Desegregation, War on Drugs, and War on Proverty killed the Black Community

Herd Fever

Platinum Buffalo
Sep 25, 2008
Just read a report that said 50 years ago black people owned more homes, more black-owned business, more black college graduates and 1 in 8 Black males was incarcerated compared to the Black Community of today
And yet candidates like Bernie want to expand programs like the "war on POVERTY"....that is POVERTY....and again.....POVERTY. (but at least he seems he "cares")
Owning a home or a business is too much work. And jails are luxurious. Sounds like advancement to me.
You don't want a factory job and neither does anyone else. Are you kidding me with this?

If you want to work a hard labor job, you can go get hired today. Construction, warehouses, etc. Go for it. Nobody wants that.
Man you love chasing around men at all hours of the day

As was pointed don't seem to mind lying at any hour of the day....

Nevertheless, continue to refuse to answer basic questions to your ignorant assertions. Might be the smartest thing you can do at this point.
So you prefer having your own water fountains, Fever?

What really has destroyed the black community is a lack of fathers, Tupac/NWA and other thug types. Mimic the guy who went to medical school, not the guy rapping about selling drugs and killing cops.

Personal responsibility, man.
Yes, mimic the guy who came from nothing, made it then turned his back to his own people. Maybe I should make Uncle Tom statements like "George Bush is my friend" or "I looked up to Ronald Reagan."

There is many other black people that have been successful that haven't turned their back on his people.

Also I love how you included Tupac/NWA. Tupac is the son of a black panther who is his earlier music rapped about uplifting the community and went around speaking about it. Then he joined a major rap label ran by the Jews and white America and pretty much forced him to rap about violence. When he started to refuse to do such raps anymore, he was killed.

And listen to NWA raps, they rapped about their neighborhoods and what they see every day.

Desegregation took the unity out of the black community and allowed black people like Ben Carson, Condoleezza Rice, and many others like them to feel since they aren't forced to live within the Black Community anymore they can turn their back to the community.

Also when the government defunded all the social programs like job training, education training, childcare and decided Welfare and Mass Incarceration would be better has led to what is going on today. But it all started with Desegregation
And the black community statistically was better off with our own water fountains. Desegregation took the unity and reliance from each other and made the black community especially the disadvantage to depend on a system that isn't made for us at all
And when you lump all poor people together, take away the jobs, schools, and job training away it leaves a vacuum of survival and that leads to violence and crime because people are doing anything they can to survive
the guy who came from nothing, made it then turned his back to his own people

His own people probably didn't want him to make it. Why should he go back and shower people with gifts who fought him all the way?

That's why I say piss on my own family. They made it hell. Fought with all they had to try to make me lose. Still whipped their asses, but I'd rather give my money to rappers than let them have any of it.
That is false, on his rise he turned his back and tried to deny his upbringing and if he could he would deny he was black. That is why a lot of black people don't like him. For him to be black and not even acknowledge the problems within the black and minority community shows to me how much of a fraud he really is
Instead of using his upbringing and how he made it out of the hood as an inspiration to young black males in his campaign, he denies it and tries to hide it. That is a fraud and a Uncle Tom
You're just saying that because he's a Republican. Hell, you're mad that he actually made it. You wanted him to lose and live with his mother his whole life.
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Actually, I am glad he made it from the upbringing he had. I am glad for any black person that made it out of a single parent home and became successful. My issue is he isn't using that success to be an inspiration to young black males so they can have something other then an Entertainer or the local drug dealer to look up too. He denies his upbringing. Anytime someone asks him about it, he says it is private
Its like he doesn't want to be an inspiration to black youths and would rather shuck and jive for "Massa" and be that good house nigga that he is
So you prefer having your own water fountains, Fever?

What really has destroyed the black community is a lack of fathers, Tupac/NWA and other thug types. Mimic the guy who went to medical school, not the guy rapping about selling drugs and killing cops.

