
I agree, Walden. This is the same guy that scolded me for watching TV, due to him having so many great things to do with his life. If this is what living a great life is all about, then I'm not interested. I'll take watching The Factor talking points over a walk in the park any day of the week if this is what it does to you.

Maybe you need to really look at what "it's" doing to you. For such a man's man you sure seem to get bent over easily when asked a basic question in a past thread. You attempted to mock me when you asked me what I do with my time. I answered. I then asked you what the value is in watching rehashed news stories and hiding in Build A Bear Workshop (which you admitted to doing). Sorry you cant handle that. I get it though. It seems you and Walden prefer holding each other's genitals in mutual support of unique positions while also hiding out of sight (apparently in fear) from gay couples.
It has not been scientifically proven that homosexuality is a learned behavior or choice.

Now all I have to do us repeat it about 50 times while avoiding any questions that might prove me inconsistent and I've won the argument. I sure learn a lot on these boards.
That is true. See how easy it is to agree with a fact?

I noticed you left out the part where I said "while avoiding any questions that might prove me inconsistent". So since it's easy, why not address the fact that you hold definitive scientific proof as a means of arguing one point yet totally throw it out the window in favor of faith for your entire religious belief system. Seems a bit inconsistent, no? (I borrowed that from you too.)
I noticed you left out the part where I said "while avoiding any questions that might prove me inconsistent". So since it's easy, why not address the fact that you hold definitive scientific proof as a means of arguing one point yet totally throw it out the window in favor of faith for your entire religious belief system. Seems a bit inconsistent, no? (I borrowed that from you too.)

There is nothing inconsistent about the following statement: It is unproven that gays are born gays.
you are on here everyday reminding us how much you suck

What do I suck at? I think I'm pretty good. I bitch a lot, but I'm old and grumpy. Mainly because I wish everything was still like it was in 1993. Change is very unsettling to me. I like routines and believe in keeping everything just like it is for as long as possible.

But why are you so mad though?

Without an answer, I'm going to assume you're constantly stressed by the pressures of schmoozing.
There is nothing inconsistent about the following statement: It is unproven that gays are born gays.

You realize nobody is arguing that with you right now right? A lot of science points toward there being a genetic component, and there is almost certainly a nurture component as well, but the way you've phrased it yes you're technically correct. Is that what you're looking for?
I'm not buying any of that 'they were born that way' bullshit, not when it comes to learned behavior traits. I remember the old man hating the old hag that lived across the property line from us. He despised the old hag, and always made several comments about her. I learned to hate her just from watching the old man hate her for years. I doubt I was born to hate her. I just hated her because that's what I observed and figured it was the right thing to do. Now days, with all the queers on TV 24/7, I figure this country is in for a huge spike in future queerism.
Were you taught which female characteristics you like or did it just come naturally? Some guys like huge breasts, some like small breasts, some like big butts, others like small butts, some like thick chicks, others like skinny chicks. I suppose your old man taught you which ones to like.
hiding out of sight (apparently in fear) from gay couples.

I hide from most people. Physically, most people are way too intrusive. They either get too close, talk too loud, smell too strong, wear too bright of colors, stare too long, etc. It is very rare for me to find anybody whose presence doesn't seem to just bust out of a wall and proclaim to be the Kool Aid man.
You realize nobody is arguing that with you right now right? A lot of science points toward there being a genetic component, and there is almost certainly a nurture component as well, but the way you've phrased it yes you're technically correct. Is that what you're looking for?

I'm not looking for anything. I made an incontrovertible statement of fact (it is unproven that gays are born gay),and some have danced around it, tried to make it look like something else, or attempted to change the subject.
What do I suck at? I think I'm pretty good. I bitch a lot, but I'm old and grumpy. Mainly because I wish everything was still like it was in 1993. Change is very unsettling to me. I like routines and believe in keeping everything just like it is for as long as possible.

But why are you so mad though?

Without an answer, I'm going to assume you're constantly stressed by the pressures of schmoozing.

Awesome. You almost offered a halfway positive reply. Progress!
What did I specifically say you suck at?(your original accusation) What did I say to you that makes you think I'm angry? Without a specific example I'm not going to assume anything before I reply.

FYI. Schmoozing and Anger don't really go together in the real world. The ability to be effective just doesn't work if both occupy a personality. Schmoozing (for lack of a better term) really isn't stressful to normal humans. There is no pressure in working with people if one has the confidence and desire to do so. Your assertion of anger/ being mad, caused by schmoozing, simply does not exist to those whom you claim are schmoozers.

