the case they wouldn't be fighting universal healthcare, vilifying welfare recipients and those who need food stamps, fighting the vaccine, or doing nothing about school shootings other than offering "thoughts and prayers".

I'm always reminded of this political cartoon, which perfectly sums them up:

Is a condom cheaper and more efficient compared to an abortion?
It's pretty much over. The forced birthers are going to get a win here.

It's not about being pro-life, because if that was the case they wouldn't be fighting universal healthcare, vilifying welfare recipients and those who need food stamps, fighting the vaccine, or doing nothing about school shootings other than offering "thoughts and prayers".

I'm always reminded of this political cartoon, which perfectly sums them up:

Why does wanting to protect someone’s right to having a Life, along with Liberty and the pursuit of happiness , mean I also have to provide for that person or else I’m a Hypocrite?
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The issue is will it kick back to the states.
And the issue is we do not do that with rights.

But I will save your post for the next time a state passes new gun laws.

We haven't played Cowboys and liberals yet.
The liberal hackers would freeze your money, and then you would cry.
Why does wanting to protect someone’s right to having a Life, along with Liberty and the pursuit of happiness , mean I also have to want provide for that person or else I’m a Hypocrite?
If you're going to impose your beliefs on someone and force them to have a baby that they don't want, why would you not provide any assistance? Your beliefs have contributed to the lack of choice, after all.

Furthermore, I can only assume that since you are supportive of the idea of forcing these women to carry their babies to term, you would be perfectly willing to adopt one or two of them.
Why does wanting to protect someone’s right to having a Life, along with Liberty and the pursuit of happiness , mean I also have to want provide for that person or else I’m a Hypocrite?
Not only that, but very few conservatives would argue that single-unemployed moms or older people with health conditions shouldn't receive some form of social assistance. The thing that pisses people off would be the questionably "disabled," substance abusers, or just plain lazy fvcks drawing checks - or the single moms that have 4+ kids as a means of increasing their income.
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If you're going to impose your beliefs on someone and force them to have a baby that they don't want, why would you not provide any assistance? Your beliefs have contributed to the lack of choice, after all.

Furthermore, I can only assume that since you are supportive of the idea of forcing these women to carry their babies to term, you would be perfectly willing to adopt one or two of them.
Why do you hate black and poor children? Because in large regard they are the ones not given the chance at life.
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And the issue is we do not do that with rights.

But I will save your post for the next time a state passes new gun laws.

The liberal hackers would freeze your money, and then you would cry.
States already have imposed gun restrictions.
This is not going to be good if this happens.

Abortions are like the guns. If you outlaw them, people will still get them anyway. But if you make it against the law, they'll have to deal with some shady people to get it done.

But they will. People are too used to having this as an option. Doesn't matter if I like it or not. It's what already is, what has been and what's going to continue to be one way or another.
It's pretty much over. The forced birthers are going to get a win here.

It's not about being pro-life, because if that was the case they wouldn't be fighting universal healthcare, vilifying welfare recipients and those who need food stamps, fighting the vaccine, or doing nothing about school shootings other than offering "thoughts and prayers".

I'm always reminded of this political cartoon, which perfectly sums them up:

This argument is so retarded that I don’t know why people continue to make it. People have the right to life. They do not have the right to force other people to take care of them once they’re alive. Murdering them pre-birth does not solve this.
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Liberal men want abortion to continue because it gets them out of the responsibility of raising the children they don't want.

Let's be honest. Abortion is all about allowing men to screw anything not nailed down without consequences.

Abortion is the greatest men's rights thing around.
Holy cow, can you imagine what those men will do now? Big stomach punches are coming. More violence and assaults. Big ones. Terrible ones.

And what about a woman who starts puffing out with this baby and freaks the hell out like I have now after having to put on all this weight to keep from passing out and dying when it got under 80 degrees?

It's freaky as hell, I'm serious, when your stomach just balloons out dozens of pounds overnight. I can imagine women going nuts and carving this thing out.
I did not have your quote to use for previous occurrences. But now I do.

See, I believe no state (and no nation) should restrict our natural born rights. That's the difference in you and I.
Wait, but you are for imposing covid restrictions and vaccine mandates? You can use my quote all you want. I didn't say I had to agree with states or governments do or what causes I agree with or don't agree with.
Spin this discussion anyway you like. Each abortion stops a beating heart.
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If you're going to impose your beliefs on someone and force them to have a baby that they don't want, why would you not provide any assistance? Your beliefs have contributed to the lack of choice, after all.

Furthermore, I can only assume that since you are supportive of the idea of forcing these women to carry their babies to term, you would be perfectly willing to adopt one or two of them.

But to pro-lifers, it’s not about “forcing” anything. There shouldn’t even be a decision to be made. It just shouldn’t, ethically, be a possible choice.

If you said, “Why are you forcing these single mothers to take care of their three year olds they don’t want? Since you don’t support her right to euthanize them, I assume that means you’re willing to adopt the child?”

Sounds absurd, doesn’t it? Well to the person who genuinely believes that abortion is murder(and not every pro-lifer genuinely thinks that. It’s a political position too for sure), you may as well be asking that same question.
I'm not for abortions, but it's likely that around 84% of kids born whose parents wanted to abort them end up wishing they had been.
Liberal men want abortion to continue because it gets them out of the responsibility of raising the children they don't want.

Let's be honest. Abortion is all about allowing men to screw anything not nailed down without consequences.

Abortion is the greatest men's rights thing around.
I wasn't kidding.

I have always been somewhat perplexed by the abortion debate. The same people who fight tooth and nail to save the life of a single unborn fetus seem to have no problem sending tens of thousands of young adults to die in foreign wars.
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