Personal responsibility, man.

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You know I bet I had it worse growing up than most of these kids you refer to Fever. I was the poor kid amongst the poor kids in rural WV. I sometimes share stories about how bad off we were and people think I'm crazy or not telling the truth. I'm not rich but I've done and let me tell you something, while nobody gave me squat, I'm not sure I would have done as well as I have if I hadn't been forced to work so hard just to get by growing up. My brothers and I worked every day year round. It gave me the work ethic and the empathy today that I may have not had otherwise.

I don't believe Ugandan, Irish, Chinese or Brazilian makes the man. The man makes the man and in my opinion when we stopped concentrating on differences and start concentrating on everyone being truly equal, the men who choose to be men will rise to the top.
There is 2 sides to coin here though. One on side you have a big class of people that the government intended to make dependent on them while taking away rights and funding while suppressing them with BS laws so not only are they dependent in the streets but also in correctional facilities and other government facilities. It is no wonder they don't have a work ethic or even a sense to get out. On the other side you have another class of people who turned their back to them, wont share the resources so ALL AMERICANS can prosper(Proper educational resources for one, Government funding, Property Tax money) but then have the nerve to say "They need to stop living off my taxes!" I always ask myself if these people have every spoken to the poor or spent a week in their communities and see how the other half lives

I live on Long Island and it is the perfect example of how disproportionate America is. In one second you can be in a Nice, really nice are. The next you can be in an average suburban area, and then a second later you can be in some of the most dangerous areas. The sad thing is this, they all pay into the same property tax pool. But you already know where most of that money goes too, which school district gets the money first.
I understand that Fever but I don't believe I was giving any more or less opportunities than you were. I sought out and made my own opportunities. I believe most men can do the same.
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Agree wholeheartedly with those that say the problem lies with young blacks not having that strong, male role model in the household. Mothers can not fill the role of both mother and father. And, way too many times those single mothers spend too much of their time away from the children, either working at low paying jobs or running the streets to make money to support those kids. The lack of this basic family structure is having a crushing effect on the black community. Leads to a snow-balling and complex consequence of failure throughout those "families"
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Fever, you're exactly what's wrong with the black community and the left as a whole today. You would rather blame the government, white people, Republicans, and anything else you can blame other than the very people who are destroying your own lives... and that's yourselves . You're so blinded by an ideology that you call any black person who has been successful in life, outside of sports andentertainment, an Uncle Tom. You would rather see your community crumble than to give credence to the fact that conservatism might actually work.

I, too, grew up very poor. I have stated that several times on here in the past. But, I sat in the same classrooms as many black people and white people alike. I paid my own way through college and worked hard to be where I am today. I didn't blame anybody for my economic situation growing up. I simply worked hard, studied, and did all the right things that I knew would allow me to be successful in my adult life.

While it's true that a certain percentage of kids have a leg up based on their familiy situation in life or where they live, the vast majority of children in this country are growing up on a level playing field. It's what you do with your opportunity that matters. So don't sit here and give me this garbage about people's lives being someone else's fault. You make of your own life what you choose to make of it.

I actually work with a guy from Uganda. He played soccer for Marshall and is one of the most intelligent people I have ever met. He turned down a professional soccer career in the Middle East in order to get his degree and live in America because he believed that would be the best path for him to take in life. He looks at the same people that you look at and wonders why they squander such an opportunity that they have to succeed here in this country. His perspective is far different from yours, and he has not let race, nationality, or anything else that you would use as an excuse to stop him from being successful. People like him... Legal immigrants who come here and produce positive things for this country… represent all the good things about this country. But people like you would rather have border crossers to mooch off of the rest of us, blame Republicans for black people who sell drugs on the street, and otherwise live miserable lives.

Get a clue.
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wont share the resources so ALL AMERICANS can prosper(Proper educational resources for one, Government funding, Property Tax money)

It's because the bums just want everything for free. If it was to help people learn to work and succeed, that would be great. That's not what it is. It's a free payment to sit there and contribute nothing to civilization, all the while making more babies and passing that same entitlement mentality on.