Anger/frustration is a psychological manifestation of some other stressful trigger, like the inability to deal with change or being around people in general (most likely conditioned during their upbringing). That's clearly your self promoted issue. Again, you keep trying to sell us on why another's life experiences (on whatever the topic) are pointless based on your conditioned prejudices. You usually claim not to care, but yet you keep bitching about it. Another questioning your words or actions does not make the one inquiring angry or mad. It simply points to the fact that some prefer moaners and whiners would take action to improve their general overall outlook, or... simply shut up and go on being grumpy (aka MAD) to themselves.

(I fully expect you to now bitch and moan about having to read more than a paragraph and complain about my schmoozing. Which I will reply...."Hmmmm, and I thought I was supposed to be the mad one here?")
I then asked you what the value is in watching rehashed news stories and hiding in Build A Bear Workshop (which you admitted to doing).

You seem to have edited my original Build a Bear story. What I stated, was that you can't walk through the mall without seeing Romeo & Romeo playing grab ass with one another, and you have to swoop the kids into the store just to avoid having them look at this disgusting display of homosexuality.

Someone else, probably one of the Herd Fan Numbered libs asked about my preference in women. I really don't have a preference. I just know I like women. Well, most women I should have typed out. I don't like those nasty fat white women that seem to think they look good in spandex. Not to mention, they stink like a dead hog that's been laying out in the field under the hot sun for 3 or 4 days. Those are reserved for the wannabee gangster rappers. You see those chicks walking in the mall with the dude that wears his pants about six inches above his knees, proudly displaying his fruit of the looms. That's pretty disgusting to see as well, but not as bad as tuning into the NFL draft, only to see a draftee kissing and playing grab ass with his back street boy toy.
You're still trying to make it something it isn't. My statement that "its unproven that gays are born gay" is a fact. Why are you having so much trouble accepting a scientifically proven statement?
Again, you keep trying to sell us on why another's life experiences (on whatever the topic) are pointless based on your conditioned prejudices.

Pointless to me. I don't care if you all like them or not. What works for you will not work for me. No way, no how. Doesn't make me better or worse. Just means I have to find my own way and don't have "normal" people to show me the way.

Funny in this gay acceptance thread, now all of a sudden you're all about normal. Might as well admit you don't consider them normal either.

Yeah, I've never done anything to improve my situation. The welfare bus just dropped off my degree, forced me into five culture shocks along the way and got me this job despite everybody I knew fighting it tooth and nail. Last 8 years, well they say I do more work than most people there now. But somehow I haven't done anything, because some salesman from North Carolina said I didn't.
just know I like women. Well, most women I should have typed out. I don't like those nasty fat white women that seem to think they look good in spandex. Not to mention, they stink like a dead hog that's been laying out in the field under the hot sun for 3 or 4 days. Those are reserved for the wannabee gangster rappers. You see those chicks walking in the mall with the dude that wears his pants about six inches above his knees, proudly displaying his fruit of the looms. That's pretty disgusting to see as well, but not as bad as tuning into the NFL draft, only to see a draftee kissing and playing grab ass with his back street boy toy.

I'm embarrassed for you that you have turned into such an obvious copycat of ducky. You started it months ago, but you had never done it for months before then.

If I were ducky, and thank god I'm not, I would be annoyed that you are attached so much to my junk that you truly try to post exactly the same, just far less creative and entertaining . . . though ducky's routine is bland and stale anymore. It's the first time ducky has received attention from people without having to punch himself in the head during lunch in high school. So, after getting a little attention on here from it, instead of still contributing with his posts and leaving the humorous ones when he truly has something entertaining to say, he has attempted to make every post entertaining, which has led to no good posts anymore.
You seem to have edited my original Build a Bear story. What I stated, was that you can't walk through the mall without seeing Romeo & Romeo playing grab ass with one another, and you have to swoop the kids into the store just to avoid having them look at this disgusting display of homosexuality.

Someone else, probably one of the Herd Fan Numbered libs asked about my preference in women. I really don't have a preference. I just know I like women. Well, most women I should have typed out. I don't like those nasty fat white women that seem to think they look good in spandex. Not to mention, they stink like a dead hog that's been laying out in the field under the hot sun for 3 or 4 days. Those are reserved for the wannabee gangster rappers. You see those chicks walking in the mall with the dude that wears his pants about six inches above his knees, proudly displaying his fruit of the looms. That's pretty disgusting to see as well, but not as bad as tuning into the NFL draft, only to see a draftee kissing and playing grab ass with his back street boy toy.
1. If you have to hid in a Build a Bear store to hide from homosexuals, you obviously are not that bright.
2. Some guys like those "nasty hogs" and feel skinny (or anything less than obese) is nasty. Deep down, I am sure you have more particular likes/dislikes.
I'm embarrassed for you that you have turned into such an obvious copycat of ducky. You started it months ago, but you had never done it for months before then.

