
I thought I heard a loud suction sound, so dropped by to see WV-FAN going down on Rifle again.

If anyone would know how a fag is created, it would be WV-FAN.

Disclaimer: My apologies to I Am Herdman, if I happened to mimick you on this posting.
Wasn't MichiganHerd the guy who faked being drunk on here?
Would have had to be faking as I don't drink. Especially when posting at 11:00 pm on Christmas Eve. Nobody drinks then. Everybody is getting ready to celebrate Jesus Christ's birthday. It's a huge day for Christians. Even admitted atheists celebrate the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ.
You're still trying to make it something it isn't. My statement that "its unproven that gays are born gay" is a fact. Why are you having so much trouble accepting a scientifically proven statement?

Because you're wrong......

"it's unproven that gays are born gay" is currently a factual statement.

Saying that it is scientifically proven is not true.

Homosexuality is not considered an illness, therefore there are not any funded studies to determine whether it is nature, nurture, or a combination of both. No one is looking for a "cure". There are however a number of scientists who believe that homosexuality is a genetic trait.
Because you're wrong......

"it's unproven that gays are born gay" is currently a factual statement.

Saying that it is scientifically proven is not true.

Homosexuality is not considered an illness, therefore there are not any funded studies to determine whether it is nature, nurture, or a combination of both. No one is looking for a "cure". There are however a number of scientists who believe that homosexuality is a genetic trait.

OK, then I'll restate it to make you happy...its a FACT that its unproven that gays are born gay.
a couple things:

first, michjackass has mimicked posting styles of multiple posters since he began posting on the boards. nothing new here, moving along . . .

more importantly, it may not be "scientifically proven" homosexuals are born gay and, i'll admit, up until speaking to the parent of a set of identical twins about their children's sexuality (these twins are now in their mid to upper 20's), I agreed with greed: however, what the parent had to say totally changed my view and belief.

the parent told me their twin daughters, at an early age (2 to 3 years) displayed very different styles. they played with different toys, one daughter playing with girly toys (i.e. barbies/dolls/etc) and the other always wanting boy toys (matchbox cars/trucks, race tracks, toy guns, etc.) to play with. one little girl always liked dressing up in dresses, the other little girl threw a fit every time the mother would try to put one on her for church or other events. she said she ended up ditching all the dresses/skirts/etc. for that daughter and allowing her to wear pants to church and other social events. even colors were an issue with the first little girl liking her clothes to be typical girly pink/purple/pastels/etc. and the other little girl wanting nothing to do with such colors.

ultimately, the parent had the girls DNA checked and found just what rifle has indicated above: the X chromosome of the children's DNA were exact mirror images of each other, i.e. the X chromosomes were opposite, while all other components of the children's DNA are exactly identical.

today, the first daughter is married with children and the other is a lesbian.

does this prove scientifically that homosexuals are born that way? perhaps not, but it sure as hell changed my view on the matter.

one other example: a guy I graduated high school with has 12 year old twin sons and I had them on my little league football team 2 years ago. one absolutely loved knocking the shit out of whoever we'd put across from him. wanted to try playing every position on the team. the other made it known he wanted nothing to do with the game and that he'd rather be on the sideline cheering and told me the only reason he was playing was because he and his brother made a pact they'd do all such activities together, and that his brother agreed he would join the color guard and join gymnastics with him (not saying heteros can't be members of the color guard nor gymnasts, but hopefully you get the point). the one was always talking about "bitches" and what he'd like to do to them (yes, at 12 years old. these 2 little shits are, without a doubt, the most foul mouthed kids under the age of 18 I've ever been around); the other would yell, "ewww, gross" when his brother talked about "tits, pussy, and ass" (fwiw, I did try correct them, but when their dad laughed things they would say off, what the hell could I do?).

anyhow, the one acts quite feminine. while the parents haven't had their DNA checked, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if theirs was exactly like the example I gave above. and, while neither has come out and professed their sexuality, it won't surprise me a bit when the one comes out and says he's gay.

Identical twins share the same genes, so how can the genes be different?
So, I've seen you guys mess with extra suggesting he's both a scientologist and a Christian.

Which is it? I didn't think scientologists believed in God?
Doesn't kill him any. Whatever the hip and trendy thing is, he will pretend to be all about it.

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