Who the hell do they think they are that they get to sit and be waited on hand and foot by everybody else?
Conservatives still complaining about social welfare at half the cost of corporate welfare.

Even though he struggles to think logical about sports, Extra comes with another knock out blow when it comes to social and political issues
Fever, you're exactly what's wrong with the black community and the left as a whole today. You would rather blame the government, white people, Republicans, and anything else you can blame other than the very people who are destroying your own lives... and that's yourselves . You're so blinded by an ideology that you call any black person who has been successful in life, outside of sports andentertainment, an Uncle Tom. You would rather see your community crumble than to give credence to the fact that conservatism might actually work.

I, too, grew up very poor. I have stated that several times on here in the past. But, I sat in the same classrooms as many black people and white people alike. I paid my own way through college and worked hard to be where I am today. I didn't blame anybody for my economic situation growing up. I simply worked hard, studied, and did all the right things that I knew would allow me to be successful in my adult life.

While it's true that a certain percentage of kids have a leg up based on their familiy situation in life or where they live, the vast majority of children in this country are growing up on a level playing field. It's what you do with your opportunity that matters. So don't sit here and give me this garbage about people's lives being someone else's fault. You make of your own life what you choose to make of it.

I actually work with a guy from Uganda. He played soccer for Marshall and is one of the most intelligent people I have ever met. He turned down a professional soccer career in the Middle East in order to get his degree and live in America because he believed that would be the best path for him to take in life. He looks at the same people that you look at and wonders why they squander such an opportunity that they have to succeed here in this country. His perspective is far different from yours, and he has not let race, nationality, or anything else that you would use as an excuse to stop him from being successful. People like him... Legal immigrants who come here and produce positive things for this country… represent all the good things about this country. But people like you would rather have border crossers to mooch off of the rest of us, blame Republicans for black people who sell drugs on the street, and otherwise live miserable lives.

Get a clue.

Maybe just maybe you need a clue. I don't fault any black people that made it. Hell my mother is one of the top federal regulators in the NY region. What I do fault is black people that made it and aren't out inspiring the black youth that is so lost in todays world. Also which level playing field do you speak off? Are these same kids horded into classrooms with 30-40+ kids. There is a study out about NYC schools where they found elementary classrooms having 50 kids. What 8yr can learn in that situation?? Most kids from the poor neighborhoods ARE NOT on the same level playing field as kids even from middle class neighborhoods.

And yes a lot of our problems in the black community are because of Drugs, Gangs, poverty, and single family homes. BUT where are the programs and laws that fix the problem. Right now the government is building more jails and consolidating schools instead of building new schools. Richer schools would rather throw out last years textbooks instead of donating to poorer school districts. The schools would rather teach for a test instead of teaching life skills. They say the poorer communities have very low employment rates but where is the job training and at least low skilled jobs to change that?? If people had more jobs that paid well and social programs to help fix the issues maybe just maybe the issues would fix themselves.

But nope this government would rather give money to the Private Prison Industrial Complex instead of programs that will fix the social issues we all see every day
Maybe just maybe you need a clue. I don't fault any black people that made it. Hell my mother is one of the top federal regulators in the NY region. What I do fault is black people that made it and aren't out inspiring the black youth that is so lost in todays world. Also which level playing field do you speak off? Are these same kids horded into classrooms with 30-40+ kids. There is a study out about NYC schools where they found elementary classrooms having 50 kids. What 8yr can learn in that situation?? Most kids from the poor neighborhoods ARE NOT on the same level playing field as kids even from middle class neighborhoods.