Yeah, I just started this way of thinking a few weeks back, which is why folks have been calling me a racist homophobe on message boards for the last 7-8 years.

Speaking of being embarrassed, now you know the way I felt for you when you posted a photo spread of yourself (over on TITM) for a bunch of grown men, and even chimed in with talking about a big body part. It kind of reminded me of the narcissist, Arche, that used to post here. When did you start acting like him?
Pointless to me. I don't care if you all like them or not. What works for you will not work for me. No way, no how. Doesn't make me better or worse. Just means I have to find my own way and don't have "normal" people to show me the way.

Funny in this gay acceptance thread, now all of a sudden you're all about normal. Might as well admit you don't consider them normal either.

Yeah, I've never done anything to improve my situation. The welfare bus just dropped off my degree, forced me into five culture shocks along the way and got me this job despite everybody I knew fighting it tooth and nail. Last 8 years, well they say I do more work than most people there now. But somehow I haven't done anything, because some salesman from North Carolina said I didn't.

See, another semi positive thread. Even you have it in you. The next step would be to show a little gratitude for the progress you claim to have achieved in your life. Your never ending bitching and whining about your "successes" is the part that is pointless to most. The thing is, incessantly complaining isn't working for you either. How does bitching about your life help you find your way? (rhetorical question- the same kind of question I asked Mich who quickly felt attacked- Whatever you would answer, no doubt it will turn into more complaining, so I'm generally not interested at this point)

I would suggest hanging out with some homosexuals for a while. They are much more normal than you seem to be. Most have an insight and creativity about life that would definitely be beneficial for you. It also may give you some new material. Your schtick has seemed to run its course.
Find it funny that people stand up for Jenner based on the fact that he is courageous in his actions for coming out; but yet crucify Tim Tebow for his actions/beliefs. Talk about hypocritical
You seem to have edited my original Build a Bear story. What I stated, was that you can't walk through the mall without seeing Romeo & Romeo playing grab ass with one another, and you have to swoop the kids into the store just to avoid having them look at this disgusting display of homosexuality.

Yep. Grown man hiding out in a Build A Bear shop. That's what I said you would do.
Find it funny that people stand up for Jenner based on the fact that he is courageous in his actions for coming out; but yet crucify Tim Tebow for his actions/beliefs. Talk about hypocritical

Tebow expressed views that were shared by roughly 90% of Americans. That doesn't take courage.

Jenner did something that was extremely rare due to others in his position feeling shunned.

The two aren't even sort of related.
Yeah, I just started this way of thinking a few weeks back, which is why folks have been calling me a racist homophobe on message boards for the last 7-8 years.

Let me dumb this down for you. Nobody is saying you are copying ducky's opinions. What you are doing is copying his posting style exactly the same way he does it. You started this months ago, but never had done it for the months before that. I'm not the first to call you out on it.

Your brokeback method of posting with him probably creeps him out a bit, too.

Speaking of being embarrassed, now you know the way I felt for you when you posted a photo spread of yourself (over on TITM) for a bunch of grown men, and even chimed in with talking about a big body part. It kind of reminded me of the narcissist, Arche, that used to post here. When did you start acting like him?

It isn't being a narcissist to prove somebody wrong after they referred to you as "fat" and "chubby" ten times over a couple of months. But, I'm glad you are still thinking about me weeks later.

And chemist was the one who started and used the narcissist line with arch. Now, you are even stealing that from him.

Better go read another ducky post so you know how to respond.
Tebow expressed views that were shared by roughly 90% of Americans. That doesn't take courage.

Jenner did something that was extremely rare due to others in his position feeling shunned.

The two aren't even sort of related.
Plus, I can choose whether or not I want to watch the Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner stories. His stuff isn't spoiling my football watching experience.

If after every first down a football player acted like he was chopping off his penis, I would be equally upset about that as I was about Tebow thanking God that the backup safety for Pittsburgh blew his coverage assignment that allowed the playoff winning TD. If I was Pittsburgh, I would be pissed that God helped Tebow & not them.
So Jenner is courageous for being an attention whore that is fruit loop.

Got it.
Plus, I can choose whether or not I want to watch the Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner stories. His stuff isn't spoiling my football watching experience.

If after every first down a football player acted like he was chopping off his penis, I would be equally upset about that as I was about Tebow thanking God that the backup safety for Pittsburgh blew his coverage assignment that allowed the playoff winning TD. If I was Pittsburgh, I would be pissed that God helped Tebow & not them.

