Deplorable Tears


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
Deplorables in West Virginia are showing their asses on the Charleston Gazette Facebook page about the Charleston Pride Parade. And this is why West Virginia will always be West Virginia. It isn't due to the terrain making development too difficult. It isn't due to the coal mines closing down. It isn't due to D.C. having it out for red voters. It isn't due to anything other than the shitty morals and attitudes of the natives:

Yehh a state will be prosperous if they have a gay pride parade.

Where do libs come up with the stuff. Lib doesn't even understand the history of WV.
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rifle spends more time on site devoted to West Virginia than anyone that lives in the state
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rifle spends more time on site devoted to West Virginia than anyone that lives in the state
I have a lot more time than those in WV, because I don’t have to wait in line for food stamps.
I have a lot more time than those in WV, because I don’t have to wait in line for food stamps.

Living in California, if you were an American citizen unfortunate enough to have to have government assistance, you'd be waiting in line behind illegal, foreign nationals, who you respect more than American citizens.
Living in California, if you were an American citizen unfortunate enough to have to have government assistance, you'd be waiting in line behind illegal, foreign nationals, who you respect more than American citizens.
According to census bureau data, the line is even longer for food stamps for those who live on Poplar.
You would think Jesus (greed) would be speaking out against this gay crap, but he's turning his back on God.
According to Contards an idiot could be persuaded that Jesus spent most of his time on earth railing against gays. When in fact your lying is the same amount of sin as a homosexual drug addicted prostitute. Hope that makes you feel better about yourself.
According to Contards an idiot could be persuaded that Jesus spent most of his time on earth railing against gays. When in fact your lying is the same amount of sin as a homosexual drug addicted prostitute. Hope that makes you feel better about yourself.
That brings up a good question. If all sin is equal then would Jeffrey Dahmer's sin be the same? Would Hitler's sin be the same? If a guy steals a pack of cigarrettes or some gas is that the same as Bernie Madoff? That has always perplexed me.
That brings up a good question. If all sin is equal then would Jeffrey Dahmer's sin be the same? Would Hitler's sin be the same? If a guy steals a pack of cigarrettes or some gas is that the same as Bernie Madoff? That has always perplexed me.
In God's eyes yes
That brings up a good question. If all sin is equal then would Jeffrey Dahmer's sin be the same? Would Hitler's sin be the same? If a guy steals a pack of cigarrettes or some gas is that the same as Bernie Madoff? That has always perplexed me.
Yes. Sin is sin. Full stop. Some sin has a bigger effect on man, but God views sin as sin. You can be the most moral man or woman in the history of the world, but failing to obey the gospel of Jesus by just ignoring it or refusing it will result in the same sentence as a person who rapes babies and murders children...eternal damnation.
Don’t tell West Virginians that. As we saw today, they oppose gay rights, racial integration, and incest jokes.
Glad they still have a moral compass on the gay issue. I don’t oppose gays, but their over the top agenda is sick. If they were truly comfortable with how they are they wouldn’t have to constantly seek validation.
Glad they still have a moral compass on the gay issue. I don’t oppose gays, but their over the top agenda is sick. If they were truly comfortable with how they are they wouldn’t have to constantly seek validation.
Yeah, those damn blacks shouldn’t have marched for acceptance or equal rights either.

Over the top agenda? Go on, explain, bigot.
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According to Contards an idiot could be persuaded that Jesus spent most of his time on earth railing against gays. When in fact your lying is the same amount of sin as a homosexual drug addicted prostitute. Hope that makes you feel better about yourself.
That's your opinion, one that was influenced by the teachings of money grabbing con man Hubbard.

I doubt God has a place in his heart for followers of con man Hubbard.
According to Contards an idiot could be persuaded that Jesus spent most of his time on earth railing against gays. When in fact your lying is the same amount of sin as a homosexual drug addicted prostitute. Hope that makes you feel better about yourself.
dont get one is taking away your bull
According to census bureau data, the line is even longer for food stamps for those who live on Poplar.

No one on Poplar Avenue, in Williamstown, West Virginia, is on food stamps. Where are you getting that fake data? I know, because I live on that street and I know most of the people who live there.

Try as you might, squirtgunarm2. Try as you might. ;)
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At least you are smart enough to live upstream from DuPont.

Does it matter? The Ohio River is lined with chemical plants. Du Pont was singled out, because the goverment could prove one of the chemicals was Du Pont's. One of many hazardous chemicals in the river. In fact, that one chemical isn't as bad as several of the others found in there.
So you really didn't have a point after all.
My point to rifle was he talks about WV's people and economic woes without knowing the history of the state. He was trying to equate gay pride week and economics for some reason. TO understand WV you would have to back to the 1600's.
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My point to rifle was he talks about WV's people and economic woes without knowing the history of the state. He was trying to equate gay pride week and economics for some reason. TO understand WV you would have to back to the 1600's.
Gotcha. I thought you were trying to justify bigotry.

I will say that corporations absolutely take local attitudes and politics on this stuff into consideration for white collar professional jobs. Corporations want to be able to recruit or relocate the best and the brightest, straight or gay.

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