Democrats: "Get money out of politics!"

No. Murox vehemently argued that he didn’t mean that coal production is in the rise in WV. He clearly argued, after clarifying his error, that he coal production was rising in southern WV.

He then went on to blame country and E.T. for Murox’s own error because it was obvious he only meant “southern WV” because he just told that that was where his “shop” is . . . even though he didn’t tell them that until AFTER they called him out for his error.

Then, when there was a glimmer of hope that Murox’s original claim may have some merit, he jumped back to arguing for all of WV instead of just “southern WV” like he vehemently argued was his intention.

It was an all-time board fvck-up which included a bunch of lies from him trying to cover his ass.
So coal isn't rising, but it is. Your words.

Coal production increased in 2017. This is the 3rd quarter of 2018. Get it? It is not increasing now. "Rising" is present tense. You don't get to use it now in present tense when describing coal production for the nation or the state of WV.

Now we are going to get movie reviews from D3 I’ve got nothing but time