So the fact that the earth is the third planet from the sun is relevant in this conversation?
Not going off topic with you.
It has not been proven that gays are born gay.
So the fact that the earth is the third planet from the sun is relevant in this conversation?
Not going off topic with you.
It has not been proven that gays are born gay.
Because: Your opinions and irrelevant comments do not change that fact.
Let me get this straight...we have someone arguing that there is no proof that a person is born gay even though homosexuality has existed from the beginning of recorded history, through out every race, and within every imaginable economic, social, and family environment
. Tell a bunch of lies, dupe everybody and see how long it takes until you start actually believing the bull yourself.
Yep, hell I don't even know what to believe anymore. How do you all do this? Maybe you all were city folks from the start. I wasn't.
It's a nice convenient easy life I guess, but something's missing. This ain't me. When I was 16, if someone said this was my future I would have punched them in the face and quit school.
And so it is with murder, rape, theft, etc.
If murder, rape. and theft were a choice or learned behavior, the psychological underpinnings of the behavior would have become evident through observation.
It has not been proven that gays are born gay.
bKeep rambling. I'm not sure anyone knows wtf you are talking about half the time anyway. I'm am starting to actually believe you are simply another Sisters that happened to learn how to spell.
It has not been proven that gays are born gay.
If this is what living a great life is all about, then I'm not interested.
I'll figure it out eventually, or maybe I won't.
had I decided to venture into Raleigh's lifestyle for an hour or so
He doesn't actually have a point, he's just posting the same thing over and over because his Xenu-translator or whatever is broken.
So God doesn't exist because it has not been proven, right?
It has not been proven that gays are born gay.
True or false?
My point has not been proven that gays are born gay. Fact.
But you already stated that it wouldn't matter to you one way or the other, so it's a bit confusing why you keep repeating the same line that you don't even care about.
It has not been proven that gays are born gay.
True or false?
. And here we are, with people unable to accept the fact that its unproven that gays are born gay.
So you've sat here arguing over a point you don't care about for multiple pages because?
It has not been proven that God exists. True or false?
You're unable to accept the fact that people are born with a chromosome that has a strong impact on them
being straight or gay.
Not allowing this to go off track. It is unproven that gays are born gay. That's the point, and its a fact
So you've sat here arguing over a point you don't care about for multiple pages because?
I see that you're taking your usual cowardly way out.
I answered your question, so you should answer mine.
Why are you always so mad? You know for people who supposedly have it all and like to tell me how much I suck, you all seem pretty miserable and angry.
What's the deal?