Being queer and a fruit cake is more hip to the liberals and young generation. Being a Christian is not anymore. Hell rifle, thinks Jenner is a hero or something.
Being queer and a fruit cake is more hip to the liberals and young generation. Being a Christian is not anymore. Hell rifle, thinks Jenner is a hero or something.

When was being Christian ever "hip," grandpa? DC Talks doesn't count.
When was being Christian ever "hip," grandpa? DC Talks doesn't count.

At one time is was respected in this country.

Most of this gay support is token appreciation. It is either for some gain(Democrats getting votes) or lip service to make people think you care. Deep down you all laugh as well.
Tebow expressed views that were shared by roughly 90% of Americans. That doesn't take courage.

Jenner did something that was extremely rare due to others in his position feeling shunned.

The two aren't even sort of related.

They are most certainly related. In an age where its not cool to express ones beliefs, Tebow bucked the trend despite his haters in the media and elsewhere. That takes courage. As usual, you twist issues to your own benefit. Shocking.

BTW, I could care less about Jenner. Whatever floats his boat. I can choose to watch his story or not.
In an age where its not cool to express ones beliefs, Tebow bucked the trend despite his haters in the media and elsewhere.

What kind of bizarro world do you live in? We are in an age where it's not cool to express one's beliefs? What world are you living in? We are in a completely opposite age of that.

Nobody cared that tebow wore his religion on his sleeve. It is very common for athletes to give thanks to their God in post-game interviews. Tebow wasn't criticized for that. He was criticized for doing it to an overkill in everything he did. Even other Christians were criticizing him for it.
Many Christians have this disturbing persecution where they feel violated when others don't kowtow to their to their beliefs and, in the case of Tebow, they blow up some people making fun of somebody into a massive sociological trend.
Many Christians have this disturbing persecution where they feel violated when others don't kowtow to their to their beliefs and, in the case of Tebow, they blow up some people making fun of somebody into a massive sociological trend.
Can you explain the difference between that and the Jenner thing now?
Can you explain the difference between that and the Jenner thing now?

It's a whole lot harder to come out as a transsexual than a christian, but you're correct that there are parallels between different groups that like to feel persecuted. Doesn't help when a large portion of government goes out and actively does it to some of the people liberals accuse them of doing it to though.
a couple things:

first, michjackass has mimicked posting styles of multiple posters since he began posting on the boards. nothing new here, moving along . . .

more importantly, it may not be "scientifically proven" homosexuals are born gay and, i'll admit, up until speaking to the parent of a set of identical twins about their children's sexuality (these twins are now in their mid to upper 20's), I agreed with greed: however, what the parent had to say totally changed my view and belief.

the parent told me their twin daughters, at an early age (2 to 3 years) displayed very different styles. they played with different toys, one daughter playing with girly toys (i.e. barbies/dolls/etc) and the other always wanting boy toys (matchbox cars/trucks, race tracks, toy guns, etc.) to play with. one little girl always liked dressing up in dresses, the other little girl threw a fit every time the mother would try to put one on her for church or other events. she said she ended up ditching all the dresses/skirts/etc. for that daughter and allowing her to wear pants to church and other social events. even colors were an issue with the first little girl liking her clothes to be typical girly pink/purple/pastels/etc. and the other little girl wanting nothing to do with such colors.

ultimately, the parent had the girls DNA checked and found just what rifle has indicated above: the X chromosome of the children's DNA were exact mirror images of each other, i.e. the X chromosomes were opposite, while all other components of the children's DNA are exactly identical.

today, the first daughter is married with children and the other is a lesbian.

does this prove scientifically that homosexuals are born that way? perhaps not, but it sure as hell changed my view on the matter.

one other example: a guy I graduated high school with has 12 year old twin sons and I had them on my little league football team 2 years ago. one absolutely loved knocking the shit out of whoever we'd put across from him. wanted to try playing every position on the team. the other made it known he wanted nothing to do with the game and that he'd rather be on the sideline cheering and told me the only reason he was playing was because he and his brother made a pact they'd do all such activities together, and that his brother agreed he would join the color guard and join gymnastics with him (not saying heteros can't be members of the color guard nor gymnasts, but hopefully you get the point). the one was always talking about "bitches" and what he'd like to do to them (yes, at 12 years old. these 2 little shits are, without a doubt, the most foul mouthed kids under the age of 18 I've ever been around); the other would yell, "ewww, gross" when his brother talked about "tits, pussy, and ass" (fwiw, I did try correct them, but when their dad laughed things they would say off, what the hell could I do?).

anyhow, the one acts quite feminine. while the parents haven't had their DNA checked, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if theirs was exactly like the example I gave above. and, while neither has come out and professed their sexuality, it won't surprise me a bit when the one comes out and says he's gay.

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