And yes a lot of our problems in the black community are because of Drugs, Gangs, poverty, and single family homes. BUT where are the programs and laws that fix the problem. Right now the government is building more jails and consolidating schools instead of building new schools. Richer schools would rather throw out last years textbooks instead of donating to poorer school districts. The schools would rather teach for a test instead of teaching life skills. They say the poorer communities have very low employment rates but where is the job training and at least low skilled jobs to change that?? If people had more jobs that paid well and social programs to help fix the issues maybe just maybe the issues would fix themselves.

But nope this government would rather give money to the Private Prison Industrial Complex instead of programs that will fix the social issues we all see every day

Sounds like the liberals in New York dont care about kids. Oh and youve repeatedly bashed people such as Ben Carson as being uncle toms for not caring about black people.
NYC was run by conservatives for about 20 years.

And I bash ANY black people who comes from the hood, make it out, then act like they are too good to be an inspiration to black youth like Ben Carson has
Conservatives still complaining about social welfare at half the cost of corporate welfare.

I don't like either one, but at least the corporate goes to people who have to do something.

Are you really OK with paying a lot of people to never do anything at all?
I don't like either one, but at least the corporate goes to people who have to do something.

Are you really OK with paying a lot of people to never do anything at all?

Wealthy people are already wealthy. They need no help. The vast majority of poor people who receive government assistance WORK.
Wait Corporations do something? If they knew what they was doing, they wouldn't need corporate welfare but as always the Rich helps the Rich
I grew up in a single parent home. We were poor. At times we ate canned roast beef, white bread and water. My mother worked hard to provide.
I've always believed its about personal responsibility and the choices one makes. People can see what is right and what is wrong, the choices they make is the problem.

Too many are willing to take the easy way out, blame someone else for their plight and then are the first to complain that life is not fair. Every kindergarten kid can be successful, its their family upbringing and the choices they make as they get older that determines what their life becomes.

I know of families in Logan Co. WV that teach each generation the ways to live off the government and not work a day.

Everyone is a victim, everyone has been cheated. Its a ridiculous mentality that is leading to this nations collapse.
Twolf, in the condition you described, you are lucky, yes fortunate, that your family made it. One single bad break and you'd still more than likely be in that same condition. We ate better than what you described, but it's probably because we were able to rent enough land to raise a garden. Meat was scarce.
The vast majority of poor people who receive government assistance WORK.

But they still want welfare to cover a lifestyle beyond their means. The vast majority of them have cell phones, cable, internet, Nike shoes, kids they can't afford to feed, etc, etc, etc. Why should they be rewarded for financial irresponsibility?

Worse yet, it sends a message to just blow all your money foolishly and somebody else will come to the rescue.
But they still want welfare to cover a lifestyle beyond their means. The vast majority of them have cell phones, cable, internet, Nike shoes, kids they can't afford to feed, etc, etc, etc. Why should they be rewarded for financial irresponsibility?

Worse yet, it sends a message to just blow all your money foolishly and somebody else will come to the rescue.

That sounds like Corporate welfare to me
But they still want welfare to cover a lifestyle beyond their means. The vast majority of them have cell phones, cable, internet, Nike shoes, kids they can't afford to feed, etc, etc, etc. Why should they be rewarded for financial irresponsibility?

Worse yet, it sends a message to just blow all your money foolishly and somebody else will come to the rescue.

You're conjuring up welfare queens.
I'm at least glad to see you're not celebrating the welfare queens. You see them as a shameful display. That's reasonable.

I would really enjoy stories that fit the intent of the program. I've never known any. I don't see them in stores. And I see plenty of welfare recipients. They all have better things in their carts than I do.

Show me a story of someone who fell on hard times, lived as cheaply as possible on welfare while they worked hard to become trained or educated to better themselves. A cart of generic food items. Wal Mart clothes. Skinny. No Nikes. No cell phones, no cable and internet, no fancy cars. I saw a woman use an EBT card and get into a 2013 Buick Lacrosse.

Where is the actual intent of this program on display? I would feel better knowing most of the stories fit the intent. I am under the impression that they don't.